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antony1969 - 2017-03-17 11:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 10:57 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 10:07 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 9:31 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:12 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:03 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 6:40 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:09 PM


... Wake up ... Its happening ... Breathe it in ... Freedom ... Smells nice doesn't it ???


You ready for more Asians and Africans in Uddersfield now then? ;-)


It's good to see you finally embracing multiculturalism. (lol)


Most Asians from outside the muslim faith Ive had dealings with are nice folk ... Not had much to do with Africans so can't say on that score but those of our friends , some I would rather have than my own family from West Indies backgrounds are great folk ... If we were to seriously discuss multiculturalism with me living here and you in your whites only village I'd say I've embraced it much more than you ... You read about it but I live it.

Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Malaysia all predominantly "them Muslim". A cute little Malaysian nurse would soon have your pulse racing and heart melting. (lol)


Keep embracing it........you've just voted in many more of "them foreigners" to replace the hard working EU NHS workers you've told are no longer welcome.


I've said they are no longer welcome ??? ... Did I ... I honestly don't remember that ... You know more about what I say or think anyway so I'll have to agree with ya won't I ??? ... You see Bullet you'd like to keep your job market open to just your EU club being a little European ... Me I'd like to open it up to the best of what the worlds got to offer ... You really need to get out more


You surprise me Antony after our discussions on here. So you would prefer to ship in thousands of Muslims than Europeans which is what is happening and likely to increase if we leave the EU? To be fair to the Leave Campaign though they did tell Asian communities that a vote to leave would open the door to more Muslim Asians which does appear to be coming true so thats one promise they have kept. Its kind of funny though that as it was a blatant lie to gain the Asian vote which through the chaos that is Brexit is now coming true as they never anticipated the EU workers which they assumed were so desperate to be here would clear off of their own accord.



If you can show me the Home Office figures for the amount of Muslims who've come here to replace working East Europeans since Brexit then I might be able to reply ... I completed a two week landscaping job couple of weeks ago and while carrying out the work signed for four delivered items , three of the drivers were East European so they obviously aren't leaving are they and I've told you about Huddersfields thriving East European food shops , another one opening couple of weeks ago ... If they are all leaving then who the hell is buying the stuff ... Our East European prison population doesn't seem to be shrinking either


So because three drivers were Europeans and a European shop opened in Huddersfield that proves they are not leaving? *-)




I cannot find the official home office figures but I assume by now you will have watched the Dispatches program about the NHS. FACT. The NHS are now recruiting in Asia because they cannot get EU nurses or doctors anymore thanks to Brexit let alone British ones. FACT, 60% of Doctors and NHS staff from the EU are either leaving or considering leaving the UK. It is happening in other sectors as well.


The first cock up assumption of Brexit was that we had too many EU nationals here but now it is clearly apparent that they are all here for a reason. We need them. The second cock up assumption of Brexit was that when we "Take back control" we would be able to dictate how many EU nationals came here and turn off the tap when we thought we were full. What they didnt anticipate is us turning on the tap when we needed it and nothing coming out.


What we have done is alienate ourselves to EU workers which for many Brexiteers will be a delight until they realise that we cannot fill these places ourselves and they have to be filled from somewhere. Asia and Africa being the next choice. All you have achieved in doing that is replacing one lot of immigrants for another lot which will be more costly to train and bring in and who will be much less akin with your beloved British culture.


The fact is we need free movement, its as simple as that and would you not prefer it from our own doorstep?


Fact 60% of doctors and nurses from the EU are considering leaving ??? How do you know that ... Leaving what the UK or the NHS ??? Leaving for what reason ??? If as I presume you will claim 60% are leaving The NHS because the don't feel loved anymore since Brexit then all professions will be losing 60% of East European staff surely because they won't feel loved too ... I'm not seeing hotels shut down because they can't get staff or supermarkets or any other failing businesses because they are all leaving ... Show me some


I take it you never bothered to watch yet another program that was recommended the other night (Dispatches) about the NHS staffing crisis or bother reading any of the links I posted before or the one above. Here are a couple more and one from the BMA!






The main reason most are citing (again as previously posted) is they dont want to stay where they are no longer welcome and who would blame them.


When they interviewed staff that were responsible for recruiting Nurses they told us that before the referendum they would have a couple of hundred applications for nursing jobs from the EU but now they are lucky to get a couple and they need 20000 nurses and cannot fill these positions. This is why they also said they are now having to recruit from Asia. How much more proof do you need?


However I suspect the only way some Brexiteers will be convinced of how important free movement is will be when they need a hospital and find its closed down or cant get any fruit and veg as there is nobody to dig it up or if they are lucky enough to book a hotel in the Lakes for a weekend its closed as there is nobody to run it.



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  • Replies 116
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Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 4:50 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 11:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 10:57 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 10:07 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 9:31 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:12 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:03 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 6:40 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:09 PM


... Wake up ... Its happening ... Breathe it in ... Freedom ... Smells nice doesn't it ???


You ready for more Asians and Africans in Uddersfield now then? ;-)


It's good to see you finally embracing multiculturalism. (lol)


Most Asians from outside the muslim faith Ive had dealings with are nice folk ... Not had much to do with Africans so can't say on that score but those of our friends , some I would rather have than my own family from West Indies backgrounds are great folk ... If we were to seriously discuss multiculturalism with me living here and you in your whites only village I'd say I've embraced it much more than you ... You read about it but I live it.

Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Malaysia all predominantly "them Muslim". A cute little Malaysian nurse would soon have your pulse racing and heart melting. (lol)


Keep embracing it........you've just voted in many more of "them foreigners" to replace the hard working EU NHS workers you've told are no longer welcome.


I've said they are no longer welcome ??? ... Did I ... I honestly don't remember that ... You know more about what I say or think anyway so I'll have to agree with ya won't I ??? ... You see Bullet you'd like to keep your job market open to just your EU club being a little European ... Me I'd like to open it up to the best of what the worlds got to offer ... You really need to get out more


You surprise me Antony after our discussions on here. So you would prefer to ship in thousands of Muslims than Europeans which is what is happening and likely to increase if we leave the EU? To be fair to the Leave Campaign though they did tell Asian communities that a vote to leave would open the door to more Muslim Asians which does appear to be coming true so thats one promise they have kept. Its kind of funny though that as it was a blatant lie to gain the Asian vote which through the chaos that is Brexit is now coming true as they never anticipated the EU workers which they assumed were so desperate to be here would clear off of their own accord.



