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Happy E days are here again......

Guest pelmetman

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pelmetman - 2017-03-20 11:36 AM


Violet1956 - 2017-03-20 11:28 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-20 11:24 AM


Violet1956 - 2017-03-20 11:07 AM

Shouldn't happen today as the rules were amended in July 2012 to disqualify those who were such a burden from having any right to reside in the UK.



(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) ......





We’ve plenty of magazines and plenty of pitches to go around, this has simply never happened. It’s a big world and we welcome all vendors equally no matter where they’re from.



We never encourage, condone or provide cover for any illegality or exploitation of benefits, immigration or income tax, and we work with all government and local authorities to meet our commitments. ***Big Issue vendors are only entitled to the same benefits as anyone else in Britain.***


*-) .......





This link provides further details from an objective source.




Yeah when it works in practice I'll believe it *-) ........Apparently "The Big Issue" don't see it as a problem, neither do the sellers as all the ones I've heard speak recently, have a Eastern European accent ;-) ......


We are back to that old bug bear which is how effectively the rules are being enforced. I'm not championing the cause of Eastern Europeans selling the Big Issue. The DWP should apply it's own rules about whether work is ‘genuine and effective’ and not on so small a scale to as to be ‘marginal and ancillary’. Can't find any figures on how big a problem this is in terms of the number of Big Issue sellers who use the self-employed loophole to claim benefits. Public opinion generally appears adverse to buyiing from them so I do wonder how many are managing to meet the test.



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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2017-03-20 11:47 AM

Public opinion generally appears adverse to buyiing from them so I do wonder how many are managing to meet the test.




Still plenty of Loony Lefties out there Violet with a halo they need to polish......


So a couple of quid for a left wing mag, and bingo they feel all warm and cuddly, and their halo shines a little brighter :D ......


Halo polishing is like crack cocaine for the chattering classes (lol) .......


BTW do they issue receipts when you buy one? ;-) ..........So all your Big Issue seller has to do is pay for enough mags, to get access to the benefit system.......Hardly rocket science is it? >:-) .......



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You've lost the plot, Dave! In fact, you've lost two plots! :-)


First your post was related to the numbers of immigrants, not to benefits. I showed you the figures, from the ONS, for the numbers of EU and non-EU migrants (defined as people born outside the UK). It was striking that despite all the rhetoric, there are about one million more born outside the EU than were born within it. I contrasted these numbers with the present level of unemployment, and pointed out that this is hardly convincing evidence that there are "too many" immigrants in the UK, or that immigrant numbers will be likely to fall post Brexit. Even Antony agreed that, so far as he is concerned, he has no demand to send immigrants home (I admit this puzzled me, as he'd previously convinced me that he did. However, I have seen and heard several interviews with people demanding exactly that, so Antony is clearly more balanced in his views than them).


Second, on the indirectly related subject of benefits (indirectly, because about 80% of EU migrants are in work, so broadly ineligible), Veronica provided a link to an article (within which were links to its source material) dealing with entitlement to UK benefits for EU migrants, which you seem to have written off on the ground that it was politically biased. Had you read it, and the associated links to the legislation and courts judgements, you should have been able to see that any bias (which I have to say I couldn't detect) in the article could be sidestepped by reference to the source material.


So, you appear to have pushed aside two pieces of information that conflict with your opinions, merely because they didn't say what you'd have preferred them to say. If nothing else, you must surely accept that people who you perceive as having different political views to yours can still identify facts, lies, and truth, in equal part. The only real differences between people on different sides of the political spectrum are the ways they respond to those facts, lies, and truths, and what they think should be done about them. Those who fail that test are letting their political bias conquer their reason, from which position they can no longer see the wood (truth) for the trees (politics). You're not getting lost in the woods, are you Dave? :-D

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2017-03-20 12:27 PM


Second, on the indirectly related subject of benefits (indirectly, because about 80% of EU migrants are in work, so broadly ineligible),


Ineligible??? :-S .......Are they not entitled to housing benefit, child benefit, tax credits??......Being in work means bog all when discussing being a drain on the benefit system *-) .........


