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Thermal Blinds For New Hymer Mli 580 A Class

Frank McAuley

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re above may I please seek advice as to the purchase of THERMAL Screens(exterior) . Previous experience with coachbuilds but on perusal of Silverscreens/Taylormade one requires the fitting of awning strips and the other is through the window and over the door. It's all a bit confusing so all advice welcome. Any comments/experience re Hymer's own screens please?

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Van Comfort link here




Most A-class motorhomes have one cab-door as standard, a few have two cab-doors and some have none. Logically, unless the vehicle has two cab-doors, there will need to be some ‘mechanical’ means of attaching the thermal cover securely to the windscreen and cab side-windows. And (as is mentioned on the Van Comfort webpage) if the cab-door(s) have a particular type of seal, it won’t be practicable to ‘hook’ the covers on to the doors.

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I have Van Comfort external blinds on my Fiat Hymer A-Class. They are held in place with studs affixed to the van. Not what I wanted originally but it works very well. Mine were made to fit the van and so were more expensive but the fit is perfect. They do them while you wait if you book an appointment. There is a good 'workman's cafe' within walking distance.


As said, they also supply German ready made screens.

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I've been perusing earlier threads re this subject and was drawn to a comment where Brian Kirby is quoted as recommending Hymer's own A Class screens due to quality,design, etc so a question please: do Hymer's screens have the facility to fold all or part down with the screen in situ? I also note that these screens are fitted to "rails" - can anyone explain please?

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