If you can show me the Home Office figures for the amount of Muslims who've come here to replace working East Europeans since Brexit then I might be able to reply ... I completed a two week landscaping job couple of weeks ago and while carrying out the work signed for four delivered items , three of the drivers were East European so they obviously aren't leaving are they and I've told you about Huddersfields thriving East European food shops , another one opening couple of weeks ago ... If they are all leaving then who the hell is buying the stuff ... Our East European prison population doesn't seem to be shrinking either


So because three drivers were Europeans and a European shop opened in Huddersfield that proves they are not leaving? *-)




I cannot find the official home office figures but I assume by now you will have watched the Dispatches program about the NHS. FACT. The NHS are now recruiting in Asia because they cannot get EU nurses or doctors anymore thanks to Brexit let alone British ones. FACT, 60% of Doctors and NHS staff from the EU are either leaving or considering leaving the UK. It is happening in other sectors as well.


The first cock up assumption of Brexit was that we had too many EU nationals here but now it is clearly apparent that they are all here for a reason. We need them. The second cock up assumption of Brexit was that when we "Take back control" we would be able to dictate how many EU nationals came here and turn off the tap when we thought we were full. What they didnt anticipate is us turning on the tap when we needed it and nothing coming out.


What we have done is alienate ourselves to EU workers which for many Brexiteers will be a delight until they realise that we cannot fill these places ourselves and they have to be filled from somewhere. Asia and Africa being the next choice. All you have achieved in doing that is replacing one lot of immigrants for another lot which will be more costly to train and bring in and who will be much less akin with your beloved British culture.


The fact is we need free movement, its as simple as that and would you not prefer it from our own doorstep?


Fact 60% of doctors and nurses from the EU are considering leaving ??? How do you know that ... Leaving what the UK or the NHS ??? Leaving for what reason ??? If as I presume you will claim 60% are leaving The NHS because the don't feel loved anymore since Brexit then all professions will be losing 60% of East European staff surely because they won't feel loved too ... I'm not seeing hotels shut down because they can't get staff or supermarkets or any other failing businesses because they are all leaving ... Show me some


I take it you never bothered to watch yet another program that was recommended the other night (Dispatches) about the NHS staffing crisis or bother reading any of the links I posted before or the one above. Here are a couple more and one from the BMA!






The main reason most are citing (again as previously posted) is they dont want to stay where they are no longer welcome and who would blame them.


When they interviewed staff that were responsible for recruiting Nurses they told us that before the referendum they would have a couple of hundred applications for nursing jobs from the EU but now they are lucky to get a couple and they need 20000 nurses and cannot fill these positions. This is why they also said they are now having to recruit from Asia. How much more proof do you need?


However I suspect the only way some Brexiteers will be convinced of how important free movement is will be when they need a hospital and find its closed down or cant get any fruit and veg as there is nobody to dig it up or if they are lucky enough to book a hotel in the Lakes for a weekend its closed as there is nobody to run it.



Honestly hardly ever watch TV so no I haven't seen it ... Ill take it your correct with the 60% East Europeans wanting to leave the NHS but I bet thats a figure correct for all NHS staff at the minute regardless of birthplace ... My daughter works at our local hospital and moral is at rock bottom ... If your correct and 60% of East European doctors and nurses want to leave because according to you no love is been shown towards them why would Muslims be more than willing and happy to come to a country where anti-Muslim feeling runs very high and wouldn't those Muslim NHS staff which probably way outnumber the East Europeans be leaving in big numbers ... Anti-semitism in this country is at an all time high ... Are Jewish doctors leaving ??? .... Don't confuse NHS job dissatisfaction with supposed Brexit bigotry

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Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 4:50 PM


I take it you never bothered to watch yet another program that was recommended the other night (Dispatches) about the NHS staffing crisis or bother reading any of the links I posted before or the one above. Here are a couple more and one from the BMA!






Ssshh.......Batman and Robin are snoozing in Cloud Cuckoo Wonkaland. (lol)(lol)





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antony1969 - 2017-03-17 5:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 4:50 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 11:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 10:57 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 10:07 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 9:31 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:12 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:03 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 6:40 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:09 PM


... Wake up ... Its happening ... Breathe it in ... Freedom ... Smells nice doesn't it ???


You ready for more Asians and Africans in Uddersfield now then? ;-)


It's good to see you finally embracing multiculturalism. (lol)


Most Asians from outside the muslim faith Ive had dealings with are nice folk ... Not had much to do with Africans so can't say on that score but those of our friends , some I would rather have than my own family from West Indies backgrounds are great folk ... If we were to seriously discuss multiculturalism with me living here and you in your whites only village I'd say I've embraced it much more than you ... You read about it but I live it.

Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Malaysia all predominantly "them Muslim". A cute little Malaysian nurse would soon have your pulse racing and heart melting. (lol)


Keep embracing it........you've just voted in many more of "them foreigners" to replace the hard working EU NHS workers you've told are no longer welcome.


I've said they are no longer welcome ??? ... Did I ... I honestly don't remember that ... You know more about what I say or think anyway so I'll have to agree with ya won't I ??? ... You see Bullet you'd like to keep your job market open to just your EU club being a little European ... Me I'd like to open it up to the best of what the worlds got to offer ... You really need to get out more


You surprise me Antony after our discussions on here. So you would prefer to ship in thousands of Muslims than Europeans which is what is happening and likely to increase if we leave the EU? To be fair to the Leave Campaign though they did tell Asian communities that a vote to leave would open the door to more Muslim Asians which does appear to be coming true so thats one promise they have kept. Its kind of funny though that as it was a blatant lie to gain the Asian vote which through the chaos that is Brexit is now coming true as they never anticipated the EU workers which they assumed were so desperate to be here would clear off of their own accord.



If you can show me the Home Office figures for the amount of Muslims who've come here to replace working East Europeans since Brexit then I might be able to reply ... I completed a two week landscaping job couple of weeks ago and while carrying out the work signed for four delivered items , three of the drivers were East European so they obviously aren't leaving are they and I've told you about Huddersfields thriving East European food shops , another one opening couple of weeks ago ... If they are all leaving then who the hell is buying the stuff ... Our East European prison population doesn't seem to be shrinking either


So because three drivers were Europeans and a European shop opened in Huddersfield that proves they are not leaving? *-)




I cannot find the official home office figures but I assume by now you will have watched the Dispatches program about the NHS. FACT. The NHS are now recruiting in Asia because they cannot get EU nurses or doctors anymore thanks to Brexit let alone British ones. FACT, 60% of Doctors and NHS staff from the EU are either leaving or considering leaving the UK. It is happening in other sectors as well.


The first cock up assumption of Brexit was that we had too many EU nationals here but now it is clearly apparent that they are all here for a reason. We need them. The second cock up assumption of Brexit was that when we "Take back control" we would be able to dictate how many EU nationals came here and turn off the tap when we thought we were full. What they didnt anticipate is us turning on the tap when we needed it and nothing coming out.


