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Spanish Winter Break


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My wife and l wish to spend 10 days in a reasonably warmer area than the UK, Departing December 28th from Dover.

We would welcome any advice regarding destination from any well travelled enthusiast - OAP's with little experience on long journeys.

Many thanks Kathy & Bernard


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Its a long way to go for just 10 days. I would say that you would at least have 3 days of travelling to get to Vinaros, which is warmer but not as nice as say Alicante which is another days run. I would allow at least 14 or even 21 days to make it worth the cost.

Sorry to sound negative.


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Guest JudgeMental
Although not Spain, the "cote d’azur” area can be ok in the winter. Weather not guaranteed but statistically warmer during the day then here. Furthermore a more realistic destination for a 10 day break.
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Hi Bernard- It may sound a bit strange to say ,but if you are looking for warmth/ rest and not too expensive, do what we do, pick yourself one of the many package deals that are available in winter, theres plenty of time to use your van in the better weather, and with the right hotel or S.C it cant be beaten. In my opinion, the popular so called winter sun sites are packed with people with hardly room to swing a cat, I know package is not perfect and if you feel the need to explore, hire a car for a few days. You may well find somewhere that you can tick off to visit another time in the van. Most important of all enjoy the rest. chas
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Hi everybody and thanks for the import, we are fed up to the back teeth with airports - so are determined to drive and hopefully find warmer weather. I should have mentioned that we are intending to visit friends for an overnight in the St. Malo area which is another reason for our obstinacy.

Thanks once again

Kathy & Bernard


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Go for it. Do what you can whilst you can do it !

If time is not a problem, just see how long it takes, and enjoy the scenary/culture/cuisine on the way.

I depart next Sat, 16th, taking in diversions to friends in France, before heading for Spain for Christmas & New Year. All I need to be aware of is my return ferry is booked for Jan 20th (or thereabouts).

On subject of ferries, did some online shopping yesterday, and cheapest from Dover for my outfit (m/van & trailer) is Sea France and by quite a large amount of money. Difference of £98 over P&Oprice, & £90 cheaper than Norfolk. Don't like Sea France much, but £98 buys a lot of duty free.

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if you belong to c&cc have a look at one of their winter rallies.prices include ferries,site & electric.

good value & friendly.

we've been a couple of times & had a good time.

we're off next next week for christmas & new year.

we were very sceptical when we first went but enjoyed it & have made some lasting friends.

give it a whizz.


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Hi Bernard it is possible to get to Alicante in two days, but its a lot of driving. We got 08.00 from dover arrived in dunqkirk at 11.00 their time and I then drove until about midnight, with just a few fuel stops and a bun, next morning I on was on the road again at about 07.00 and arrived in Alicante about 15.00.


That was in our old Kentucky Camp coachbuilt. the wife did some of the driving which helped a lot. Most of the time I was doing 65-70. So its possible but I wouldn't recommend it, I for one doubt I would do it again. (getting to old (lol) )



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Bernard - 2006-12-06 2:09 PM Hi everybody and thanks for the import, we are fed up to the back teeth with airports - so are determined to drive and hopefully find warmer weather. I should have mentioned that we are intending to visit friends for an overnight in the St. Malo area which is another reason for our obstinacy. Thanks once again Kathy & Bernard


Just a gentle question, but have you sketched out an itinerary?  How will you get to St Malo from UK?  Are your channel crossings included in your 10 days?  If you're seeing friends, it seems unlikely you'll have much time with them unless you're doing an overnight to St Malo on day 0, and then spending the day and night with them on day 1.  Even so, and even if you drive about 8 hours per day exclusively on autoroute, It'll take you two days to get to the Med.  Two days back with a night crossing, three days for a day crossing.  5 days down, five to go, and a lot of hard driving into the bargain!

Don't forget there is a lot of high land heading South across central France and, although it has been mild so far this year, there is a good reason why you see ice warning signs on roadsigns on the Western routes right down through Bordeaux!  Therefore, you may not be able to tank along at 70mph all day in practice, December is winter, even in France. 

However, average sunshine days for Bordeaux in January = 2, average min temp (night) = 2C, average max temp (day) = 9C, and average rain days = 16, giving 3.5 inches of rain.  For Marseille the same data reads 4, 2C, 10C, 8 and 1.7 inches, for Barcelona 5, 6C, 13C, 5 and 1.2 inches and for Seville (but probably too far to be practical) 6, 6C, 15C, 8 and 2.6 inches.  However, these are averages so there is considerable seasonal variation.  Still, the range for Barcelona in January is between 23C and -2C (highest/lowest recorded), whereas the figures for Bordeaux and Marseille are 18C max and -11/-12 min respectively.  So, welly down for Barcelona?

Drive carefully!

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This is what we're doing for 12 days over Christmas...

Ferry to Calais Friday evening, park at Calais plage or terminal
Saturday drive to Rhone, probably Hermitage (via Champagne for supplies of course!!)
Sunday/Monday Cote-d'Azur and Ligurian coast... often quite warm there.
Tuesday for a week or so meander down the Italian west coast, perhaps to Amalfi/Naples or even across to Puglia. Hopefully the weather will be warm after we get below Tuscany.
When we're ready, return the same way, or via Switzerland if the weather seems good.

It is a shorter trip than to the south of Spain. And, in my humble opinion (cos I like Italian food and wine!!!), a lot more fun!  10 days would work.

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I'd only say two things, apart from bon voyage. 

1 I stay out of the Appenines, unless you are already familiar with them and the local conditions!  They are much bigger mountains than I'd realised, and winter can be quite as severe as the Alps.

2 Don't forget you'll need a vignette to cross Switzerland and your 'van looks unlikely be able to take advantage of the over 3,500 tonne one day version.  It'll cost yer!  Have a look at Don Madge's post lower down on this page.  You could try the route via Bolzano & Merano into Austria via Fern and Resia passes, but you'd then probably have to cut across the Black Forest into France which is pretty, but hardly quick!

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Thanks for the heads up, Brian. 

We actually already have a Swiss Motorway vignette, soon to expire , but it will suffice for this trip if we need it.  As you say, they're not cheap, and better purchased before the trip to save queueing at the border.

We'll be sticking pretty much to the west coast, I think. This time last year we toured Tuscany and Umbria and had a ball.  It snowed heavily while we were in Florence and forced us to stay an extra 2 days.  Terrible!! Not!

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