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autoquest/avantgarde info


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Im looking to buy my first motorhome .Very interested in a new or newish autoquest/avantgarde. Could anybody give me any information good or bad. Im also concerned about the 2 litre version only having 85 bhp . Has anyone had the engine chip mod to boost power + how does the 2.2 100bhp perform?
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We bought our Autoquest 100 in June this year - just over two years old, initially registered March 2004 so it's the 2003/4 model. You can download handbooks from the Explorer site at http://www.explorer-group.co.uk/owner_handbooks.asp to compare against newer specs.


Our van has the 2 litre engine with no modification and we have found it to be fine. We generally tootle along at around 55-60 mph (after all we're on holiday) but it's quite capable of 70 on motorways when we want it.


Going up steep hills you have to use the gears properly but we never expected F1 performance from it.


Overall we are very satisfied with the van.


Hope this helps,


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Hi Scaredy- Same here, we have a Elddis 200 in dealer extras form with 2ltr T.D 05 reg. We find it great and the engine more than gutsty enough for our needs. On our spring trip down to Spain we often reached speeds of 80mph without trouble, but of course 65-70 mph is a comfortable cruise speed and saves the fuel. The habitation side suits us, we could all do with extra room, but why carry around loads of empty space,(toilet/ shower) when whats provided does the job. A great van. chas
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The habitation side suits us, we could all do with extra room, but why carry around loads of empty space,(toilet/ shower) when whats provided does the job. A great van.

We like the size as well. Not too big to drive or to park up at home. We chose the 100 over the 200 only because we wanted the extra two belted passenger seats.



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Hi Scaredy, we changed from a Kontiki ( supposed to be the dogs dangly bits ) to a Autoquest 107 in october. The 107 has everything the Kontiki had apart from seperate freezer. We still have a fixed bed, dinette, swivel seats, plus it is built better. It also has a gas/electric heater, the Kontiki only had blown air.

It is on a 2.2 and gets us around doing about 27mpg. But that is around Buxton and Sheffield, i would expect around 30/32 when we go to France.

I am so impressed with the quality, compared with the shoddy workmanship in the Kontiki.

The 107 only has one leisure battery, but that can be rectified.

There are good offers on 2006 models now the new Peugeot vans have come on line.

Any more info, drop an email to  steersy@aol.com 

good luck,  Mike.

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Scaredy! Don't be. I bought an Autoquest 200 with the 2 litre hd engine on a Peugot Boxer 02 model in June. It has plenty of power for the size, very nippy. I have been to France 3 times already nearly as far as the Spanish border. A little slow on some of the long hill climbs but you only need to drop into 4th for a steady climb to the top. It is a pleasure to drive and the steering is both light and positive to the touch.

Everything in the living area has worked perfectly all the time and you cannot fault the items fitted for the price of the vehicle.

The only problem I have had is the shower, the shower nozzle which is not up to the job and the shower base which would not empty unless I parked exactly level. These may not now be a problem as they have altered the new ones. The shape is a bit old fashioned but I can live with that.



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