What we have done is alienate ourselves to EU workers which for many Brexiteers will be a delight until they realise that we cannot fill these places ourselves and they have to be filled from somewhere. Asia and Africa being the next choice. All you have achieved in doing that is replacing one lot of immigrants for another lot which will be more costly to train and bring in and who will be much less akin with your beloved British culture.


The fact is we need free movement, its as simple as that and would you not prefer it from our own doorstep?


Fact 60% of doctors and nurses from the EU are considering leaving ??? How do you know that ... Leaving what the UK or the NHS ??? Leaving for what reason ??? If as I presume you will claim 60% are leaving The NHS because the don't feel loved anymore since Brexit then all professions will be losing 60% of East European staff surely because they won't feel loved too ... I'm not seeing hotels shut down because they can't get staff or supermarkets or any other failing businesses because they are all leaving ... Show me some


I take it you never bothered to watch yet another program that was recommended the other night (Dispatches) about the NHS staffing crisis or bother reading any of the links I posted before or the one above. Here are a couple more and one from the BMA!






The main reason most are citing (again as previously posted) is they dont want to stay where they are no longer welcome and who would blame them.


When they interviewed staff that were responsible for recruiting Nurses they told us that before the referendum they would have a couple of hundred applications for nursing jobs from the EU but now they are lucky to get a couple and they need 20000 nurses and cannot fill these positions. This is why they also said they are now having to recruit from Asia. How much more proof do you need?


However I suspect the only way some Brexiteers will be convinced of how important free movement is will be when they need a hospital and find its closed down or cant get any fruit and veg as there is nobody to dig it up or if they are lucky enough to book a hotel in the Lakes for a weekend its closed as there is nobody to run it.



Honestly hardly ever watch TV so no I haven't seen it ... Ill take it your correct with the 60% East Europeans wanting to leave the NHS but I bet thats a figure correct for all NHS staff at the minute regardless of birthplace ... My daughter works at our local hospital and moral is at rock bottom ... If your correct and 60% of East European doctors and nurses want to leave because according to you no love is been shown towards them why would Muslims be more than willing and happy to come to a country where anti-Muslim feeling runs very high and wouldn't those Muslim NHS staff which probably way outnumber the East Europeans be leaving in big numbers ... Anti-semitism in this country is at an all time high ... Are Jewish doctors leaving ??? .... Don't confuse NHS job dissatisfaction with supposed Brexit bigotry


As said its not just the NHS but those interviewed all said they didnt want to stay where they felt no longer welcome or in some cases safe. It will boil down to how desperate someone is for work I guess. The Europeans are just like us. They are not desperate for work especially if your qualified, maybe they also see the UK going down the pan, exchange rate going down the pan as another reason to leave. So why stay where its no longer going to be a great place to work and why stay where your not wanted?


Recruits from Africa or Asia though may be less fussy. Maybe they have family here already they can stay with. The fact is despite immigration being the biggest reason most voted for Brexit it is dawning on these people that actually we cannot function without it but all you will achieve is scaring off the really useful and highly trained immigrants, leaving behind the less desirable and us having to recruit from further afield.


If only people had woken up to this fact a year ago we wouldnt be in this mess. The only way Brexit will change immigration is by swapping EU immigrants for less fussy ones from further afield.

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Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 5:56 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 5:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 4:50 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 11:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 10:57 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 10:07 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 9:31 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:12 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:03 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 6:40 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:09 PM


... Wake up ... Its happening ... Breathe it in ... Freedom ... Smells nice doesn't it ???


You ready for more Asians and Africans in Uddersfield now then? ;-)


It's good to see you finally embracing multiculturalism. (lol)


Most Asians from outside the muslim faith Ive had dealings with are nice folk ... Not had much to do with Africans so can't say on that score but those of our friends , some I would rather have than my own family from West Indies backgrounds are great folk ... If we were to seriously discuss multiculturalism with me living here and you in your whites only village I'd say I've embraced it much more than you ... You read about it but I live it.

Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Malaysia all predominantly "them Muslim". A cute little Malaysian nurse would soon have your pulse racing and heart melting. (lol)


Keep embracing it........you've just voted in many more of "them foreigners" to replace the hard working EU NHS workers you've told are no longer welcome.


I've said they are no longer welcome ??? ... Did I ... I honestly don't remember that ... You know more about what I say or think anyway so I'll have to agree with ya won't I ??? ... You see Bullet you'd like to keep your job market open to just your EU club being a little European ... Me I'd like to open it up to the best of what the worlds got to offer ... You really need to get out more


You surprise me Antony after our discussions on here. So you would prefer to ship in thousands of Muslims than Europeans which is what is happening and likely to increase if we leave the EU? To be fair to the Leave Campaign though they did tell Asian communities that a vote to leave would open the door to more Muslim Asians which does appear to be coming true so thats one promise they have kept. Its kind of funny though that as it was a blatant lie to gain the Asian vote which through the chaos that is Brexit is now coming true as they never anticipated the EU workers which they assumed were so desperate to be here would clear off of their own accord.



If you can show me the Home Office figures for the amount of Muslims who've come here to replace working East Europeans since Brexit then I might be able to reply ... I completed a two week landscaping job couple of weeks ago and while carrying out the work signed for four delivered items , three of the drivers were East European so they obviously aren't leaving are they and I've told you about Huddersfields thriving East European food shops , another one opening couple of weeks ago ... If they are all leaving then who the hell is buying the stuff ... Our East European prison population doesn't seem to be shrinking either


So because three drivers were Europeans and a European shop opened in Huddersfield that proves they are not leaving? *-)




I cannot find the official home office figures but I assume by now you will have watched the Dispatches program about the NHS. FACT. The NHS are now recruiting in Asia because they cannot get EU nurses or doctors anymore thanks to Brexit let alone British ones. FACT, 60% of Doctors and NHS staff from the EU are either leaving or considering leaving the UK. It is happening in other sectors as well.


The first cock up assumption of Brexit was that we had too many EU nationals here but now it is clearly apparent that they are all here for a reason. We need them. The second cock up assumption of Brexit was that when we "Take back control" we would be able to dictate how many EU nationals came here and turn off the tap when we thought we were full. What they didnt anticipate is us turning on the tap when we needed it and nothing coming out.


What we have done is alienate ourselves to EU workers which for many Brexiteers will be a delight until they realise that we cannot fill these places ourselves and they have to be filled from somewhere. Asia and Africa being the next choice. All you have achieved in doing that is replacing one lot of immigrants for another lot which will be more costly to train and bring in and who will be much less akin with your beloved British culture.


