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A challenge for 2017?


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We are about to complete, finger crossed, our own 2016 challenge which was to “do” the National Three Peaks but in 24 weeks not hours! We will have spent 2 weeks in each in Snowdonia & Anglesey [May], the Highlands of Scotland [July] & the Lake District [sept.] and have really enjoyed it.


We like to think that we are active and we do enjoy getting “out & about” in the wild blue yonder with our motorhome & dog, Louie.


So what to challenge ourselves to do in 2017? Any ideas?






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Pipkim - 2016-08-08 10:49 AM


We are about to complete, finger crossed, our own 2016 challenge which was to “do” the National Three Peaks but in 24 weeks not hours! We will have spent 2 weeks in each in Snowdonia & Anglesey [May], the Highlands of Scotland [July] & the Lake District [sept.] and have really enjoyed it.


We like to think that we are active and we do enjoy getting “out & about” in the wild blue yonder with our motorhome & dog, Louie.


So what to challenge ourselves to do in 2017? Any ideas?






Are you quite sure that it was all done in the wild BLUE yonder Phil - methinks some of it was quite grey and wet at times!


Peter's suggestion of walking the rivers is something you would enjoy - unless you had a wet suit on - however, on a serious note, I'm not sure if you have done the Cleveland Way in its entirety or how you would plan it with Motorhome stopovers but you would see some stunning countryside.


With all the walking you both do perhaps you may do your next challenge for charity? We've had the Chausson for nearly a year so that will need replacing soon and maybe we could be your chosen charity (just joking - on both counts) or maybe one of the dog sanctuary's?


Best of luck with whatever you get up to though,


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Thanks for those suggestions.


The Outer Hebrides is on our "list" and we thought of combining it with our Ben Nevis ascent but time did not allow.


The suggestion of doing some of the National Trails has been thought of but, as David has said, they are linear and thus difficult to do with one motorhome. As we have two bikes, perhaps there is some scope there [note not the electric ones that David although that is also an idea!]


I have just saved an article from Country Walking magazine in which the River Esk is followed from sea to source and, as we will be staying at Ravenglass at the end of our Scafell Pike ascent, may be worth looking at esp. using the railway.


I do need to find a "theme" though!


Thanks again.




Lots of

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Pipkim - 2016-08-08 4:19 PM


Thanks for those suggestions.


The Outer Hebrides is on our "list" and we thought of combining it with our Ben Nevis ascent but time did not allow.


The suggestion of doing some of the National Trails has been thought of but, as David has said, they are linear and thus difficult to do with one motorhome. As we have two bikes, perhaps there is some scope there [note not the electric ones that David although that is also an idea!]


I have just saved an article from Country Walking magazine in which the River Esk is followed from sea to source and, as we will be staying at Ravenglass at the end of our Scafell Pike ascent, may be worth looking at esp. using the railway.


I do need to find a "theme" though!


Thanks again.




Lots of


Can't beat a good railway theme Phil.............



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