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Connector ID


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Just been fitting a DAB radio to my 2015 Ducato MH and whilst rummaging around the cables at the back, found a connector on a branch of the wiring loom that didn't appear to be connected to anything. It's not part of the loom that feeds the radio/speaker etc, and it only has two wires actually feeding it - green and brown.


I don't have a wiring diagram and though I've checked that everything is still working in the dash - I'm about to go away in the MH for a couple of weeks and don't want to find something isn't connected when I'm half way down the motorway.


Can anyone identify it? I was a bit confused by how the blue locking clasp actually works - and why (if it was connected to anything important) this has prevented it becoming unconnected. Any help would be gratefully received...


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Just a guess, but perhaps it is intended to supply something that isn't relevant to your particular model.


The standard, all embracing, wiring loom is present on all model variations in order to reduce manufacturing costs.


Perhaps others will be along later to add further assistance. I've had loose wires on a Ducato which didn't go anywhere.


Nice photo, but nothing less than I would expect from a professional photographer :-D

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I agree with Robbo.


Given where you say you found the connector, can you identify which of the row of push-buttons that can be present below the dashboard heating-controls is missing on your McLouis motorhome. For example, is the push-button for the heated mirrors not there? Or the buttons for Traction Plus, Driving Advisor or Hill Descent Control?


As the connector is clearly designed to lock firmly in place (by moving the end of the blue ‘lever’) once it has been inserted in the appropriate socket - and you’ve been driving the vehicle since 2015 without any symptoms of a problem - it’s unlikely that the connector has become disconnected or that its connection was overlooked when the vehicle was originally built.

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Thanks for the replies... It possibly being a switch connector certainly makes sense - given that there isn't a heated mirror switch on this particular Ducato model. And yes, manufacturers frequently use 'standard' wiring looms with connectors which are redundant on some models.


In fact, I discovered two other 'unconnected connectors' while I was fitting the radio - but both of these came out of the branch of the wiring loom that feeds the radio/audio system, so nothing to worry about there. It was only because this connector was on a separate branch that I was concerned - but as you say, if all the switches are operating, there's not likely to be a problem.


That said - if anyone knows where I might find a wiring diagram for a Ducato, it could be helpful...

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