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Don Madge

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I contacted DVLA asking why some Motorhome Vehicle Registration Documents (V5C) state the revenue weight and some don't.


My V5C does not show the revenue weight but a friend with an identical van does.


This was the DVLA's reply.


As you have not quoted the vehicle registration number for your vehicle, I have been unable to check our records. This information is vital as all our records are accessed by the registration mark only.


If you require assistance, please quote your vehicle registration number, make/model description and full details of your enquiry so I am able to supply you with an appropriate response.


I look forward to your reply.







I mailed Miss Davies the required info, I'll keep you updated.


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Slightly off subject, but still with DVLA, I notice from the test certifcate I got today from my (successful) MOT locally, the DVLA website will give a 'history' of the MOT for the vehicle.

Go to www.motinfo.gov.uk and you need the Reg no of the vehicle, and either the test number from the MOT Test Cert or teh Document Reference no form the V5C registration certificate.

I suppose this stops anyone checking out motorhomes you see for sale without the owner knowing!

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I know that when you apply for registration on an imported or new vehicle, there is a section that asks for the weight, however, if it is below a certain weight you dont have to put anything down.

Perhaps that's why the details appear on some and not others, I suppose if you fill in the weight section regardless, the info comes up on the V5.

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This is the reply I received from DVLA.


Thank you for your email.


When registering a vehicle using the Automated First Registration and Licensing (AFRL) system, a dealer may capture the information relating to 'revenue weight'. If this is not done, this information will not appear on V5C registration certificate.





Marc Randell, Email Team



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I had a similar discussion with the DVLA. My V5 states that the vehicle is a Maesss (Belgian built motorhomes). However, when it went for its MOT, the tester said he would have to put it down on the MOT certificate as Fiat Ducato, because that was the bit that he had tested. I can see his logic.


But guess what? When we went to the Post Office, they refused to accept the MOT because the V5 says Maesss and the MOT says Fiat. So we had to go to the DVLA local office to tax it. They said the Post Office should have referred to the Registration Number and chassis number, etc. When I queried whether the log book was correct, they said it depended on the original documents submitted to register the vehicle. They checked this and of course it states Maesss. They had no reply to the question as to whether this is correct or not, and even if it is not, it seems cannot be changed.


They did, however, (on a different occasion) add the weight of the vehicle (we had had it uprated) and the engine number, neither of which had been previously entered.


What do other folk's logbooks have on them? Converter or base vehicle? Does it make any difference whether or not you can easily identify the base vehicle? Asking the DVLA produces no sense whatsoever, and you get different answers depending on whom you ask.


At the second MOT, we did persuade the Post Office to tax the vehicle.


Do other types of vehicles have these problems or is it just motorhomes? Since there are more and more of us every day, maybe there should be some guidelines issued to the local DVLA offices, so that at the very least they are all telling the same story. When we were uprating the vehicle, Lincoln DVLA said it couldn't be done so we went to Peterborough where it was done in a flash. I have posted previously on this one so won't bore you with all the details again.


So what are you going to do now, Don?


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Interesting, isn't it.  Because ours was a personal import I had the pleasure of completing the V55/4 application details for the V5C myself.  "D.1. Make" I entered as Fiat/Burstner.  This I believe correct, since the vehicle was started by Fiat but completed by Burstner, and that is the basis of the European Type Approval procedure, under which each contributor adds details to the Type Approval Certificate until the vehicle is completed.

When the V5C came back from DVLA "D.1 Make" was reduced to Fiat, which I think technically incorrect since the finisher was Burstner.

According to the guidance notes with the V55/4, there is no requirement to enter the "[Y] revenue weight" for motor caravans - and neither is the unladen weight required, although I noticed someone had lifted this from the Type Approval cert and entered it under "G. mass in service".  Taxation class is stated as "Private/light goods (PLG)".  So there you are, consistency in all things, as usual!  I suspect it just depends on whether the DVLA official who completes the V5C remained awake during the training session.  However, you can always send back the V5C for correction if the error appears significant, so you don't have to worry about it.

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