BTW Big Issue sellers are classed as self employed.....ergo have access to the same benefits as a UK citizen :-| ........The proof is standing on every high street in the UK ;-) ......



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pelmetman - 2017-03-20 12:33 PM


Brian Kirby - 2017-03-20 12:27 PM


Second, on the indirectly related subject of benefits (indirectly, because about 80% of EU migrants are in work, so broadly ineligible),


Ineligible??? :-S .......Are they not entitled to housing benefit, child benefit, tax credits??......Being in work means bog all when discussing being a drain on the benefit system *-) .........


BTW Big Issue sellers are classed as self employed.....ergo have access to the same benefits as a UK citizen :-| ........The proof is standing on every high street in the UK ;-) ......


You would have seen that their entitlement to benefits is dependent upon certain criteria in the links I posted. It is not the free for all that some people have been led to believe, although the government was a bit slow off the mark to introduce tighter controls. A system that is totally free of abuses may not be achievable (look at how our own nationals abuse the benefit system or dodge their tax liabilities) but throwing the baby out with the bathwater is what some believe Brexit will achieve. I know you don't believe that this will prove to be the case. It is still a game of wait and see. I hope you are right.



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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2017-03-20 1:06 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-20 12:33 PM


Brian Kirby - 2017-03-20 12:27 PM


Second, on the indirectly related subject of benefits (indirectly, because about 80% of EU migrants are in work, so broadly ineligible),


Ineligible??? :-S .......Are they not entitled to housing benefit, child benefit, tax credits??......Being in work means bog all when discussing being a drain on the benefit system *-) .........


BTW Big Issue sellers are classed as self employed.....ergo have access to the same benefits as a UK citizen :-| ........The proof is standing on every high street in the UK ;-) ......


You would have seen that their entitlement to benefits is dependent upon certain criteria in the links I posted. It is not the free for all that some people have been led to believe, although the government was a bit slow off the mark to introduce tighter controls. A system that is totally free of abuses may not be achievable (look at how our own nationals abuse the benefit system or dodge their tax liabilities) but throwing the baby out with the bathwater is what some believe Brexit will achieve. I know you don't believe that this will prove to be the case. It is still a game of wait and see. I hope you are right.




You wanna have a play with this Veronica :D ........




You can work out just how much dosh the UK taxpayer will give you after a hard week flogging the Big Issue ;-) .......


I put in that I was a self employed getting the national minimum wage with 2 kids and a stay at home mum......and bingo I can get another £622.76 a month 8-) .......But of course I doubt I'd earn the minmum wage flogging lefty propaganda (lol) .......But no doubt the British taxpayer would make up the difference ;-) ......and of course being a Roma Gypsy I come from a culture of honesty and openness so would declare every penny >:-) ......


I'm almost tempted to take up a new career :-> ........




Money from old dopes.......could help fund my wine bill B-) .......



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Violet1956 - 2017-03-20 11:28 AM


pelmetman - 2017-03-20 11:24 AM


Violet1956 - 2017-03-20 11:07 AM

Shouldn't happen today as the rules were amended in July 2012 to disqualify those who were such a burden from having any right to reside in the UK.



(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) ......





We’ve plenty of magazines and plenty of pitches to go around, this has simply never happened. It’s a big world and we welcome all vendors equally no matter where they’re from.



We never encourage, condone or provide cover for any illegality or exploitation of benefits, immigration or income tax, and we work with all government and local authorities to meet our commitments. ***Big Issue vendors are only entitled to the same benefits as anyone else in Britain.***


*-) .......





This link provides further details from an objective source.




You have to remember Veronica, Batman and Robin don't read "objective sources" such as uk.gov links. Pelmet openly admits apart from the Fail, this is the Brexiters other preferred read. *-)



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pelmetman - 2017-03-20 1:30 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-03-20 1:06 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-20 12:33 PM


Brian Kirby - 2017-03-20 12:27 PM


Second, on the indirectly related subject of benefits (indirectly, because about 80% of EU migrants are in work, so broadly ineligible),


Ineligible??? :-S .......Are they not entitled to housing benefit, child benefit, tax credits??......Being in work means bog all when discussing being a drain on the benefit system *-) .........


