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The Tunnel


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Following my personal experience of being attacked in my M/H on the Calais Ferry port approach road by migrants it is now my preferred choice to use the Tunnel. So far I haven't had any problems but I just thought I would ask if anyone has experienced any problems recently. Going across in September.





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We went across in January with out any problems. We noticed that more secure fencing had been added since we traveled in 2015, I think there are three now. We went to pet passport and didn't see any migrants.

Of course others may have been more recently. We are going again in September. I imagine its the return journey, which one would be more likely to encounter problems. I always keep all doors locked.

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There seem to have been no reports (that I've seen) of mass immigrant attacks at the Calais Tunnel since the new fencing was installed, so hopefully using the Chunnel to come back to UK is now safer than it was.


I would still be cautious about stopping in or around Calais before driving to the Tunnel Terminal, for example visiting the Auchan store at Coquelles, where I would not leave the MH unattended.  

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For what it's worth, I've travelled through Calais ferry port four times in the last few months and seen no sign of immigrants on the road into the port. Perhaps the significant increase in security around the jungle has had the desired effect.
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I have used the tunnel 4 times this year and not seen any problems.Only the Queue to get through the booking in gate and security, No port in France or Belgium is now free of Imigrants , we have seen them down at Caen.

I will be using the tunnel again next week. Security at Citie europe as also been stepped up any imigrant found in or near the compex is picked up and removed., Apparently to a spot some miles out of Calais

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aka4ajax - 2016-08-19 6:58 AMQuite a lot went in to this fairly recent thread about mine and others experiences over the last couple of weeks.

I read that and when I posted I wanted to avoid a "ding dong" about migrants. I have been attacked on the road and had attempted bike theft at the Aire. So it's made me a bit nervous, the Tunnel has proved to be problem free for now and it's good to see it is still without problems. I no longer stop anywhere around Calais after watching a gang casually walking around M/Hs and vans trying the doors at City de Europe. For those who have had no problems I can only hope that it ever remains so, but like all gambles, some you win and some you lose.H
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We were there last month and there were no issues at all.

We actually used Zeebrugge, but passed Cite Europe in either direction en-route to Normandy.

We stopped for fuel at Cite Europe on the return leg (new petrol station and has bourne for motorhomes) and due to a missed turn and the satnav going into meltdown, we took the exit road to the Eurotunnel check in area. They've erected high wire fences and razor wire plus there were plenty of patrols but no illegals at all.

we thought being July, they must have gone on holiday?

There were plenty of police parked up in fields next to the fences, so looked to have got onto of the situation.


What was interesting was at Zeebrugge, talking to the staff who were carrying out the port checks on all vehicles - the view from above seemed to be that it was a matter of time before they moved from Calais to other ports and that the only reason why they've congregated en-mass in Calais is due to the frequency of crossings. Other ports are expecting similar camps to be set up near their port and UK ports are looking at contingency plans for containing mass numbers who do slip through the net, rather than the odd 3 or 4 who are currently making it on the freight routes.




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There is press coverage today of a sustained and organised migrant effort to board lorries entering the Ferry Port by using violent means to stop and attack all traffic, so that thr lories come to a halt and can then be boarded.  They are burning road blocks on the motorway and chain saws to cut down trees with which they then block the approach road.  These attacks seem to be taking place at night, sometimes several times per night.  The tactic seems to involve forcing a traffic jam by attacking any vehicles,including cars and presumably motorhomes if they are present, in order to force the lorries to stop.


The approach roads to the Tunnel have not been mentioned.


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Just goes to show, you never know these days with the crossing its becoming like a game of Russian Roulette. 

Only an amount of time before someone gets hurt here or at any channel crossing.
The best advice anyone can take, is to plan your journey to arrive in the allocated time you can enter the port or tunnel facility. And if looking for an early morning or night crossing, try to arrive in daylight before any of these illegal road blocks take place.

Be safe everyone, check status before travelling and ensure your MH is locked at all times, even if you can not see anyone and the road is clear. Just plan for the worst, just incase.
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Got back from France yesterday using the tunnel (11 am train) this is the 8th time this year we have used eurotunnel, no problem at all, even at night time, this time no queue at folkstone going out and only about 10 minutes queue on our way back at the British passport control (they now have a dedicated motorhome. caravan and bus lane), French passport control not interested
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