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MMM January Directory


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Received my new MMM today and flicking (no pun intended) through the Directory, I was surprised that I can't find Dave Newell's services listed.

Then even more surprised that the magazine proudly name's our technical GURU as their Consultant.

Come on MMM, you only need to view this forum to know in what high regard and affection we have for "our" Dave.

Also another correction - there is a listing on page 86 for

"Euro Motorhomes Ltd."

I don't know if they are still in existance, but they are no longer at the address shown.


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Hi Flicka, ease up on MMM and Warners staff, its my fault! I didn't submit my business details to them in time for inclusion. If it were up to Warners staff to find and list every business related to motorhomes the listing would be ten times as thick and published once every ten years!


guilty as charged, D.

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