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login problems


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Hi I have been having significant problems logging in to forum when using my tablet. When I use my windows computer as now, It all works as normal


On the tablet, the effect is that after entering relevant details and password, I receive the customary welcome screen, but almost immediately it drops back to the please sign on screen.


I have several times requested an update of password, and that has happened ok, but the sign on from tablet still fails with the same symptoms.


are there any brains out there to explain this, has the tablet been got at, or has something happened perhaps with the antispam fixes to refuse me access from the tablet..


the tablet behaves normally elsewhere but uniquely locks me out on the forum


can admin suggest anything .



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It might be helpful (for the forum technicians) to have details of the tablet and internet browser you are using, but the first thing I would have asked when I was providing computer support is “When did the problem first show up?”


If you used to be able to log on to the O&AL forums OK via your tablet but this stopped being so as soon as the anti-spam forum-registration changes had been made, it would be reasonable to suspect there’s a conflict with your tablet’s configuration and the revised registration system. If you were able to log on for a while after the forum software alterations had been made but then your present problems arose, it’s more likely something has changed on your tablet.


Since the anti-spam modifications to the registration software were introduced, people will have been successfully logging on to these forums using a variety of platforms (Macs, PCs, tablets, phones) and a variety of internet browsers. But as (I think) you are unique in reporting log-on difficulties, this suggests to me that the problem lies at your end rather than Warners’s.


You could try using a different browser, but it might be worth mentioning that I had a similar problem a few weeks ago when trying to access my Nationwide accounts on-line. I could go through the log-on procedure (apparently) successfully, but was then directed back to the initial log-on screen rather than to the accounts.


I telephoned Nationwide about this and was advised to clear my browser’s ‘History List’ and then log-on through Nationwide’s primary webpage rather than using any ’shortcut’ I might be employing. As a few other Nationwide customers were also reporting log-on problems I was sceptical that this suggestion would be effective, but it was.


I’m not tablet-literate, but you might try clearing your tablet’s History List (I assume it has one!) and then try logging into the forums starting from the O&AL main webpage




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Hi Thanks Derek for the suggestions.


I cant be certain as to when tablet problem first showed up but it was within the last fortnight.


it is true that i suspect a tablet problem and to this end I attempted to reset it a couple of days ago without any logon success. I now use windows 10 computer which seem ok today.


I have attempted to send messages to ADMIN but so far no response.


i still think it most likely to be a tablet problem as logging in on main computer is ok.bu I am not sufficiently up with the android system.


thanks for response.. will stick to windows machine until i can find the real problem.


sorry that this post is not strictly motorhome related







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My Oh is always having problems with his tablet. I stick with an old fashioned computer! i also do not have a "modern" I phone. The amout I use a mobile, my 20 year old one survives me well.

i spent my working life using office machines , long before computers came about . i don't always think new is better ! Look at the trouble with some new phones etc that catch fire!


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Usually a good clear out of caches, history and cookies, switching off and rebooting will only clear any defunct memory problems.


Also there are so many operating systems and variations, there is always a chance of an oddball result.


My Kindle, allows me to view forums that PCs , tablets and phones do not when a certain number of viewings have taken place. I assume a cookie response is not working. It's a pain, as often I change my viewing method only to be told I have to register.



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