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Travelling abroad with pet dog Staffordshire Bull terrier

Dave Attridge

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Good afternoon all.

I have a dilemma!.

We are motor homers of 15 years experience. 6 years ago we adopted a Staffie(no pedigree) from dogs trust and have traveled extensively in the UK.

This year we thought we would travel through France (3 days) to spend a few weeks in Spain in January 2017.

Le Shuttle booked in September for 6th Jan, one way, to give us flexibility for our return.

We've got the dog a passport etc and all the paraphernalia for the journey only to discover that Staffies are a banned breed in France and Spain and on the face of it cannot travel with us.(yes I know we should have checked first!)

Has anyone traveled through France and Spain with a Staffie?

Am I reading the various websites correctly?

Is there any way round it? because it would exclude us from using Calais to access other EU countries where he is an acceptable breed.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

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Guest pelmetman

Have to say cant recall ever seeing any Staffie's in France or Spain......


Is he/she an obvious Staffy? just thinking as you say its not pedigree, if its a cross breed maybe you could get some paperwork from a vet to confirm it.......just a thought ;-) ....



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French consulate site.

Dangerous dogs

Dangerous dogs in France are classified in 2 categories :

- Category 1 : attack dogs - They are dogs whose appearance is of American Staffordshire terrier (pit-bulls), Mastiff (boerbulls) and Tosa types (i.e. without pedigree). It is prohibited to introduce these dogs into France.

- Category 2 : defence and guard dogs – They are dogs of American Staffordshire terrier, Rottweiler, and Tosa breeds (i.e. with pedigree), and dogs of a Rottweiler type (without pedigree).

Since 1st January 2010, by virtue of legislation dated 20 June 2008 and published in the Journal Officiel of 21 June 2008 (Loi du 20 juin 2008 renforçant les mesures de prévention et de protection des personnes contre les chiens dangereux), all owners of dangerous dogs (category 1 and 2) in France must hold a certificate of aptitude for keeping a dangerous animal, delivered by an approved trainer, and a licence (permis de détention) for the animal, delivered by the town hall (mairie) of residence. Until modification of the law to allow for a temporary derogation for category 2 dogs being imported into France, it is advised not to introduce such animals into France, whether on a temporary (holidays) or permanent basis. Sanctions may be incurred for absence of licence.

- Staffordshire bull terriers are not on the list of dangerous dogs in France. An answer to a Parliamentary question put to the Ministère de l’Intérieur (Home Office), published in the Official Journal dated 5 February 2001 (page 774), confirms the amendment to the list published in the decree of 27 April 1999, and excludes Staffordshire bull terriers from the said list.

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Dave Attridge - 2016-11-10 3:18 PMHi Billggski,Thanks for your input. Do you know who I can contact for clarification and hopefully,permission to take him?And then there's Spain!Dave


That might turn out to be mission impossible.  You might succeed in getting a piece of paper in French or Spanish confirming the breed and that it's not prohibited in France (or Spain) but whether PC Plod (or whoever it might be) would pay any attention if you get stopped (or if someone complains to a policeman because they think it's a scary dog) might be a very different matter.


It could turn out to be as risky as towing a car with an A Frame in France or Spain; you might get away with it but only might.


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Great shout thank you.

Couldn't manage to contact the French but spoke to secretary of UK SBT club and he confirms that SBT is not banned in France, and providing I contact the local cop shop when we get to Spain to advise them that we have a Cat 1 breed with us depending on whether they can be bothered with the paperwork we've done our bit.

Thanks for your input.



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As the owner of 2 staffies I have the same dilemma. Last year I visited my vet to enquire about passports when she informed me that they are a banned breed in France. Much of my research online confirms this including a letter from the French Consulate in London dated 2012 stating that staffies or staffy crosses are banned unless that have a certificate of pedigree from an official organisation such as the Kennel Club. Unless things have changed in the recent past I am not really prepared to take the chance.
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You can read all about dogs in Spain here:




If you are in Spain, its really important that you protect them from sandflies (which occur inland too) which cause Leishmaniasis, also keep your dogs indoors from dust 'till dawn when they are most active, you can get a scaliber collar or advantix


Spanish people are actively encouraged to report people who ignore the regulations, and remember we have 3 police forces here in Spain!

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Have you abandoned the holiday? Why not give your dog a holiday , and place it in kennels? Or maybe get a friend/family to look after it. My family all have dogs, and when they go away, as the don't have a motorhome, but fly on holiday, the dogs go either in kennels of stay with a friend, who in return their dog stays with my family


Forgot to say , 1 son has 2 dogs, and daughter has a rescue Staffie


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There is no problem in France, and the regulations in Spain all seem to refer to owners living in Spain, not tourists.

The issue seems to be that each region has its own rules. If you look up the ex-pat sites for the area you want to visit, you may contact someone local with the correct information rather than speculation from well meaning posters. Eg.


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