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I have a Hymer with underfloor heating. It works on 240v or gas, or both. Until this winter it has been fine - van warm as toast after a few hours. But now it is hardly working. After getting warm, after 3-4 hours it goes cold again. The pump still works, the heating fluid is half way up the inspection window ( the correct level), there are no visible signs of kinks in the flexible pipes. I have tried using it on gas and electric, both individually and together, but it makes no difference.


Anyone got any ideas, please?


Thanks for your anticipated replies.

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If the room stat only turns the pump on and off, I would think there must be another heat on off selector to stop the system from over heating when the pump is off. This maybe temperature , flow or pressure operated . Needs someone with a circuit diagram to have a look see.

Brian B.

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Manuals for the Truma “Aquatherm” system can be found here




It looks like production ceased in late-2005, so Aquatherm-related technical expertise may well be be in short supply in the UK nowadays.


There is little trouble-shooting guidance in the operating instructions, though the following advice may be relevant


“The system switching off again after a short period of operation may indicate that there is air in the hot water system. In this case the system must be bled (see Maintenance).”


I also note that, to prortect against corrosion, the glycol/water ‘heating liquid’ should be replaced every two years or so.

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What a plonker!!!


I checked the fluid level whilst the system was running. I'd forgotten about the holding tank with a min/max level and to check it whilst not running. So I took the front off, topped it up with fluid, undid the bleed valves, and hey presto, we're back in business again.


It's an age thing - you forget the basics sometimes.


Thanks for your comments.

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