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sshortcircuit - 2016-08-11 10:08 AM"In my experience running noisy generator tends to be associated with having tattoos and wearing vests to display your body - and that's just the women"In my experience, those that generalise with such silly comments have little credibility


Has the lack of a sense of humour been a big problem in your life?


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I have a Honda eu10i which I use when on long trips on the boat. Also take it in the motorhome and it is excellent. For self sufficiency every motorhome should have one. Several motorhomers have said 'I wish I had one of those'.

I would never install solar panels as they are expensive, complicated to install and unreliable in that they deteriorate quite rapidly, particularly the semi flexible ones.

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StuartO - 2016-08-11 10:11 AM
sshortcircuit - 2016-08-11 10:08 AM"In my experience running noisy generator tends to be associated with having tattoos and wearing vests to display your body - and that's just the women"In my experience, those that generalise with such silly comments have little credibility


Has the lack of a sense of humour been a big problem in your life?

Not with intelligent banter!
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StuartO - 2016-08-11 10:02 AM
pepe63 - 2016-08-10 7:21 PM
StuartO - 2016-08-10 4:44 PM...We have to be a little bit tolerant of the needs of others sometimes, don't we?
Their "needs" yes....but their "wants"? no, not necessarily ....The vast majority of these supposed "needs" seem to be little more than "wanting" to watch their "soaps" , power the likes of a microwave and/or the missus's hair straighteners and/or their kid's dvd player/computer games... *-) Before anyone posts about how their mate/brother-in-law/a bloke at work, has a portable dialysis machine and/or a mobility scooter etc well again, somewhere with hook-up would probably provide a better charging option.


I take your point about the difference between needs and wants and I too have been irritated when someone on a camping field runs one of those small, cheap, very noisy two stroke generators for no apparent pressing reason - but I probably still wouldn't go over and challenge them.  If you did ask politely they might curtail the noise but these days they might just as likely tell you to FO.  In my experience running noisy generator tends to be associated with having tattoos and wearing vests to display your body.  Typically there will be two or more MHs parked together with windbreaks marking out a generous slice of surrounding territory within which lots of BBQs and other stuff will have been unloaded and deployed - oh and some very rowdy kids. 


You could try a rational conversation but the better remedy, if you are bothered and can be bothered, is to quietly move yourself.

Maybe you have got into the habit of staying on cheap nasty campsites ?
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Malo37 - 2016-08-11 10:16 AM


I have a Honda eu10i which I use when on long trips on the boat. Also take it in the motorhome and it is excellent. For self sufficiency every motorhome should have one. Several motorhomers have said 'I wish I had one of those'.



Hi Malo'...


I can perhaps understand taking it with you, if you already have one sitting in the shed but can I ask, what is it that you actually "need" it to run/charge?..


When we had our "proper" MHs, we would routinely: and easily, manage to be "self sufficient" off ehu at festivals for 4-5 days and could even manage the 7-8 days of the Glastonbury week...

Admittedly, this would only be between early April and late October,( so not that much heating would be used) but we'd still be using the *shower, water pump and lighting, charging phones & camera batteries everyday..and our vans only had the OE battery & charger set-ups , with no additional battery nor solar etc.

(* our 100 ltr water tank would run out before the battery power did..).


So what is it that folk are taking that makes a standalone generator a must-have item?


(obviously, if someone is living full time in a van,then the above question is far less relevant ).




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aandncaravan - 2016-08-11 12:17 AM




By the way the poster who quoted a Microwave uses double it's 'cooking' power is wrong. That figure is almost always quoted, but the actual figure is nearer 50%, for example an 850w microwave needs about 1,200watts, not the 1900watt figure usually 'expected'. You will also often read stories about Microwaves also needing extra 'start-up' power, which is actually only a few watts on modern Microwaves not the hundreds often quoted.




I did say approximately. :-D :-D

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I also think that if someone "needs/wants" to fire up a generator and some one is within hearing distance, it might be courteous to just ask if it will be too intrusive, and say how long it will last.

The last couple of occasions I have heard one it has been early evening, not sure whats on telly then! or may be cooking who knows. I just cant help feel that any noise generator /loud tv etc is inconsiderate. If we have the "wireless" on my wife goes outside to make sure if anyone is around it cant be heard. Not too much of an onerous task.

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stvekay - 2016-08-11 12:54 PM

I just cant help feel that any noise generator /loud tv etc is inconsiderate. If we have the "wireless" on my wife goes outside to make sure if anyone is around it cant be heard. Not too much of an onerous task.


Yes, we're the same. I just hate to think that I'm imposing my noise upon anyone else. Some of us are just built or brought up that way, while some aren't.


I often think that one of the best modifications that Sevel could have made to the motorhome version of the chassis would have been to disable the front door speakers while the vehicle is parked. It's as if people have never been outside with the radio/stereo on and don't realise that 2/3rds of the sound, and nearly all of the bass, are directed outdoors and into neighbouring vans.



