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Paying for forums?

Guest Frank Wilkinson

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656 - 2006-12-13 12:08 PM


olley - 2006-12-13 9:32 AM


This site isn't free either, all the people who buy the mags indirectly pay for this site. how long would this site continue if people stopped buying them?




And how long would a post last if it slagged off the crap service the mags major advertiser gives? At least on MHF if you have something to say about a dealer you can say it, provided you can prove what you say.


Just my 2d's worth







I think you'll find that if you prove what you say you can say it on here too. Where the site owners/mods draw the line is with unsubstantiated allegations of poor service etc. There was a thread some while back now on here about a 'van bought from the big dealer in Newark. At annual service it was found to have damp and although initially they seemed to expect the customer to pay for rectification they did change their tune and fixed it FOC. Lots of regular posters were only too happy to jump in to slag off the dealership in question until they came good when very few, if any, made positive comments about the dealership.


Keep it fair and true and there should be no censorship.



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Don't be silly guys, the mags are run as a business, if you slag one of the main advertisers off and that advertiser threatens to take his business elsewhere, what do you think they are going to do?


I don't have a problem with that, in their position I would do exactly the same, in fact the directors would be failing in their duty to the shareholders by not protecting their income stream, if they did otherwise.



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Guest Frank Wilkinson
euroanchor - 2006-12-13 3:36 PM They are talking about you on MHF Frankie boy

Thanks for the tip Euoranchor but I never go there anymore. Too many lefties for me I'm afraid!

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