BTW Big Issue sellers are classed as self employed.....ergo have access to the same benefits as a UK citizen :-| ........The proof is standing on every high street in the UK ;-) ......


You would have seen that their entitlement to benefits is dependent upon certain criteria in the links I posted. It is not the free for all that some people have been led to believe, although the government was a bit slow off the mark to introduce tighter controls. A system that is totally free of abuses may not be achievable (look at how our own nationals abuse the benefit system or dodge their tax liabilities) but throwing the baby out with the bathwater is what some believe Brexit will achieve. I know you don't believe that this will prove to be the case. It is still a game of wait and see. I hope you are right.




You wanna have a play with this Veronica :D ........




You can work out just how much dosh the UK taxpayer will give you after a hard week flogging the Big Issue ;-) .......


I put in that I was a self employed getting the national minimum wage with 2 kids and a stay at home mum......and bingo I can get another £622.76 a month 8-) .......But of course I doubt I'd earn the minmum wage flogging lefty propaganda (lol) .......But no doubt the British taxpayer would make up the difference ;-) ......and of course being a Roma Gypsy I come from a culture of honesty and openness so would declare every penny >:-) ......


I'm almost tempted to take up a new career :-> ........




Money from old dopes.......could help fund my wine bill B-) .......


A comparison with what a Brit can claim is not illustrative of what all EU migrants can claim as the government link I posted shows. I don’t condone abuses of any system that controls access to benefits by anyone be they an EU national or not. Where they exist we need to have robust controls to curb them. You may be entitled to be suspicious Dave but as I said above I think it comes down to whether we are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I don’t claim that our membership of the EU was a good thing in all its aspects.



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-03-20 2:20 PM



You have to remember Veronica, Batman and Robin don't read "objective sources" such as uk.gov links. Pelmet openly admits apart from the Fail, this is the Brexiters other preferred read. *-)



I also get my info from the Independent and the Guardian ;-) ........How else would I know that Poland is full of xenophobic racist bigots? :D ........



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pelmetman - 2017-03-20 3:41 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-20 2:20 PM



You have to remember Veronica, Batman and Robin don't read "objective sources" such as uk.gov links. Pelmet openly admits apart from the Fail, this is the Brexiters other preferred read. *-)



I also get my info from the Independent and the Guardian ;-) ........How else would I know that Poland is full of xenophobic racist bigots? :D ........


There are some right wing extremists in Poland.......misguided, and easily misled. They are young and foolish with no concept of their historic past or what their Grandfathers fought for. Unlike the older Polish generation they never lived first under Nazi occupation then after the war, Soviet occupation.


Poland contributed immensely to the UK with many young men coming here to fight Nazism. The RAF had sixteen fighter squadrons manned entirely by Polish and 303 Squadron achieved the highest number of kills and also the highest ratio of enemy aircraft destroyed to their own lost.


A team of Polish mathematicians had also broken the Enigma code before Turing as they already had an Enigma machine which eventually arrived at Bletchley.










Instead of making your usual disparaging remarks about Poland and it's people you would do well to learn some of it's historic past and show due respect for a change.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-03-20 8:56 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-20 3:41 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-03-20 2:20 PM



You have to remember Veronica, Batman and Robin don't read "objective sources" such as uk.gov links. Pelmet openly admits apart from the Fail, this is the Brexiters other preferred read. *-)



I also get my info from the Independent and the Guardian ;-) ........How else would I know that Poland is full of xenophobic racist bigots? :D ........


There are some right wing extremists in Poland.......misguided, and easily misled. They are young and foolish with no concept of their historic past or what their Grandfathers fought for. Unlike the older Polish generation they never lived first under Nazi occupation then after the war, Soviet occupation.


Poland contributed immensely to the UK with many young men coming here to fight Nazism. The RAF had sixteen fighter squadrons manned entirely by Polish and 303 Squadron achieved the highest number of kills and also the highest ratio of enemy aircraft destroyed to their own lost.