The fact is we need free movement, its as simple as that and would you not prefer it from our own doorstep?


Fact 60% of doctors and nurses from the EU are considering leaving ??? How do you know that ... Leaving what the UK or the NHS ??? Leaving for what reason ??? If as I presume you will claim 60% are leaving The NHS because the don't feel loved anymore since Brexit then all professions will be losing 60% of East European staff surely because they won't feel loved too ... I'm not seeing hotels shut down because they can't get staff or supermarkets or any other failing businesses because they are all leaving ... Show me some


I take it you never bothered to watch yet another program that was recommended the other night (Dispatches) about the NHS staffing crisis or bother reading any of the links I posted before or the one above. Here are a couple more and one from the BMA!






The main reason most are citing (again as previously posted) is they dont want to stay where they are no longer welcome and who would blame them.


When they interviewed staff that were responsible for recruiting Nurses they told us that before the referendum they would have a couple of hundred applications for nursing jobs from the EU but now they are lucky to get a couple and they need 20000 nurses and cannot fill these positions. This is why they also said they are now having to recruit from Asia. How much more proof do you need?


However I suspect the only way some Brexiteers will be convinced of how important free movement is will be when they need a hospital and find its closed down or cant get any fruit and veg as there is nobody to dig it up or if they are lucky enough to book a hotel in the Lakes for a weekend its closed as there is nobody to run it.



Honestly hardly ever watch TV so no I haven't seen it ... Ill take it your correct with the 60% East Europeans wanting to leave the NHS but I bet thats a figure correct for all NHS staff at the minute regardless of birthplace ... My daughter works at our local hospital and moral is at rock bottom ... If your correct and 60% of East European doctors and nurses want to leave because according to you no love is been shown towards them why would Muslims be more than willing and happy to come to a country where anti-Muslim feeling runs very high and wouldn't those Muslim NHS staff which probably way outnumber the East Europeans be leaving in big numbers ... Anti-semitism in this country is at an all time high ... Are Jewish doctors leaving ??? .... Don't confuse NHS job dissatisfaction with supposed Brexit bigotry


As said its not just the NHS but those interviewed all said they didnt want to stay where they felt no longer welcome or in some cases safe. It will boil down to how desperate someone is for work I guess. The Europeans are just like us. They are not desperate for work especially if your qualified, maybe they also see the UK going down the pan, exchange rate going down the pan as another reason to leave. So why stay where its no longer going to be a great place to work and why stay where your not wanted?


Recruits from Africa or Asia though may be less fussy. Maybe they have family here already they can stay with. The fact is despite immigration being the biggest reason most voted for Brexit it is dawning on these people that actually we cannot function without it but all you will achieve is scaring off the really useful and highly trained immigrants, leaving behind the less desirable and us having to recruit from further afield.


If only people had woken up to this fact a year ago we wouldnt be in this mess. The only way Brexit will change immigration is by swapping EU immigrants for less fussy ones from further afield.


So I suppose the more money you earn and how easy it is to get a job in another European country dictates how offended East Europeans are about Brexit and how "safe" they feel ... You'd imagine then that all those East European footballers earning millions a year here in our football leagues and who'd easily get a team in other EU countries after playing in what they call Europes top league would be leaving in very high numbers if family safety was an issue after Brexit ??? ... Ive not heard of one leaving have you ???

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antony1969 - 2017-03-17 6:11 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 5:56 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 5:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 4:50 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 11:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 10:57 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 10:07 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 9:31 AM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:12 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 9:03 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-16 6:40 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 6:09 PM


... Wake up ... Its happening ... Breathe it in ... Freedom ... Smells nice doesn't it ???


You ready for more Asians and Africans in Uddersfield now then? ;-)


It's good to see you finally embracing multiculturalism. (lol)


Most Asians from outside the muslim faith Ive had dealings with are nice folk ... Not had much to do with Africans so can't say on that score but those of our friends , some I would rather have than my own family from West Indies backgrounds are great folk ... If we were to seriously discuss multiculturalism with me living here and you in your whites only village I'd say I've embraced it much more than you ... You read about it but I live it.

Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Malaysia all predominantly "them Muslim". A cute little Malaysian nurse would soon have your pulse racing and heart melting. (lol)


Keep embracing it........you've just voted in many more of "them foreigners" to replace the hard working EU NHS workers you've told are no longer welcome.


I've said they are no longer welcome ??? ... Did I ... I honestly don't remember that ... You know more about what I say or think anyway so I'll have to agree with ya won't I ??? ... You see Bullet you'd like to keep your job market open to just your EU club being a little European ... Me I'd like to open it up to the best of what the worlds got to offer ... You really need to get out more


You surprise me Antony after our discussions on here. So you would prefer to ship in thousands of Muslims than Europeans which is what is happening and likely to increase if we leave the EU? To be fair to the Leave Campaign though they did tell Asian communities that a vote to leave would open the door to more Muslim Asians which does appear to be coming true so thats one promise they have kept. Its kind of funny though that as it was a blatant lie to gain the Asian vote which through the chaos that is Brexit is now coming true as they never anticipated the EU workers which they assumed were so desperate to be here would clear off of their own accord.



If you can show me the Home Office figures for the amount of Muslims who've come here to replace working East Europeans since Brexit then I might be able to reply ... I completed a two week landscaping job couple of weeks ago and while carrying out the work signed for four delivered items , three of the drivers were East European so they obviously aren't leaving are they and I've told you about Huddersfields thriving East European food shops , another one opening couple of weeks ago ... If they are all leaving then who the hell is buying the stuff ... Our East European prison population doesn't seem to be shrinking either


So because three drivers were Europeans and a European shop opened in Huddersfield that proves they are not leaving? *-)




I cannot find the official home office figures but I assume by now you will have watched the Dispatches program about the NHS. FACT. The NHS are now recruiting in Asia because they cannot get EU nurses or doctors anymore thanks to Brexit let alone British ones. FACT, 60% of Doctors and NHS staff from the EU are either leaving or considering leaving the UK. It is happening in other sectors as well.


The first cock up assumption of Brexit was that we had too many EU nationals here but now it is clearly apparent that they are all here for a reason. We need them. The second cock up assumption of Brexit was that when we "Take back control" we would be able to dictate how many EU nationals came here and turn off the tap when we thought we were full. What they didnt anticipate is us turning on the tap when we needed it and nothing coming out.


What we have done is alienate ourselves to EU workers which for many Brexiteers will be a delight until they realise that we cannot fill these places ourselves and they have to be filled from somewhere. Asia and Africa being the next choice. All you have achieved in doing that is replacing one lot of immigrants for another lot which will be more costly to train and bring in and who will be much less akin with your beloved British culture.


