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April is the BULB festival time, so will be busy , I would have thought. probably best to book a site or two.

Use ACSI, as it is produced there,

Sounds a good choice, not sure about the weather, much like Uk, so take some warm clothes, and wet gear!



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we did the shrimp rally a couple of years ago in north Holland.Had fab time but wind was icy and grass crunched underfoot.Do all the touristy places meet some dutch vanners and they will give you any info you need.Have been several times and love the country.Try the Rally club of Nederland if they have anything on where you want to be.Ginny and committee will make you welcome.If you have done any big c and cc rallies you have probably already met sara and her husband. ENJOY
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Google 'Dutch Tourist Information' and you will get thousands of options.

We visit often and love Holland so, like many, would certainly offer advice on particular attractions.


PS. When visiting new countries we always start with a look at TripAdvisor which gives an instant list of all the most popular attractions. (Things to do).


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I have been to Holland a lot, I have been all over it and have been to many of the towns and cities there. I really like Holland and its generally very well set up for accommodating camper vans. It is also superb for cycling. The public transport is also fantastic and cheap. I would plan to use public transport to get into the bigger cities and out again. Its hard to find camp sites that are in or near the big cities.


When you arrive in the Hook of Holland I would suggest you go out to Gouda for your first stop. The area near the port is very crowded and a bit run-down. Gouda is not far away.


I remember the camp site there is small and basic and very Dutch. It might be a good idea to book your first two nights there. Its very near to town and you can walk in. Its a really nice town and you will see the cheese guys doing their thing at the cheese market outside the cheese house. Its would be nice to spend a day or two there to get into the zone and plan where to go next.


From there you might want to go to Haarlem, the Keukenhof gardens are nearby at Lisse. Haarlem is quite nice too and you can easily get into Amsterdam on a bus/train. Its worth a look even if you don't want to rent-a-lady or try some you-know-what ;-)


The Anne Frank Museum is really worth a look, depressing as hell.


A side note on the coffe-shop thing. The Dutch govmint have really cracked down on them hard. Most of the southern and border provinces won't sell cannabis to foreigners. Customers need a "Veed Pass".


However its not all doom and gloom. Central and Northern towns apparently don't really care and will sell you some of the finest cannabis products known to mankind.


If your mad enough to "have a go"...Be careful!


It will make you go "all funny" for at least three hours. Don't count on being able to speak or walk very well until it wears off. If you eat it, its even worse. Not that I know anything about that obviously. I would also advise you stay well clear of the mushrooms. 8-)



There are also some nice sea side camping sites near Haarlem..


From there perhaps move up North. One thing you have to do is drive over one of their crazy dikes. To see open sea on your left 60 feet higher than the rest of Holland on your right makes you think a bit....A good one can be found at Den Oever, its the A7.


Going north, Groenigen is nice, its got a nice municipal camp site there near to the town centre. Other cities I like are , Leiden, Utrect, Breda, and Middleburgh.


Vlissengen near Middleburgh was interesting as many HUGE container ships and Oil tankers go past the coast very close on their way to Antwerp. The noise they make is nothing short of amazing, a huge sub-bass whump whump whump. Not to be missed. The artificial beach there amplifies the noise in the strangest way.


Another thing that's really interesting about Holland is the canal network and the big cargo barges that chug up and down them. Its fascinating to sit and watch them. Try to visit a windmill or two as well. I love a good windmill.


Apart from that, get a lonely planet and a lets go guide book and perhaps some other guide books and start to plan where you want to go and what you want to see and do.


If I were to go again, perhaps in the Spring, I would be looking for really basic camp sites in the countryside near a nice little Dutch town with a nice canal near by to cycle along.


Nearly all Dutch people speak superb English and you will never tire of hearing a good Dutch accent. Dutch Radio is fun too.


Have a nice trip.

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We've stopped here for a couple of nights on way back to ferry.


Very pleasant, 2 minutes to town centre. Kinderdijk (windmills galore) easy cycle or by boat.


And Rotterdam accessible by boat.




And this is good



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Re. Gouda - there's a stellplatz in the Klein Amerika parking, just across the canal from the Centrum.


In our opinion, the best camping for Amsterdam is Gaasper. Easy subway to the centrum.


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We took our camper from France up the coast line to the german boarder. Crossed several huge dams and barriers several 20KM long.

Wonderfull trip and the coast north of Amsterdam inside the islands is flat, stunning and quite beautiful if minimal is your thing.

The Area is rural and so very well locked after it makes France look tatty.

Planned to continue along the German coast to the Baltic but had to return.

One word of warning. Wild camping is illegal in Holland. You have to find a camp site.

If quiet and silent is your thing I recommend it and the ferries to the Island are a bonus.

Weather just like Norfolk if a little colder. No Gulf ~Stream influence.

Hope that helps.





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