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Mi-Fi vs Android Phone Hotspot


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I'm trying to work out which solution is best while abroad (max 3 weeks) for email, browsing/commenting/posting on this sort of forum, and some work on my family tree via Ancestry. 

My aged HTC Android (2.3.5) phone can be used as a wi-fi hotspot, though I'm not sure whether a giffgaff data goodybag will allow this when abroad. 
The alternative seems to be something like the Huawei E5330 with a pre-loaded data sim from 3. All comments advice welcome?

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The Huawei E5330 MiFi is best managed using the Huawei app. Unfortunately it needs an android smartphone with version 4.0.0 or later.


I assume using your existing phone as a wifi hotspot means tethering, which I understand is generally not permitted in mainland Europe. Perhaps others will be able to provide more definitive advice.

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Thanks Robbo! Hadn't found the qualification concerning the necessary version of Android. I was suspicious, as I can't even receive or send snapchats now and because the Huawei is so new, but I had either missed it, or not read the right bit yet! My phone can be tethered, or used as a hotspot. It was only tethering when I bought it in 2010, but has gained the hotspot facility during one of the Android updates. So far, it appears that the giffgaff data use abroad is by using roaming and it seems quite cheap, but it needs more research.
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Robbo - 2017-02-09 5:45 PMThe Huawei E5330 MiFi is best managed using the Huawei app. Unfortunately it needs an android smartphone with version 4.0.0 or later.

I've been thinking about this some more and am wondering whether I have to manage the Huawei with an app on my phone or, whether I could manage it instead via my laptop?
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The Huawei HiLink app is only supported on Android 4.0+ and iOS 8.0+.


I checked the available apps on my windows 7 laptop and there were no results for Huawei.


Unless you can update the android operating system on your HTC phone, I think you're basically stuffed.


Can't help with making your phone into a WiFi hotspot but perhaps others will know.

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Apparently I won't need an app as I can change the settings online. Giffgaff EU roaming costs are 10 x the cost of a Three network connection with a pre-paid data sim. Once I exceed 100Mb, giffgaff would cost way more, up to £50 for 1Gb!! I have considered using my old iPhone with a 3 Data Sim but: 1) it states hotspot when it means tethering via a USB connection and 2) rumour has it that 3 will send SMS's to verify connection and when I fail to respond (because the sim is limited to data) they could cut the connection. Others have told me that a Huawei regularly secures a network connection in poor signal areas where phones fail. I think it's the Huawei for me! 
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