The fact is we need free movement, its as simple as that and would you not prefer it from our own doorstep?


Fact 60% of doctors and nurses from the EU are considering leaving ??? How do you know that ... Leaving what the UK or the NHS ??? Leaving for what reason ??? If as I presume you will claim 60% are leaving The NHS because the don't feel loved anymore since Brexit then all professions will be losing 60% of East European staff surely because they won't feel loved too ... I'm not seeing hotels shut down because they can't get staff or supermarkets or any other failing businesses because they are all leaving ... Show me some


I take it you never bothered to watch yet another program that was recommended the other night (Dispatches) about the NHS staffing crisis or bother reading any of the links I posted before or the one above. Here are a couple more and one from the BMA!






The main reason most are citing (again as previously posted) is they dont want to stay where they are no longer welcome and who would blame them.


When they interviewed staff that were responsible for recruiting Nurses they told us that before the referendum they would have a couple of hundred applications for nursing jobs from the EU but now they are lucky to get a couple and they need 20000 nurses and cannot fill these positions. This is why they also said they are now having to recruit from Asia. How much more proof do you need?


However I suspect the only way some Brexiteers will be convinced of how important free movement is will be when they need a hospital and find its closed down or cant get any fruit and veg as there is nobody to dig it up or if they are lucky enough to book a hotel in the Lakes for a weekend its closed as there is nobody to run it.



Honestly hardly ever watch TV so no I haven't seen it ... Ill take it your correct with the 60% East Europeans wanting to leave the NHS but I bet thats a figure correct for all NHS staff at the minute regardless of birthplace ... My daughter works at our local hospital and moral is at rock bottom ... If your correct and 60% of East European doctors and nurses want to leave because according to you no love is been shown towards them why would Muslims be more than willing and happy to come to a country where anti-Muslim feeling runs very high and wouldn't those Muslim NHS staff which probably way outnumber the East Europeans be leaving in big numbers ... Anti-semitism in this country is at an all time high ... Are Jewish doctors leaving ??? .... Don't confuse NHS job dissatisfaction with supposed Brexit bigotry


As said its not just the NHS but those interviewed all said they didnt want to stay where they felt no longer welcome or in some cases safe. It will boil down to how desperate someone is for work I guess. The Europeans are just like us. They are not desperate for work especially if your qualified, maybe they also see the UK going down the pan, exchange rate going down the pan as another reason to leave. So why stay where its no longer going to be a great place to work and why stay where your not wanted?


Recruits from Africa or Asia though may be less fussy. Maybe they have family here already they can stay with. The fact is despite immigration being the biggest reason most voted for Brexit it is dawning on these people that actually we cannot function without it but all you will achieve is scaring off the really useful and highly trained immigrants, leaving behind the less desirable and us having to recruit from further afield.


If only people had woken up to this fact a year ago we wouldnt be in this mess. The only way Brexit will change immigration is by swapping EU immigrants for less fussy ones from further afield.


So I suppose the more money you earn and how easy it is to get a job in another European country dictates how offended East Europeans are about Brexit and how "safe" they feel ... You'd imagine then that all those East European footballers earning millions a year here in our football leagues and who'd easily get a team in other EU countries after playing in what they call Europes top league would be leaving in very high numbers if family safety was an issue after Brexit ??? ... Ive not heard of one leaving have you ???


Well I dont know as I know nothing about football but presumably there are only a handful of them compared to the number of NHS, Farm, Hospitality and factory workers. Maybe some are thinking of leaving but I suspect they may be less likely to encounter Polish Vermin posters on the windows of their Cheshire homes and maybe prefer to take a Bentley to the ground than the bus. Less chance of being spat on or told to F off home. Mind you I just bet they get some stick on the pitch though.


Your right to an extent though how much you earn compared to what you will get elsewhere in Europe and how easy you would get that work as a trade off against how much you feel unwelcome following Brexit and all the hate that has come to the surface on the back of it will be a factor. Like I said, the "good ones" will vote with their feet.

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It costs about £22,500 per year to train a nurse, on top of that, it can cost up to £5,400 a year for a bursary. So your nurse has been trained after 3yr and is now qualified. Their starting salary is round about £20,000 I think.


Where my daughter works, they sometimes get a agency nurse in (they have to be desperate) at a cost of £1,450 a shift, she said it cost more in other area's such as the Southern regions. It cheaper to get qualified nurses in from Africa and Asia, but now they have to be able to speak and read good English.


A bit higher up the ladder. Not long ago I was in the company of two consultants, both divorced. After a few drinks they started chatting loosely about the amount they were paying to their ex's, both said that they paid alimony, one paid her £3,000 a month plus £2,000 children maintenance and the other paid £2,500 for his ex and £1,000 for one child, this is after tax deductions, I said "well you lot can afford it and anyway you still get your personal allowance". They said they earned to much so didn't get personal allowance and that alimony and child maintenance is not tax deductable, It turned out that after earning's above £120,000 a year you are not entitled to personale allowance.



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Barry and all the other 'open door' policy lovers should look beyond their own approach to immigration and wanting the doors open to all and sundry because it is not only damaging to the UK and other countries where hundreds of thousands decide to 'economically' migrate to it is actually more damaging to the countries they migrate from in such numbers:

(stick with it it really does have a socio/economic message that a great many 'freedom' merchants might care to take a good look at)......

From The Spectator....and from my own experience in Wroclaw (Poland) a few years ago:
‘Hmm, let me see,’ said Tomasz the painter,rubbing his temples. He was trying to think of a plumber who could install a new bathroom shower. ‘Well, there’s Jacek — no, sorry, he’s gone to Dublin. There’s Lech — no, I’m afraid he’s away, I think in Bristol. There used to be that guy, what was his name, Jackowski — no, he’s in London.’

He thought for a few more minutes. ‘Sorry,’ he said at last. ‘Can’t recommend anyone.’ Thus did I discover that within a hundred-mile radius of my Polish country house — a territory that includes the city of Bydgoszcz (pop. 400,000), and the surrounding Pomeranian countryside (add another 100,000) — there was not, at that moment, a single plumber to be found.

That was last summer. Since then — since they started regular flights from Bydgoszcz to Dublin and Liverpool, since people started offhandedly referring to ‘the million’ Poles living in the British Isles — things have got worse. A piece of landscaping I lazily put off last year costs twice as much this year, because anyone who can handle a shovel is planting roses in the Home Counties. A recent attempt to buy a child’s ice hockey helmet ended in failure because there aren’t enough drivers to drive ice hockey helmets to Warsaw from wherever they are produced. My local bakery now has queues into the street because there aren’t enough salesgirls to serve customers. And pretty much every restaurant I walk past has a sign in the window: We’re Hiring!

