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Fitting Ducato wing-mirror


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I have a Florium Fleurette motorhome on a Ducato Multijet 130 chassis, and it is fitted with long-arm wing mirrors. Last month, the right-hand mirror was clipped by a passing Range Rover and the rear cover was broken: everything else - mirror-glass, electric controls etc - was unaffected.


I managed to buy a new cover on ebay, but I have not been able to find fitting instructions. Looking at the inside of the replacement cover, there appear to be locations for self-tapping screws and maybe some clips, but it's not clear how to gain access to these.


Does anyone have any advice on how to fit the replacement cover (or access to a workshop manual?)


Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Martyn.


These are a couple of earlier discussions that may be of interest






I notice that covers for ‘long arm’ mirrors are advertised on ebay




and I assume this is what you’ve got (rather than the type only suitable for ‘short arm' mirrors).


Might be worth you contacting the seller to see if they can advise about fitting




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Thanks for the information Derek, and apologies for the delayed reply.


I bought my wing mirror cover here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/dis_autoparts: cost just under 19€, postage included. Unfortunately, however, they don't provide fitting instructions.


I've had a look at the other two discussions that you mentioned, and in the first one, "Veletron" gives the answer: "removed the mirrors (they clip in) and unscrewed the damaged rear cover".


I'm going to try it this weekend and add a post to say how I get on.


Thanks again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This took a while and was not without its minor issues, but I finally managed it!


As mentioned in a separate thread, the two mirrors unclip from their mountings. To do this, I found it best to adjust the mirrors so that they were pointing into the vehicle, thus exposing the sides/backs. This enabled me to slide in a flat piece of wood that I used to ease the mirrors from their circular retaining clips by levering against the mirror-back. It wasn't easy, and I managed to damage the top mirror by being a bit hasty.


Having removed the mirrors, I was able to unscrew the inset indicator - two tiny self-tapping screws on the inside - and remove that, and unscrew the six screws holding the mirror-back in place.


I then hit a problem. The mirror back has two locating holes which match up with two protrusions in the long arm. For some reason, when it was originally fitted, these protrusions had been glued/melted/welded so that the mirror-back could not easily be removed. I had to separate the two halves of the mirror-arm, then use a sharp knife to cut round the protrusions. This enabled me to remove the damaged mirror-back, after which I could reshape the protrusions so that I could position the new mirror-back.


Refitting the mirror-back was fairly straightforward, just the reverse of the removal process although I had to be careful with fitting the indicator - the retaining screws are tiny and need only one turn of the screwdriver.


I clipped back the mirrors - very easy to do - then went off to find somewhere I could buy a replacement for the top mirror, which arrived today!


I am going to try to post three pictures showing key bits of the process. Please contact me directly if more advice is needed.




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