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Trip diaries


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We like to keep a record of all our trips by compiling our photos & words into a concise document. We currently cut & paste the photos into a Word document and print it out - but this is a long & laborious process.

Is there any type of template that would make life a bit easier & quicker?


Thanks in anticipation



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Nothing concise about ours.

We keep a daily diary on a laptop or tablet during our trips, including places we've stopped, what we had for meals out, and mileage.

Photos are saved alongside this, renamed if not self-explanatory.

We hardly ever print anything out, but do back everything up on Cloud.

Lovely to look back on during cold winter nights!


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Hi,we also keep a daily log of the places,sites and walks etc. At the end of our trips I use Windows Movie Maker then My DVD to produce a DVD of the trip using photos and videos taken and add various notes and comments. These last about half to an hour and make interesting nostalgic viewing over winter. We also have a blog ( www.stoppsblog.co.uk) for friends and family to view our travels,although this doesn't get kept up to date as it should. What ever you do it's a good idea to have some means of remembering as it only takes a photo or a note to trigger a memorable time.

George ??

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I keep a diary in MS Word as we travel and the photos on the camera chip which goes onto the computer. At the end of the year I put both together into an illustrated diary using MS Publisher. The output is great but I find Publisher is very frustrating to use and is very time consuming. Perhaps my fault because I am not up to speed on the finer arts of its use.

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Thanks WIlls Wagons.


That is exactly what we do after each trip - add the photos from camera card onto the MS Word document. We will have to look MS Publisher to see if that might be less frustrating [but judging by your comments, maybe not!!]




Pilgrim Phil

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i keep a log on EXCEL giving place name, campsite name, ACSI no (if applicable) cost per day, and then add comments about site. Comes in useful when we find we have been before, and could not remember !!


Been to sites where we had forgotten, until we get there again!! Some have got better, some we have changed our minds, and gone elsewhere!! This year hope to change direction !!




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Similar to Steve and Kelly.


We have a dedicated hard backed log book for each vehicle, it travels with us. A new vehicle has a new log book. We enter all costs, copies or pictures, site and ferry receipts. MOT etc.


Its simple with no electronics involved.

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