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Just home from the Malvern show, lovely weather and could have been enjoyable to sit outside van between wandering round show, It was not to be due to selfishness of people running generaters most of the day,One person had to move to escape the exhaust fumes and the noise was constant, I think the organisers should ask if people need to use these unsociable machines and make sure they all create noise fumes in their own area and leave others in peace, Now I feel better,but will anyone take any nqtice,
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chello - 2016-08-15 9:56 PM


Just home from the Malvern show, lovely weather and could have been enjoyable to sit outside van between wandering round show, It was not to be due to selfishness of people running generaters most of the day,One person had to move to escape the exhaust fumes and the noise was constant, I think the organisers should ask if people need to use these unsociable machines and make sure they all create noise fumes in their own area and leave others in peace, Now I feel better,but will anyone take any nqtice,


...we arrived back from a music festival yesterday, and we'd had a *similar experience.


The only time that we were at our van and the neighbouring caravan owner DIDN'T have his genny running, was when we were getting back to the van at midnight plus.....

(first thing in the morning?-running....pop back to van for supplies midday?-running..."teatime"?-running!)


They seemed a nice enough family but when briefly chatting, I asked how long he'd leave his genny running, as for all intents and purposes, it had been making a noise pretty much constantly, he just shrugged and said his batteries needed charging... *-)


All of which meant we spent less time relaxing at the van than we would've liked..


Oh well..You can but ask..but I suppose you can't expect to be able to impart courtesy and consideration in a two minute chat, whilst standing at the perimeter of someone's windbreak "compound"..... *-)


A mid-sized Yank RV had appeared on the other side of him the one morning('must have arrived late the previous evening)....but he didn't stay there long. as later in the morning I noticed it parked up on the walk in to the festival. I gave him a cursory "..Mornin' mate..weren't you over by us earlier?..." and I got a "..yeah..but there was a *$*&*ing generator rattlin' away from first thing!.."

(actually it was started up at 9am on the Sunday morning).


*Coincidently, I was posting on a thread about this very subject last week...on which I,and others, were told to "live and let live"....

it was also implied by some that, rather than the genny-users, was in fact the non-genny owners who were being inconsiderate, by objecting to their inconsiderate use?? (..yeah, work that one out.... *-) )


(..Oh! and guess what: the genny in question wasn't the much talked about "silent" Honda, nor was it only running for only 1 1/2 hrs a day.... ;-) )

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pepe63 - 2016-08-16 9:45 AM

it was also implied by some that, rather than the genny-users, was in fact the non-genny owners who were being inconsiderate, by objecting to their inconsiderate use?? (..yeah, work that one out.... *-) )


Yes, I struggled with that one too so decided to keep well out of the discussion. Oh damn... :-D

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We considered it a bonus that last time we where at Gatcombe we where out of hearing range of any genny's, in the past we have been surrounded by genny users.

One year we had a couple fire up first thing whilst we where having breakfast, then another couple when we where back at van for lunch, and even more in the evening. It got so bad we went off to minchinghampton common in the evening so we could have dinner in peace.

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Steve928 - 2016-08-16 10:19 AM


pepe63 - 2016-08-16 9:45 AM

it was also implied by some that, rather than the genny-users, was in fact the non-genny owners who were being inconsiderate, by objecting to their inconsiderate use?? (..yeah, work that one out.... *-) )


Yes, I struggled with that one too so decided to keep well out of the discussion. Oh damn... :-D


I also struggled with the logic.

When I saw the title of this post "noise" I thought it was going to be about engine/wind noise etc. I was going to post a tongue in cheek comment about generators!

If generators are so "necessary" why don't most manufacturers include them as standard?

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