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Leisure Battery Advice


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Simple ;-)


Never discharge more than 50% SOC and always charge to 100%SOC.


A proviso, this is for only one type of battery, different battery types ie. 'deep cycle' may be able to go to a lower SOC without substantial damage.


Using a battery damages it that's why they eventually fail.


The main advice is no matter what type always, always charge to 100% SOC and never leave them in a discharged state.

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I understand the "using a battery damages it" comment, the difficulty for normal people is what to believe when you are told a battery "gives more power and for longer". How can you determine if one battery is better than another; just because it costs you more money and someone says it is doesn't make it so!

Can anyone offer their experience as guidance?

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Hi everyone, Sorry I've not had an input in the debate about leisure batteries for a while, since asking the question in the first place. I woke up in agony one night to discover I was having a heart attack. I'm out of hospital now and hopefully on the mend, fingers crossed. I've not had chance to go on any rallies to test the new battery yet. I'm pleased at the responses to my question and hope it has helped others get answers also. Regards L
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