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Malo37 - 2016-08-11 10:16 AM

I would never install solar panels as they are expensive, complicated to install and unreliable in that they deteriorate quite rapidly, particularly the semi flexible ones.


The 130W panel on my old van was working just fine after 7 years when I sold it with the van. Cost me £200 for the panel, fixings, cables and regulator, and easy peasy to install on a PVC and would be easier still on a coachbuilt (no ribbed roof to deal with!).


On the new van adding 1x120 and 2x80W panels +MPPT reg took me a morning. On a decent day in Scotland, it will push 12A into the batteries, and in summer no matter the weather I am always able to collect the 30 or so AH used the night before.


In winter I will agree they are less useful, I have seen as little as 5AH from the panels on a miserable winters day, but generally get a useful 10-15AH boost. I use a NASA BM1 to count AH in/out of the batteries.


I carry a long brush to clear the snow off them through the rooflight if its snowing. My van is a simple PVC with 2x140AH batteries, and I appear to manage just fine with normal use including watching the telle for 3/4 nights in mid winter at a ski area where the temp is not getting above zero.


So to counter, the 'I would never have them' statements, I have to say I would not consider running a van *without* solar panels - such are their huge advantages over anything else.



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pepe63 - 2016-08-11 11:53 AM


Malo37 - 2016-08-11 10:16 AM


I have a Honda eu10i which I use when on long trips on the boat. Also take it in the motorhome and it is excellent. For self sufficiency every motorhome should have one. Several motorhomers have said 'I wish I had one of those'.



Hi Malo'...


I can perhaps understand taking it with you, if you already have one sitting in the shed but can I ask, what is it that you actually "need" it to run/charge?..


When we had our "proper" MHs, we would routinely: and easily, manage to be "self sufficient" off ehu at festivals for 4-5 days and could even manage the 7-8 days of the Glastonbury week...

Admittedly, this would only be between early April and late October,( so not that much heating would be used) but we'd still be using the *shower, water pump and lighting, charging phones & camera batteries everyday..and our vans only had the OE battery & charger set-ups , with no additional battery nor solar etc.

(* our 100 ltr water tank would run out before the battery power did..).


So what is it that folk are taking that makes a standalone generator a must-have item?


(obviously, if someone is living full time in a van,then the above question is far less relevant ).





I am confused on the reason for asking the question on why he wants to run a generator? That is unless you also want to ask all those people who fit thousands of pounds worth of Solar, EFOY, B2B units, etc. to their vehicles to get greater Independence by being off grid?



You also say above in your response to mine that no one should try and promote the one Generator that is 'Silent' (not just any Honda as you write) because it will just result in people buying something unsociable.


People will be unsociable, like the old man next to us at Moreton-In-Marsh who had his TV so loud you could hear it 6 Pitches away, that's how it sometimes is. Should we have a campaign to ban all TV's because some are loud?


Isn't it better to try and promote a Silent Generator option than go around saying they are ALL noisy?










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aandncaravan - 2016-08-11 1:21 PM


pepe63 - 2016-08-11 11:53 AM


Malo37 - 2016-08-11 10:16 AM


I have a Honda eu10i which I use when on long trips on the boat. Also take it in the motorhome and it is excellent. For self sufficiency every motorhome should have one. Several motorhomers have said 'I wish I had one of those'.



Hi Malo'...


I can perhaps understand taking it with you, if you already have one sitting in the shed but can I ask, what is it that you actually "need" it to run/charge?..


When we had our "proper" MHs, we would routinely: and easily, manage to be "self sufficient" off ehu at festivals for 4-5 days and could even manage the 7-8 days of the Glastonbury week...

Admittedly, this would only be between early April and late October,( so not that much heating would be used) but we'd still be using the *shower, water pump and lighting, charging phones & camera batteries everyday..and our vans only had the OE battery & charger set-ups , with no additional battery nor solar etc.

(* our 100 ltr water tank would run out before the battery power did..).


So what is it that folk are taking that makes a standalone generator a must-have item?


(obviously, if someone is living full time in a van,then the above question is far less relevant ).





I am confused on the reason for asking the question on why he wants to run a generator? That is unless you also want to ask all those people who fit thousands of pounds worth of Solar, EFOY, B2B units, etc. to their vehicles to get greater Independence by being off grid?



You also say above in your response to mine that no one should try and promote the one Generator that is 'Silent' (not just any Honda as you write) because it will just result in people buying something unsociable.


People will be unsociable, like the old man next to us at Moreton-In-Marsh who had his TV so loud you could hear it 6 Pitches away, that's how it sometimes is. Should we have a campaign to ban all TV's because some are loud?


Isn't it better to try and promote a Silent Generator option than go around saying they are ALL noisy?





Definition of "silent" someone please?




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I think the word that I was looking for in my earlier posting was "TOLERANCE".


