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Flea treatment for dogs in spain


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Having read online and spoken to vet I am confused as to what is best treatment for our 2 dogs visiting the Spanish Med for a month in April. When we go to France we normally use Frontline. We thought this time about using Stronghold because it provides prevention of heartworm. Vet recommended Advantix for Spain although this doesn't provide prevention of heartworm . What do others recommend and where do they buy it.



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Your vet is right, Advantix for fleas but most important for Leishmaniasis which may not show up for for years after your dog has been bitten by a sandfly, it's rife in Spain and Portugal. Also heart guard for heartworm although there isn't so much of that. Total cost in a chemostless than €50 for the two. More expensive at the vets than online or the chemist.
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camperadi - 2017-02-19 12:21 PM


Thanks for your replies. I have just ordered 2 Scaliber collars from Viovet and back up with Frontline spot on for flees which we have in stock. This seems to cover most things and the collars will last for both our planned holidays.

I take it you don't mean you have a stock of flea's :D
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Caddies104 - 2017-02-17 6:15 PM


Try using Chatterbox, not really a Motorhome Matter. Unless the dog was driving :-) :-) :-)



I would suggest this was exactly what M/H travellers would need when heading to Spain etc. It would also be an aid for non dog owners to know that if coming into contact with dogs they were less likely to be personally affected.


Its a well know fact that viruses do cross over to humans. Bird flu and TB are two.

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  • 9 months later...


Could you tell me how you got on in Spain with your dogs please? We are planing a trip in January for 3 months, I have bought the Scalibor collar as you have and noticed you said you would back up with Frontline and just wanted to ask if you used the Frontline with the collar?

Many Thanks

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We used frontline and the collars together on our two dogs no problem. We did however administer the frontline a few days before putting the collar on so we didn't 'hit' the dogs with too much at once. Also are you aware of the processionary caterpillars that are found on the continent? January to March is a prime time for them to be out and about.
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We and the dogs had a great time in Spain last year. We put the collars on first 2 weeks before leaving. We did it this way round because of warnings of allergic reaction. We administered the flea treatment just before leaving. The dogs had no problems with allergic reactions or fleas etc. We did see the marching caterpillars twice so certainly Keep your eyes peeled. Hope you have a great time we certainly did.
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