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Dometic Seitz wind up rooflight

Sunlight 59

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Are you sure it's not a Remis skylight ?


My Remis has the same symptoms. The winding handle incorporates a rachet device. When the lifting mechanism gets clogged up the handle just goes round and round. Solution on mine is to clean and lubricate the gearbox and do the same with the metal guides which contain the operating wires.


Remis do an instruction leaflet which shows how the system works.

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lazarus - 2017-02-23 4:43 PM


My windup rooflight went down the road this morning when the wind ripped it off ,what a night mare !and blew out the kitchen window !



Ditto ours did the same about 12 months ago, blew clean off as would nt lock down in place after gearing went.

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