I am intrigued to know how one becomes qualified to make judgements and advise people how to differentiate between "Needs" and "Wants", or is it simply a case of attempting to impose your own standards and judgements on other people, regardless of the validity of your judgements?


I have very strong feelings about a great many things, not everyone will agree with me, but I don't like people who drink too much, I have very strong views about the sanctity of marriage, I abhor the lifestyle choices of homosexuals, I have a very low opinion of a lot of football supporters, my ideas of how to deal with people who take or deal in drugs could get me into serious trouble. I could go on, and I really believe that I am right, but I have no right to try to impose my views on any other person, and I wouldn't try.


If people are not breaking the law you have no right to have a go at them, after all, you might even be wrong.


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aandncaravan - 2016-08-11 1:21 PM


a)I am confused on the reason for asking the question on why he wants to run a generator? That is unless you also want to ask all those people who fit thousands of pounds worth of Solar, EFOY, B2B units, etc. to their vehicles to get greater Independence by being off grid?


b)You also say above in your response to mine that no one should try and promote the one Generator that is 'Silent' (not just any Honda as you write) because it will just result in people buying something unsociable.


a) I would've thought that was obvious based on the fact that I also pointed out that we manage off hook-up for up to a week?...also of the options you mention, none but the "generator" are going to disturb others.

(on the subject of solar, again, I'm not convinced that a lot of people who have it really "need" it either ;-)).


b )Where did I say that no one should promote a generator that is "Silent" ?..I just said that the vast majority of "leisure users" would not be shelling out for a Honda and would instead be opting for a cheap, noisy "copy".


(..and Hondas, and similar, are not "silent" anyway) ;-)

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StuartO - 2016-08-11 5:04 PM
Archiesgrandad - 2016-08-11 2:38 PM....If people are not breaking the law you have no right to have a go at them, after all, you might even be wrong.AGD


Sounds reasonable to me.

But isn't it a poor state of affairs, if we just rely on whether something is legal or not..?What happened to common courtesy and consideration for others?..It's not a legal requirement to say please and thank you..but personally, I'd rather people still did.... ;-)
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pepe63 - 2016-08-11 5:58 PM
StuartO - 2016-08-11 5:04 PM
Archiesgrandad - 2016-08-11 2:38 PM....If people are not breaking the law you have no right to have a go at them, after all, you might even be wrong.AGD


Sounds reasonable to me.

But isn't it a poor state of affairs, if we just rely on whether something is legal or not..?What happened to common courtesy and consideration for others?..It's not a legal requirement to say please and thank you..but personally, I'd rather people still did.... ;-)


No reason why you can't ask someone to turn a generator off if you want to of course.  And that's obviously when courtesy comes into it - no point in being challenging or unpleasant about it or you probably won't get very far.


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pepe63 - 2016-08-11 11:53 AM


Malo37 - 2016-08-11 10:16 AM


I have a Honda eu10i which I use when on long trips on the boat. Also take it in the motorhome and it is excellent. For self sufficiency every motorhome should have one. Several motorhomers have said 'I wish I had one of those'.



Hi Malo'...


I can perhaps understand taking it with you, if you already have one sitting in the shed but can I ask, what is it that you actually "need" it to run/charge?..


When we had our "proper" MHs, we would routinely: and easily, manage to be "self sufficient" off ehu at festivals for 4-5 days and could even manage the 7-8 days of the Glastonbury week...

Admittedly, this would only be between early April and late October,( so not that much heating would be used) but we'd still be using the *shower, water pump and lighting, charging phones & camera batteries everyday..and our vans only had the OE battery & charger set-ups , with no additional battery nor solar etc.

(* our 100 ltr water tank would run out before the battery power did..).


So what is it that folk are taking that makes a standalone generator a must-have item?


(obviously, if someone is living full time in a van,then the above question is far less relevant ).



Just in case of flat batts. Hate campsites and avoid whenever possible.

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Malo37 - 2016-08-11 8:28 PMYou could argue that it's equally discourteous to ask someone to turn their generator off. Im sure you do things that annoy others. Just live and let live.

I don't see sense in that idea; it's not offensive or unreasonable to ask someone to make less noise as long as you do it in an inoffensive way, although of course you might still get turned down.


Nor is it unreasonable to use a generator and make a bit of noise if you need to, although it would be best to consider others in the way and when you go about it.


The point ArchiesGrandad was making is that there are too many people who feel entitled to tell other people what to do these days or to declare that other people are wrong about something which is merely a matter of differing opinion.


The definition of noise is "unwanted sound" so by definition it is a perceptual matter - and for example loud music can be someone's magnificent sound at the same time as being someone else's terrible noise.  There are laws about making a nuisance by emitting noise but they are aimed at dealing with bad cases and they effectively only tackle noise which persists over quite a period of time, so they would be unlikely to empower even enforcement officers to tell someone to stop using a generator on a camping field for a few hours.   So if you want someone to make less sound (because to you it is noise) you need to ask nicely.


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