A team of Polish mathematicians had also broken the Enigma code before Turing as they already had an Enigma machine which eventually arrived at Bletchley.










Instead of making your usual disparaging remarks about Poland and it's people you would do well to learn some of it's historic past and show due respect for a change.


From what I've read I'm starting to quite like the Poles :D ........They elect my kinda government B-) ......





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pelmetman - 2017-03-20 12:33 PM


Brian Kirby - 2017-03-20 12:27 PM


Second, on the indirectly related subject of benefits (indirectly, because about 80% of EU migrants are in work, so broadly ineligible),


Ineligible??? :-S .......Are they not entitled to housing benefit, child benefit, tax credits??......Being in work means bog all when discussing being a drain on the benefit system *-) .........


BTW Big Issue sellers are classed as self employed.....ergo have access to the same benefits as a UK citizen :-| ........The proof is standing on every high street in the UK ;-) ......


Possibly, if they are earning below the national living wage, but whose fault would that be, - theirs of their employers - or are you going to claim immigrants are employed solely by other immigrants?


As to "every high street in the UK", I didn't think you had time for such extensive UK travel, after spending so long in Spain every year. Could there be just a sniff of prejudice in that statement? Facts? Real, not alternative, please! :-D

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2017-03-22 1:00 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-20 12:33 PM


Brian Kirby - 2017-03-20 12:27 PM


Second, on the indirectly related subject of benefits (indirectly, because about 80% of EU migrants are in work, so broadly ineligible),


Ineligible??? :-S .......Are they not entitled to housing benefit, child benefit, tax credits??......Being in work means bog all when discussing being a drain on the benefit system *-) .........


BTW Big Issue sellers are classed as self employed.....ergo have access to the same benefits as a UK citizen :-| ........The proof is standing on every high street in the UK ;-) ......


Possibly, if they are earning below the national living wage, but whose fault would that be, - theirs of their employers - or are you going to claim immigrants are employed solely by other immigrants?


As to "every high street in the UK", I didn't think you had time for such extensive UK travel, after spending so long in Spain every year. Could there be just a sniff of prejudice in that statement? Facts? Real, not alternative, please! :-D


Yeah like big business will voluntarily pay the national living wage, or even small businesses (lol) .......


Why do you think social care is in such a state at the moment with care homes and agencies closing down left right and Chelsea......Because of the hike in the "minimum" wage 8-) ......


No doubt there are a few right on Twendy Wendy businesses who pay the living wage.......probably after they've subbed out their real work to some sweat shop in India >:-) ........




As for high streets naturally that's been limited to the few I've visited in Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex and Dorset in the last 12 months.......but I've yet to find a British Big Issue Seller, there's been plenty of British tramps hanging around in the same area as the Eastern European Big Issue seller *-) .........


Maybe the chattering classes prefer to buy their loony lefty propaganda from a citizen of a former communist state? >:-) .......



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I thought the Brexiteers were telling us that it was foreigners who had kept wages low and that if they all buggered off they would suddenly go up.


As for Big issue sellers, up here in the towns and cities many of them are definitely British or sound British to me.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-03-22 3:03 PM


As for Big issue sellers, up here in the towns and cities many of them are definitely British or sound British to me.


More proof that you've yet to enjoy the benefits of multicultural Britain in Bottom Magnet? :D ......



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pelmetman - 2017-03-22 2:35 PM.................Yeah like big business will voluntarily pay the national living wage, or even small businesses (lol) .......


Why do you think social care is in such a state at the moment with care homes and agencies closing down left right and Chelsea......Because of the hike in the "minimum" wage 8-) ......


No doubt there are a few right on Twendy Wendy businesses who pay the living wage.......probably after they've subbed out their real work to some sweat shop in India >:-) ........




As for high streets naturally that's been limited to the few I've visited in Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex and Dorset in the last 12 months.......but I've yet to find a British Big Issue Seller, there's been plenty of British tramps hanging around in the same area as the Eastern European Big Issue seller *-) .........


Maybe the chattering classes prefer to buy their loony lefty propaganda from a citizen of a former communist state? >:-) .......

