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Efoy Fuel Cell Exhaust

Jan V

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My Efoy Comfort 140 is installed in one of the storage lockers on the side of the motorhome.

The access is from outside, but in reality the locker is inside the car underneath the furniture.


I am kind of confused;


Until recently I did believe the fuel cell exhaust was hot air only.

For that reason I have left the exhaust inside my motorhome.


In the Efoy kit I did find a 100 mm "exhaust" tube.

In the User Manual I can read that the "exhaust" may contain "substances that are harmful to health" .

For this reason the "exhaust" should be transported out into open air.


How ever; Looking at several videos at Efoy website and Youtube;

The Efoy unit is installed inside the motorhomes with the "exhaust" left inside cabin.


To be honest; I dont like to drill a 100 mm hole in my motorhome.




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The fuel for Efoy units is methanol or metyl alcohol, CH3OH. As this substance contains carbon, it is possible that carbon monoxide could be present in the exhaust gases. Carbon dioxide is also almost certain to be present.


It is obviously not advisable to vent Carbon Monoxide (CO), into your motorhome!

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Alanb - 2017-03-18 9:54 AM


The fuel for Efoy units is methanol or metyl alcohol, CH3OH. As this substance contains carbon, it is possible that carbon monoxide could be present in the exhaust gases. Carbon dioxide is also almost certain to be present.


It is obviously not advisable to vent Carbon Monoxide (CO), into your motorhome!




Need to get a 100 mm tool I guess... today :-)


If it is harmful Efoy company should remove the videos from Youtube;



I have asked the question to the SFC (Efoy) company;

I will post their answer if I do get any


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Jan V - 2017-03-18 8:59 AM


Alanb - 2017-03-18 9:54 AM


The fuel for Efoy units is methanol or metyl alcohol, CH3OH. As this substance contains carbon, it is possible that carbon monoxide could be present in the exhaust gases. Carbon dioxide is also almost certain to be present.


It is obviously not advisable to vent Carbon Monoxide (CO), into your motorhome!




Need to get a 100 mm tool I guess... today :-)


If it is harmful Efoy company should remove the videos from Youtube;



I have asked the question to the SFC (Efoy) company;

I will post their answer if I do get any


Hi, The video is fine.

have you read the installation manual http://www.efoy-comfort.com/sites/default/files/EFOY%20Comfort_Installation_guide_EN_web.pdf


There is confusion between the user manual and the installation manual where it refers to the cooling air outlet as the exhaust in part of the installation manual.


There is a smaller diameter insulated tube connected which is the exhaust which must be vented outside through the floor. It requires a small hole and the insulation does not need to pass through the hole.

The Efoy unit requires cooling air, it is sucked in at the rear and warm air blows out the front. So you need a fresh air vent in the locker enclosing the unit. This air would normally be drawn from within the van. As it may not be desirable to have the warm air blowing into your van ( say in summer) then you can fit the off heat duct and have it vent outside which again is probably best through the floor. The video shows the duct being fitted to blow this warmed air into the habitation area. The issue I would have with taking this duct through the floor is it might create drafts coming back through the unit and in winter this could cool the unit down too much below its safe level or where the protection heaters come on. So to me seems sensible to vent the cooling air within your van and of course you must have the smaller exhaust tube venting outside.

Hope this does not confuse you even more, but I think it will all become clear when you read the installation manual or indeed watch the video you posted a link to again.



Edit - corrected link to installation manual and ref to off heat duct. (called it off air!!)

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The manuals could have been more clear;


But I am sure I got the 10 mm tube right;

The 10 mm tube do contain the hot condensation and some unwanted leftovers.

This tube I have routed out of my motorhome.


As I understand this;

The 100 mm duct do contain hot air only?

And I am good leaving this hot air inside car?


If sunny and warm outside; I do get my charging from the solar panel.

Normally the Efoy wouldnt be in operation in hot sunny weather.


How ever, If cloudy and cooler outside; I will get less A from the sun.

Then I will turn on my Efoy.

If cool outside I would welcome any hot air from the Efoy.

If there is no harmful stuff from the 100 mm duct that is.





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