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We’re Hiring — but so, apparently, are you. You British, that is, and you Irish. And you aren’t even hiding it. ‘Come work in Ireland’ declares a man in a hard hat on a Warsaw billboard. ‘Jobs in Britain’ declares one of the daily newspapers, in a thick, English-language job-seekers supplement sponsored by the Daily Telegraph. A few months ago a Polish weekly featured a smiling construction worker on its cover — sitting on a throne, wearing a crown. Sixty years after the Red Army occupation, 25 years after the Solidarity revolution, the Poles have — thanks to capitalism, open labour markets, EU border policy and British employers — created a society in which the worker is king, and what used to be a $5 manicure now costs $20.

Warsaw’s employers are, of course, fighting back with a variety of strategies, most of which at first involved Ukrainians. In fact, Ukrainian nannies first appeared in Warsaw as long ago as the late Nineties, right about the time that Polish wages began to rise above developing-world levels: suddenly, all those accustomed to paying pennies for childcare — foreigners in particular — started asking their cleaning ladies about their cousins in Lvov.

The result was not always ideal. As a Russian speaker, I was frequently called upon to translate agonising conversations between a diplomatic spouse of my acquaintance who spoke bad English, and her Ukrainian nanny, who spoke bad Russian. Normally, they communicated with one another in even worse Polish, to the confusion of the children, who spoke Dutch. But Polish employers aren’t necessarily better off. Slavs like to claim they all understand one another, really, but the word for ‘shop’ in Polish means ‘tomb’ in Russian, and the same words sometimes mean ‘forget’ and ‘remember’ in Polish and Ukrainian, so you can see where confusion might arise.

In any case there is a far more profound, longer-term problem with imported Ukrainians, namely the fact that the Ukrainian GDP is expected to grow by more than 7 per cent this year. Thus Ukrainian wages are rapidly pushing past developing-world levels, thus Ukraine also needs new roads, new buildings, new nannies. If the Ukrainians move to Poland to replace the Poles who’ve moved to Britain, who will do the work in Ukraine? Presumably the Kazakhs — which means that the Kazakhs will have to import Kirghiz, and the Kirghiz will eventually have to import Chinese, and the Chinese, finally, will recruit Californians.
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antony1969 - 2017-03-17 6:11 PM


So I suppose the more money you earn and how easy it is to get a job in another European country dictates how offended East Europeans are about Brexit and how "safe" they feel ... You'd imagine then that all those East European footballers earning millions a year here in our football leagues and who'd easily get a team in other EU countries after playing in what they call Europes top league would be leaving in very high numbers if family safety was an issue after Brexit ??? ... Ive not heard of one leaving have you ???

God.........so now it's East Europeans!! What is the matter with you??? *-)


You do realise that many East European countries are also EU member states?


As for East European footballers, like me you obviously know sod all about football......so, being curious i took three of the top teams, Man City, Man United and Chelsea. Out of all three teams how many professional players are East European?




Plenty from France, Belgium, Netherland, Spain, Germany, Brazil, a few Africans......oh and a bloke from Biddulph. That's in Stoke-on-Trent. *-)


You don't half come out with some guff Antony.

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nowtelse2do - 2017-03-17 9:57 PM


It costs about £22,500 per year to train a nurse, on top of that, it can cost up to £5,400 a year for a bursary. So your nurse has been trained after 3yr and is now qualified. Their starting salary is round about £20,000 I think.


Where my daughter works, they sometimes get a agency nurse in (they have to be desperate) at a cost of £1,450 a shift, she said it cost more in other area's such as the Southern regions. It cheaper to get qualified nurses in from Africa and Asia, but now they have to be able to speak and read good English.


Which begs the question.........why pay £7,250 per week (£377k pa) for an Agency nurse when they could be employing the nurse they obviously need on a contract?


Of course, i know that Agency nurse isn't getting paid that figure. In fact she will be receiving less than a fully contracted nurse because the Agency takes the lions share of that £1450 a shift.


NHS nursing salaries start at £15.251 on Band 1.



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Bulletguy - 2017-03-17 11:09 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 6:11 PM


So I suppose the more money you earn and how easy it is to get a job in another European country dictates how offended East Europeans are about Brexit and how "safe" they feel ... You'd imagine then that all those East European footballers earning millions a year here in our football leagues and who'd easily get a team in other EU countries after playing in what they call Europes top league would be leaving in very high numbers if family safety was an issue after Brexit ??? ... Ive not heard of one leaving have you ???

God.........so now it's East Europeans!! What is the matter with you??? *-)


You do realise that many East European countries are also EU member states?


As for East European footballers, like me you obviously know sod all about football......so, being curious i took three of the top teams, Man City, Man United and Chelsea. Out of all three teams how many professional players are East European?




Plenty from France, Belgium, Netherland, Spain, Germany, Brazil, a few Africans......oh and a bloke from Biddulph. That's in Stoke-on-Trent. *-)


You don't half come out with some guff Antony.


After I'd wrote it I realised I should have said EU countries actually so I'll agree ... I did though put "football leagues" ... We have 4 in England with I think 92 teams ... Scotland has 4 and so on and so on and you've pointed out nicely just how many EU nationals play here ... If Barry's theory is correct and all those footballers who play here from the EU who aren't loved anymore since Brexit and like the doctors and nurses and farm workers and hospitality workers don't feel safe anymore then I reckon our football leagues are guna collapse with 60% of em thinking of leaving ... 60% being Barry's figure of course ... I'm expecting the closure of the hotel we stayed at the other week because practically all the staff were Europeans ... Greek restaurant we went to obviously guna close due to losing 60% of staff ... Shame it was lovely ... Make the most of your Italian restaurants as closure obviously will be coming soon ... If they are all feeling so unloved and scared of violent attacks as Barry claims then they are going to leave in pretty high numbers ... Fish and chips from now on

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 4:50 PM



I take it you never bothered to watch yet another program that was recommended the other night (Dispatches) about the NHS staffing crisis or bother reading any of the links I posted before or the one above. Here are a couple more and one from the BMA!








Have you bothered to read your links Barry? ;-) .........Because it appears to me that only 1193 EEA doctors of the 10,000 that work here could be bothered to reply to the survey :D ........


So in typical loony lefty fashion the BMA & Guardian have spun it to make it sound like 60% of the 10,000 are considering leaving the UK.......When in fact its a tiny minority *-) ......


Plus I cant find any evidence of EU citizens scurrying back home?......So its just RemOAner hyperbole >:-) ......