Don't know what you're drinking, Dave, but I think it's time to stop! :-D


Now you seem to be railing against business, big and small, whereas you started off about the numbers of migrants.


Then its care homes closing (many of which employed migrant staff), largely because local authorities won't pay their care rates (presumably immigrant run local authorities? :-)), but also because the minimum wage was raised (which from your first comment above it seems you think more firms should pay).


I'm getting a bit lost again in your direction of travel, but the minimum wage rise was, as you say, implemented by our UK Sovereign government (you know, the one the Brexiteers want to be freed of EU influence), so I have to assume you think the government is also being run by migrants, or that the rise was imposed on them by the EU.


Then again, you appear to think the minimum wage shouldn't be paid, because it is some kind of left wing plot (I assume Twendy Wendy implies left wing?) so paying it becomes bad again. Immigrant Twendy Wendies, perhaps?


Then you're off about offshoring jobs, which I agree is a bad thing - though it may help to reduce migration from the countries the jobs have gone to. But then, it isn't the migrants offshoring the jobs, is it? Unless, perhaps, they're secretly running the big businesses that are actually doing (as they have for may years) the offshoring.


I'll by-pass the football clubs, noting only that a number of their highly paid players are immigrants, and that they're all as rich as Croesus - and could afford to pay all their staff several times the minimum wage if they weren't largely run by tight, ageing, rich, retired British footballers (some of whom may even be immigrants).


Thanks for confirming the extent of your research on big issue sellers being on every high street in the UK, though. Not sure where the tramps came in, were they immigrant tramps? :-D


Finally, we have the chattering classes buying loony lefty propaganda from citizens of former communist states. I have no idea whether or not they buy such material, from whom, or why it should be worth commenting upon either way. Is it? And is it relevant to immigrant numbers?

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2017-03-22 6:08 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-22 2:35 PM.................Yeah like big business will voluntarily pay the national living wage, or even small businesses (lol) .......


Why do you think social care is in such a state at the moment with care homes and agencies closing down left right and Chelsea......Because of the hike in the "minimum" wage 8-) ......


No doubt there are a few right on Twendy Wendy businesses who pay the living wage.......probably after they've subbed out their real work to some sweat shop in India >:-) ........




As for high streets naturally that's been limited to the few I've visited in Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex and Dorset in the last 12 months.......but I've yet to find a British Big Issue Seller, there's been plenty of British tramps hanging around in the same area as the Eastern European Big Issue seller *-) .........


Maybe the chattering classes prefer to buy their loony lefty propaganda from a citizen of a former communist state? >:-) .......

Don't know what you're drinking, Dave, but I think it's time to stop! :-D


Now you seem to be railing against business, big and small, whereas you started off about the numbers of migrants.


Then its care homes closing (many of which employed migrant staff), largely because local authorities won't pay their care rates (presumably immigrant run local authorities? :-)), but also because the minimum wage was raised (which from your first comment above it seems you think more firms should pay).


I'm getting a bit lost again in your direction of travel, but the minimum wage rise was, as you say, implemented by our UK Sovereign government (you know, the one the Brexiteers want to be freed of EU influence), so I have to assume you think the government is also being run by migrants, or that the rise was imposed on them by the EU.


Then again, you appear to think the minimum wage shouldn't be paid, because it is some kind of left wing plot (I assume Twendy Wendy implies left wing?) so paying it becomes bad again. Immigrant Twendy Wendies, perhaps?


Then you're off about offshoring jobs, which I agree is a bad thing - though it may help to reduce migration from the countries the jobs have gone to. But then, it isn't the migrants offshoring the jobs, is it? Unless, perhaps, they're secretly running the big businesses that are actually doing (as they have for may years) the offshoring.


I'll by-pass the football clubs, noting only that a number of their highly paid players are immigrants, and that they're all as rich as Croesus - and could afford to pay all their staff several times the minimum wage if they weren't largely run by tight, ageing, rich, retired British footballers (some of whom may even be immigrants).


