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Status 530 tv aerial


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I am having problems receiving tv stations on my Status 530 tv aerial. Although when searching for channels it picks them all up when viewing on tv the only channels that are clear are BBC 1 & 2. The rest of the channels are pixelated. TV works fine on an indoor aerial but it is finding somewhere to put it long term. Has anyone any suggestions please.
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With the aerial, in one of the high level cupboards you should see the Status Power Pack. Are you sure that this is switched on, one of the LED's should be showing either red or green - if not there is a switch on the top left corner of the power pack at the back - hard to see but you can feel it. Try this first.


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The best thing to do if you haven't yet looked is to see which direction other peoples antennae are pointing or if at home which way your home terrestrial one is pointing. Point yours in the same direction and extend the pole to its highest to start with. Then try re-tuning your set in to the signal but if you are near a very strong signal it is sometimes worth putting the attenuator switch to its lowest setting. Seeing as you already have a picture on BBC I wouldn't think there is too much of a problem.


With the new type of attenuator power pack they are much easier to set up as they have LED's that change colour to amber then green when you get your antennae into the strongest signal position.



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Thanks for the reply but have tried all you have suggested. I am trying this at home and the transmitter is on a hill only about a mile away. But have also had a problem away from home when I could not pick up any channels and the aerial was pointing in the same direction as all other aerials.
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Just a quick question, what tv are you using. I assume that after each aerial adjustment, do you restart scanning for a signal


Are the switches on the power unit both in the correct position,


There are 2 on my system and I am never sure which position they both should be in ..it is a case of trial and tweak the direction. Also do you alter aerial between horizontal and vertical polarisation.


Reception from main transmitters I assume is horizontal, and from relays usually vertical., so might be worth trying both in sequence.




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Have you tried disconnecting the co-ax cables at the Status power pack, i.e the ones that go to the TV sockets in your motorhome and connecting your TV via its aerial fly lead direct to the power pack. That way at least you can eliminate the internal wiring in the MH.


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