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Winter layup


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Hi. For those of us not heading to winter sun, I wonder what you do regarding layup in the winter.


I have just checked mine at front of house, and discovered considerable mold showing particularly in the toilet area. The damp meter only shows between 7 and 8 percent in the wall immedistely behind the toilet,, the only really accessible poin in the shower area,, so the whole area has been cleaned and scrubbed today, to get rid of the mould spots.


I have now set up the dehydrator in the shower, with the door open to the rest of the van, and all cupboards are ope to improve circulation. No mold was found elsewhere , and damp meter readings at worst 10 percent under one of the bunks.


I wonder what happens to all those vans on dealers forecourts..do they suffer the same way..


Have you checked your own van recently.. how often..how long since you last used it. When is your next outing..


Do you empty the van completely.. we left the loungers in the van and they are sufferingly with mold, to the extent that I now need new canvasses for them..lafuma relaxers..


Seats and cushions are stored indoors, so no problem there, and cab seats dont show any sign of mold.


Next outing not yet planned, so regular inspection will have to be more often.



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I have never suffered any dampness or mould when not used much over the Winter.


All I use are either bowls of Salt (3 of them, dried out every couple of weeks on a radiator in the house) or the disposable gel type dehumidifiers bought from the Pound Shops. In really extreme conditions, I might put in an oil filled radiator on a timer.


Whenever there is a mild, sunny day, I crack open the rooflights and the windows to circulate fresh air around the van.

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Leave all doors and cupboards open, open internal lockers and ensure there is plenty of free space in all of them. Ventilation is paramount!

I don't do heating and dehumidifying!

On the rare occasions when my MHs and/or caravans have been static, as it is now for a few weeks, there has never been a problem.

Apart from annual pro damp checks I do a cursory check every week or two when static.......or even when there is a lot of rain at anytime of the year.


PS. 7 or 8% is virtually dry although ideally should be zero.

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nimod - 2016-12-26 8:40 PM


Never had a problem with damp as such But her indoors puts rice in the salt pot to keep it dry as with salt in a bowl would rice do it ?


I suppose Rice would be just as good. On the basis that if you get your mobile phone wet, it is recommended to place it in Rice to dry it out.

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