Thanks for confirming the extent of your research on big issue sellers being on every high street in the UK, though. Not sure where the tramps came in, were they immigrant tramps? :-D


Finally, we have the chattering classes buying loony lefty propaganda from citizens of former communist states. I have no idea whether or not they buy such material, from whom, or why it should be worth commenting upon either way. Is it? And is it relevant to immigrant numbers?


You need to buy the Beano Brian to keep abreast of things in the real world ;-) ......



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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2017-03-23 7:13 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-22 6:23 PM..................................You need to buy the Beano Brian to keep abreast of things in the real world ;-) ......


True Dave, very true! :-D


I don't doubt you mean't that in a sardonic way Brian ;-) ........but for all its faults the Daily Mail does in general represent the views of the British public :D .......Much to the annoyance of Messer's BG & Co (lol) .......



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Out again in London ... The sad and the lonely and the still not able to grasp they lost ... Sid an Indian fella at the march with his husband Jayson said "I want a second referendum , to make my voice heard and support people who are a minority ... I feel I've experienced racism and homophobia and I feel the values that are behind Brexit are representative to those ... White nationalism is disturbing me" ... Brilliant Sid now Brexit is to blame for racism towards Indians and homophobic abuse towards gays ... We also are to blame for too many rainy days and Lily Allen ... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2017/mar/25/brexit-protest-thousands-march-in-london-to-unite-for-europe-live
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antony1969 - 2017-03-25 4:09 PM


Out again in London ... The sad and the lonely and the still not able to grasp they lost ... Sid an Indian fella at the march with his husband Jayson said "I want a second referendum , to make my voice heard and support people who are a minority ... I feel I've experienced racism and homophobia and I feel the values that are behind Brexit are representative to those ... White nationalism is disturbing me" ... Brilliant Sid now Brexit is to blame for racism towards Indians and homophobic abuse towards gays ... We also are to blame for too many rainy days and Lily Allen ... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2017/mar/25/brexit-protest-thousands-march-in-london-to-unite-for-europe-live


Awww thats lovely to see that. Just look at those nice people and how nice they all look, they even threw daffodils on that Police car. Smashing! :D


They dont look sad and certainly not lonely though to me, there are thousands of them and millions backing them. Just goes to show that half the country has not given up. I do hope its broadcast all over Europe.


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Barryd999 - 2017-03-25 4:30 PM


antony1969 - 2017-03-25 4:09 PM


Out again in London ... The sad and the lonely and the still not able to grasp they lost ... Sid an Indian fella at the march with his husband Jayson said "I want a second referendum , to make my voice heard and support people who are a minority ... I feel I've experienced racism and homophobia and I feel the values that are behind Brexit are representative to those ... White nationalism is disturbing me" ... Brilliant Sid now Brexit is to blame for racism towards Indians and homophobic abuse towards gays ... We also are to blame for too many rainy days and Lily Allen ... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2017/mar/25/brexit-protest-thousands-march-in-london-to-unite-for-europe-live


Awww thats lovely to see that. Just look at those nice people and how nice they all look, they even threw daffodils on that Police car. Smashing! :D


They dont look sad and certainly not lonely though to me, there are thousands of them and millions backing them. Just goes to show that half the country has not given up. I do hope its broadcast all over Europe.


I hope its broadcast all over Europe too ... Looking at the freaks Europe will be glad to get shut I reckon ... Hope they dont play Tim Faggots speech too early ... Send ya to sleep stuff that ... I thought over-reporting was bad anyway ??? B-)

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pelmetman - 2017-03-23 7:24 PM


Brian Kirby - 2017-03-23 7:13 PM


pelmetman - 2017-03-22 6:23 PM..................................You need to buy the Beano Brian to keep abreast of things in the real world ;-) ......


True Dave, very true! :-D


I don't doubt you mean't that in a sardonic way Brian ;-) ........but for all its faults the Daily Mail does in general represent the views of the British public :D .......Much to the annoyance of Messer's BG & Co (lol) .......


You'll be telling me next that the British public is in favour of Brexit!


Besides, I used to read the Beano (and Dandy). :-D


But does it, or is that just what Dacre says? After all, it isn't the biggest seller - that's the Sun. Frightening!

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