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aldi car power inverter,£14.99 starts today


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Guest Frank Wilkinson

I wasn't going to bother with an inverter as I've a satellite system with a 12v TV, a Pace mains box and a 12v Free to air box as well. However, the Pace box with my £20 Sky card is a better option as it gets channels 4 & 5 so I nipped to Aldi and snapped one up.

For fifteen quid I thought that it was worth a shot! It looks to be a well-specified piece of kit and is much smaller than I thought an inverter would be.

Thanks for the tip!

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Glad you can all make use of them, we on the other hand have put ours in the loft,

No Motorhome , yet

No Laptop, yet,

got one for phone but use house one as we are never out that much, yet

got a digital camera only bra's and bikinis to photograph, yet.


But by the end of March we will be wearing them out fast.


Happy Christmas one and all


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