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Accessory Catalogues

Mel E

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The CAK Tanks Catalogue (CAK = Caravan Accessories Kenilworth) has often been mentioned on this site for its comprehensive coverage - and it is truly a delight. Just a pity that their customer service isn't up to the same quality. Now I've found an even better catalogue - and, for the most part, the prices are better too. It is 402 pages long and also contains items not normally available in the UK, such as the Seitz Shower Screen that, just like a Seitz Blind, slides away into a cassette. Only problem is it's in French from Narbonne Accessoires. Pick up a copy next time you're in France. The most obvious branches to call in at are: - at Seclin, on the A1 Autoroute just south of Lille, where there are about 6 or 7 motorhome dealerships - south of Rouen at the Tourville La Riviere retail park which contains just about every French 'category killer' store chain there is plus a huge Carrefour. But don't expect everything to be in stock at every branch. However, they will order for you and send it on.
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Quite agree with you. While we were having our wing mirror replaced at Masters at La Roche-Roche-sur-Yon this summer I picked up one of their catalogues which was very comprehensive. Perhaps not as large as the Narbonne one. Masters seems to have numerous branches also a website lemonde du campingcar.com
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