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very good you two. Percy verance broke down and excluded itself, i wasn't even there. The three most successful engines in the Rainhill trials were, in reverse order, Novelty, built by Messrs Ericsson and Braithwaite. Sans Pareil (without equal), built by Timthy Hackworth. And of course Rocket, built by George and Robert Stephenson. Sans Pareil suffered a cracked cylinder and some claimed it was deliberately sabotaged by the Stephensons who cast the cylinders for Hackworth. Perseverance broke down irrepairably and was thus excluded, the other contender that turned up was Cycloped which was a simple carriage with a treadmill on which a horse walked to provide motive power.


all three of the main engines suffered problems; Rocket had a bad "waddle "at speed because of the angle of the cylinders, after the trials the cylinders were lowered down to reduce the "waddle effect". Sans Pareil had an even worse "waddle" because the cylinders were vertically mounted but was effectively a four wheel drive as the two axles were linked externally. Novelty had a nasty habit of poisoning the fireman because the boiler was vertical and included a double shutter affair at the top for fuelling. The problem was that carbon monoxide would collect in this chamber and then when the fireman opened it to add more coke the CO would hit him full in the face.


Anybody interested in this can find much more info here: http://www.resco.co.uk/rainhill/index.html



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One thing for sure is that the THE GREAT POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ( of whatever religious, or not, persuasion ) in the Sky will be looking to send the wettest , coldest and windiest weathr it, he, or she can find.


And before anyone gets too upset I am ;-) ing


Happy Hols to all !

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