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Seaford, more restrictions


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Hi all, I was in Eastbourne for the air show over the weekend and on Monday morning I decided to go back home via Seaford to see if the motorhome restrictions are still in force or if there are any changes. I know that these applied to the area by the tower but as I drove down the beach front towards Newhaven to my great dismay there was a man screwing signs to the posts all the way along the beach front saying no motor caravan parking. Now it seems that you can not Park anywhere by the beach in Seaford now. Has anyone else seen this? Regards Tringy.
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I should be near there after next week so will trundle along and take a peek, I wonder how I would fare for strictly I'm a motor caravan but could pass for a standard van with windows, I would only be identified as such if the attendant read and understood the conversion label by Bilbo and even then they may not be wise to the conversion.


I will do the normal parking and wait for an attendant ... BUT ... if there are number plate reading cameras and that's how they check I could be identified as an offender for I'm registered on the V5 as a Motor Caravan.


That now makes it more interesting. I could write and ask but that could cause them to fit identity cameras.


I will report back on this..

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Surely if you are parking on a public road they cannot restrict the vehicle by type ? By weight certainly, ie not over 3500kgs or not over 7.5 tonnes, but vehicle type ? Crazy, its like banning convertable cars or saying no red cars! Think i would be inclined to ignore any such sign, when on holiday my campervan is my only vehicle. This Anti business is getting beyond a joke.
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