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pelmetman - 2017-03-18 8:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-17 4:50 PM



I take it you never bothered to watch yet another program that was recommended the other night (Dispatches) about the NHS staffing crisis or bother reading any of the links I posted before or the one above. Here are a couple more and one from the BMA!








Have you bothered to read your links Barry? ;-) .........Because it appears to me that only 1193 EEA doctors of the 10,000 that work here could be bothered to reply to the survey :D ........


So in typical loony lefty fashion the BMA & Guardian have spun it to make it sound like 60% of the 10,000 are considering leaving the UK.......When in fact its a tiny minority *-) ......


Plus I cant find any evidence of EU citizens scurrying back home?......So its just RemOAner hyperbole >:-) ......



Not everyone voted in the referendum Dave but we are still told to accept the vote as being a true representative of the will of the people. Doctors are busy people. You cant find any evidence because you dont want to find it. As I said earlier its pointless trying to tell Brexiteers anything they dont want to hear as their fingers have been stuck in their ears for nearly a year now. The only way these things will ever be proved to you is when your A&E closes or your local care home. Even then you will probably blame foreigners for being too sensitive or something.


If its not happening then answer this. Why over year or so ago were there hundreds of applicants for nurses jobs from the EU and now there are virtually none? Jobs we desperately need filling and cannot fill ourselves and are now having to recruit from Asia and Africa for?

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 9:11 AM


If its not happening then answer this. Why over year or so ago were there hundreds of applicants for nurses jobs from the EU and now there are virtually none? Jobs we desperately need filling and cannot fill ourselves and are now having to recruit from Asia and Africa for?


The nursing shortage is not just here guv :D ........




Maybe you should retrain?.......Reckon Tuggers would quite fancy you in a nurses uniform >:-) ......



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pelmetman - 2017-03-18 10:33 AM


Barryd999 - 2017-03-18 9:11 AM


If its not happening then answer this. Why over year or so ago were there hundreds of applicants for nurses jobs from the EU and now there are virtually none? Jobs we desperately need filling and cannot fill ourselves and are now having to recruit from Asia and Africa for?


The nursing shortage is not just here guv :D ........




Maybe you should retrain?.......Reckon Tuggers would quite fancy you in a nurses uniform >:-) ......



No, Sailors and Cabin boys only for him. 8-)

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antony1969 - 2017-03-18 6:45 AM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-17 11:09 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-17 6:11 PM


So I suppose the more money you earn and how easy it is to get a job in another European country dictates how offended East Europeans are about Brexit and how "safe" they feel ... You'd imagine then that all those East European footballers earning millions a year here in our football leagues and who'd easily get a team in other EU countries after playing in what they call Europes top league would be leaving in very high numbers if family safety was an issue after Brexit ??? ... Ive not heard of one leaving have you ???

God.........so now it's East Europeans!! What is the matter with you??? *-)


You do realise that many East European countries are also EU member states?


As for East European footballers, like me you obviously know sod all about football......so, being curious i took three of the top teams, Man City, Man United and Chelsea. Out of all three teams how many professional players are East European?




Plenty from France, Belgium, Netherland, Spain, Germany, Brazil, a few Africans......oh and a bloke from Biddulph. That's in Stoke-on-Trent. *-)


You don't half come out with some guff Antony.


After I'd wrote it I realised I should have said EU countries actually so I'll agree ... I did though put "football leagues" ... We have 4 in England with I think 92 teams ... Scotland has 4 and so on and so on and you've pointed out nicely just how many EU nationals play here ... If Barry's theory is correct and all those footballers who play here from the EU who aren't loved anymore since Brexit and like the doctors and nurses and farm workers and hospitality workers don't feel safe anymore then I reckon our football leagues are guna collapse with 60% of em thinking of leaving ...


British lads will have to start learning how to kick a ball but it seems we have very few capable. Hardly surprising given most of the youth spend their days under the duvet, on the dole, or playing around on X boxes. Also doesn't help when their soppy mothers clutter up the streets picking up their little angels in cars instead of making 'em walk.


There was an East European.....just ONE, from Bulgaria......but he was refused entry by the HO because he hadn't played enough internationals. http://www.rediff.com/sports/report/bulgarian-footballer-popov-denied-work-permit-for-blackburn-move/20100901.htm


Freedom of movement is an essential.......to many industries. I'm not particularly bothered about football as all premier league clubs are wallowing in money from Sky and sponsors etc, but i am concerned about other industries who have a number of EU workers such as the NHS. It's no good pretending the outcome of Brexit hasn't had an effect there because it has, the figures speak for themselves in that documentary i linked. Brexit voters had better start waking up to this before it's too late.

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antony1969 - 2017-03-18 8:14 PM


Bye bye Barry ... Dont forget to pick up the organ grinder when ya leave ... http://news.sky.com/story/nicola-sturgeon-tells-snp-there-will-be-a-referendum-10806506


Hmm. I am kind of hoping we will get a similar offer from France hopefully. No offence to the Scots but I would prefer to spend my days in some backwater in Provence, an hours drive from the Alps or the Med than go any further oop North.


Then again. Im only an hour away now so maybe we could get them to Annex the Dales.

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antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:12 PM...........................You see Bullet you'd like to keep your job market open to just your EU club being a little European ... Me I'd like to open it up to the best of what the worlds got to offer ... You really need to get out more

Apologies to Antony for using this post as a peg on which to hang a hat, but I do wonder if a few facts (as reliable as I can get, culled from Wiki, in turn based on ONS figures :-)).

The total population of the UK in 2015 (latest ONS estimate based on 2011 census, my rounding) is 63,400,000.

Within this (based on the same source, for consistency, on the same basis), there is an EU born population of 3,250,000.

Ditto, but non-EU born, is 4,500,000.

So, the net, UK born, native population is 55,650,000.

It is stated elsewhere that UK unemployment is presently 1,860,000 (about 5/5%).

It is also stated that of EU born migrants about 80% are in work.

Of UK nationals about 75% are in work.

Of non-EU born migrants about 62% are in work.

However, the main point is that with a total non-UK population of 7,760,000, and present unemployment of 1,860,000, we'd be in a bit of a fix if all the migrants were to leave, wouldn't we?


So, as some immigrants leave the UK every year, for various reasons, the idea that immigration can be radically reduced seems a bit unrealistic, don't you think?

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Brian Kirby - 2017-03-19 1:07 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:12 PM...........................You see Bullet you'd like to keep your job market open to just your EU club being a little European ... Me I'd like to open it up to the best of what the worlds got to offer ... You really need to get out more

Apologies to Antony for using this post as a peg on which to hang a hat, but I do wonder if a few facts (as reliable as I can get, culled from Wiki, in turn based on ONS figures :-)).

