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Pyrennes east to west

Hazy Baby

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Hi all! Going to France as usual this September into October - about 5 weeks - and thinking of a completely new area - to us. Fancy following, not going over, the Pyrennes from east to west. Has anyone any experience of the roads in that area I.e suitability for a motorhome? Have googled but most info is about going over into Spain which is not our intention. Our Laika is just less than 6m so hoping roads will be fine for us! Thanks, Hazel
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Living 80km from Toulouse we have spent many happy days in the Pyrennes in our 6m motorhome. Some of the roads are narrow and steep but in general perfectly OK. We particularly enjoy popping over one pass into Spain and coming back on another, especially as we find food and wine cheaper in Spain.
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Thanks, Ian. Nice area to live! Do you mean the roads parallel to the mountains can also be steep and twisty or just the ones "over the top"? As I said we just want to go from the Med coast to the Atlantic on this occasion, not into Spain. If we like what we see, perhaps that's for next year! Hazel
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I hear what you say about Spain, but the Spainish side is warmer, drier, less expensive, and has generally better roads and a very different scenic look to the French side of the Pyrenees - less touristy in Spain for a start!


Sept to Oct might well be wet and if it is it is often a lot wetter on the French side with low cloud and porr visibility so don't dismiss Spain just yet - unless you like poor visibility and rain!


The roads French side are OK but can be quite interesting at times as they tend to be more twisty and thus more scenic, especially if you travel through the mountains and hills cross sountry than they do if you travel to cross the range from France to Spain.


Just take it nice and slow and steady and you will be fine - assuming that you know your van and have a basic competence in van handling.


We don't use sites so can't say, but Aires abound and many of them are free and most of those that do charge are only around 7 Euros.



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Thanks to both! Rich, you really have thrown a spanner in the works as we (well I!) had convinced ourselves that best to do familiar France first and then Spain later. We have been to Spain but not in the van. Lots to think about.........perhaps need a trip to Waterstones tomorrow to buy Spanish maps to go with our set of French Michelin locals! Hazel
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The mountain passes parallel to the border can be higher and more difficult than the crossing ones eg Tourmalet. I would have no qualms taking a 6m (or larger) van over them, they are all regularly traversed by lorries. If you have been to other mountain areas such as the Alps then you won't have any trouble. Driven much worse in Italy!


We did the french E Pyrennes in sept/Oct a few years ago fromSt Girons to Port Vendres, some wet weather but some lovely. Pyrenees Catalanes regional park is nice, stayed on an abandoned campsite (no facilities) near Mont Louis some lovely walks at Lac des Bouillouses.


Having said that we did the Spanish side for the first time this year and were very favourably impressed. Roads much wider and better surfaced. Scenery just as good if not better. Important for us walking with dogs, was no sheep and no protection dogs.

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We have done the Pyrenees a few times and it is one of our favourite trips. Down towards Andorra turn west and just keep on going. We first did it by following the tour we France cycle route over most of the cols. We always go September and have been bathed in sunshine most of the time, you can't predict the weather so just go for it 7 Metre M/H no problem, the roads are not busy and made to enjoy the scenery, what's the rush east to west a doddle, can n have lots of stop overs of two or three night.. My tip ditch the sat have follow a good map to each days destination Enjoy B-) :-D
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Melenter - 2016-08-14 8:23 PM


We have done the Pyrenees a few times and it is one of our favourite trips. Down towards Andorra turn west and just keep on going. We first did it by following the tour we France cycle route over most of the cols. We always go September and have been bathed in sunshine most of the time, you can't predict the weather so just go for it 7 Metre M/H no problem, the roads are not busy and made to enjoy the scenery, what's the rush east to west a doddle, can n have lots of stop overs of two or three night.. My tip ditch the sat have follow a good map to each days destination Enjoy B-) :-D


Thanks Melenter! Yes, we never use the satnav once in an area we want to explore - the local French Michelin maps are great especially for cycling on the minor roads. I expect Spain have something similar. Hazel

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The French IGN are similar to our OS maps, the large scale being much better for cycling. The details of the mountains may put of cycling though!

Note some roads are definitely unsuitable for motorhomes these are usually marked before you enter the gorge, as there are tight bends, very narrow roads and outcrops of rocks that will make your van a convertible!

Otherwise it is beautiful region.

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