The total population of the UK in 2015 (latest ONS estimate based on 2011 census, my rounding) is 63,400,000.

Within this (based on the same source, for consistency, on the same basis), there is an EU born population of 3,250,000.

Ditto, but non-EU born, is 4,500,000.

So, the net, UK born, native population is 55,650,000.

It is stated elsewhere that UK unemployment is presently 1,860,000 (about 5/5%).

It is also stated that of EU born migrants about 80% are in work.

Of UK nationals about 75% are in work.

Of non-EU born migrants about 62% are in work.

However, the main point is that with a total non-UK population of 7,760,000, and present unemployment of 1,860,000, we'd be in a bit of a fix if all the migrants were to leave, wouldn't we?


So, as some immigrants leave the UK every year, for various reasons, the idea that immigration can be radically reduced seems a bit unrealistic, don't you think?


You really should come down to the grimy basement more often Brian. :D


Add into that factor that we have a certain sector of UK nationals that are either unable to work or dont want to and those figures will look even worse.


I really think the Immigration factor in Brexit was a complete red herring to convince people to vote leave when those promoting Brexit knew only too well we simply cannot function without it. As it was a huge reason many voted out many are going to be disappointed when they see the roles previously filled by our EU neighbours filled by immigrants from further afield, unless you can persuade them to stay of course. I wouldn't though if I was an immigrant. No way would I stay in a country I wasn't wanted or had behaved like this one has. I dont feel like staying myself and I was born here. In fact I am starting to understand what it feels like to be an immigrant. Ive lost count of the number of people who have told me to bugger off and leave the country.


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Brian Kirby - 2017-03-19 1:07 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-16 9:12 PM...........................You see Bullet you'd like to keep your job market open to just your EU club being a little European ... Me I'd like to open it up to the best of what the worlds got to offer ... You really need to get out more

Apologies to Antony for using this post as a peg on which to hang a hat, but I do wonder if a few facts (as reliable as I can get, culled from Wiki, in turn based on ONS figures :-)).

The total population of the UK in 2015 (latest ONS estimate based on 2011 census, my rounding) is 63,400,000.

Within this (based on the same source, for consistency, on the same basis), there is an EU born population of 3,250,000.

Ditto, but non-EU born, is 4,500,000.

So, the net, UK born, native population is 55,650,000.

It is stated elsewhere that UK unemployment is presently 1,860,000 (about 5/5%).

It is also stated that of EU born migrants about 80% are in work.

Of UK nationals about 75% are in work.

Of non-EU born migrants about 62% are in work.

However, the main point is that with a total non-UK population of 7,760,000, and present unemployment of 1,860,000, we'd be in a bit of a fix if all the migrants were to leave, wouldn't we?


So, as some immigrants leave the UK every year, for various reasons, the idea that immigration can be radically reduced seems a bit unrealistic, don't you think?


But who's asked all the migrants currently here to leave ???

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antony1969 - 2017-03-19 1:53 PM.....................................But who's asked all the migrants currently here to leave ???

No-one, of course, Antony. But, "too many immigrants" seems to be a common cry, does it not? So, if there are said to be too many, it suggests that (at least in the minds of those of that opinion), there should be less. For there to be less (fewer) some have to go, don't they?


Besides which, all the migration figures show that foreign workers continually come and go. They don't just arrive, and stay for ever. At present, more tend to be leaving than arriving, so the number is falling. Look back at the numbers I quoted above, and ask yourself how many can go before we begin to experience labour shortages (and I mean real shortages, when there really are insufficient workers to fill vacant posts)?


When that happens, two things tend to follow. One is wage-push inflation, which quickly leads to rising prices. The other is falling domestic output, which generally leads to rising imports. Neither is good for the overall economy.


Reality says we shall have to maintain the level of immigration at, or close to, its present levels, to maintain the present level of economic activity. So, what then of the arguments about "controlling" (which so many seemed to interpret as meaning stopping), immigration? Take that issue out of the Brexit vote, and what would we have been left with?

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Brian Kirby - 2017-03-19 2:40 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-19 1:53 PM.....................................But who's asked all the migrants currently here to leave ???

No-one, of course, Antony. But, "too many immigrants" seems to be a common cry, does it not? So, if there are said to be too many, it suggests that (at least in the minds of those of that opinion), there should be less. For there to be less (fewer) some have to go, don't they?


Besides which, all the migration figures show that foreign workers continually come and go. They don't just arrive, and stay for ever. At present, more tend to be leaving than arriving, so the number is falling. Look back at the numbers I quoted above, and ask yourself how many can go before we begin to experience labour shortages (and I mean real shortages, when there really are insufficient workers to fill vacant posts)?


When that happens, two things tend to follow. One is wage-push inflation, which quickly leads to rising prices. The other is falling domestic output, which generally leads to rising imports. Neither is good for the overall economy.


Reality says we shall have to maintain the level of immigration at, or close to, its present levels, to maintain the present level of economic activity. So, what then of the arguments about "controlling" (which so many seemed to interpret as meaning stopping), immigration? Take that issue out of the Brexit vote, and what would we have been left with?


So its not all immigrants we are asking to leave but just some ??? ... Personally Ive never suggested any should leave just good immigration at sensible levels and thats the view held by most Brexit voters I believe

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2017-03-19 3:03 PM


Brian Kirby - 2017-03-19 2:40 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-19 1:53 PM.....................................But who's asked all the migrants currently here to leave ???

No-one, of course, Antony. But, "too many immigrants" seems to be a common cry, does it not? So, if there are said to be too many, it suggests that (at least in the minds of those of that opinion), there should be less. For there to be less (fewer) some have to go, don't they?


Besides which, all the migration figures show that foreign workers continually come and go. They don't just arrive, and stay for ever. At present, more tend to be leaving than arriving, so the number is falling. Look back at the numbers I quoted above, and ask yourself how many can go before we begin to experience labour shortages (and I mean real shortages, when there really are insufficient workers to fill vacant posts)?


When that happens, two things tend to follow. One is wage-push inflation, which quickly leads to rising prices. The other is falling domestic output, which generally leads to rising imports. Neither is good for the overall economy.


Reality says we shall have to maintain the level of immigration at, or close to, its present levels, to maintain the present level of economic activity. So, what then of the arguments about "controlling" (which so many seemed to interpret as meaning stopping), immigration? Take that issue out of the Brexit vote, and what would we have been left with?


So its not all immigrants we are asking to leave but just some ??? ... Personally Ive never suggested any should leave just good immigration at sensible levels and thats the view held by most Brexit voters I believe


Ditto ;-) ........


Unfortunately the Rabid RemOAner brigade are to blinded by their own prejudices to allow controlled migration *-) .......



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