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Brittany Ferries to Spain


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I'm trying to decide whether to go cruise or economie on the ferry to Santander / Bilboa, can somebody tell me what their experiences of the economie ferry is really like please. I haven't used either ferry but the difference in price is quite an incentive but not at the cost of an uncomfortable crossing.



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We used the cruise ferry outbound to Bilbao and the economie back from Santander choosing the latter because of timings rather than cost. There is a difference in quality of cabins and onboard facilities. The cruise ship has more bars, restaurant options and cinema and well appointed cabins. The economie has less well equipped facilities, cabins without carpet for example, limited dining and drinking options ,snack bar style but adequate for most travellers. The company information I think is quite accurate. It comes down to whether you see the journey as part of your holiday or just a means of getting there and back.

Incidentally on both ships our van travelled on the open deck and was not washed down by the crew despite heavy salt spray from the rough outbound crossing. Access for bigger vans( ours is a 6m pvc) on the economie might be more difficult than on some ferries.

Ultimately you pays your money and takes your choice, but I think the bigger ship adds to the holiday experience. Either way it's a great way to get to Spain/ Portugal.

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Guest pelmetman

We used the Cap Finistère to get back from Spain at Christmas and to return just before new year, cabin wise can't say it was that much different to the the ferry we got to Le Harve :-S .......


Over all being a veteran of the Bay of Biscay, I'd say the sea state and the weather has more impact on the comfort of ones crossing than the size the en-suite :D .......


Curiously enough the crossing on the 29th December was like a millpond 8-) ........Never known the Bay of Biscuit so smooth B-) ........



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We try to book the Pont Aven when possible. Flag ship and largest in the fleet I believe.


As I understand, it copes better with bad weather, as far as passenger comfort is concerned. Our last crossing, heading south was in April last year and there was a force 8 gale all the way. I was pleasantly surprised how it handled the storm and was glad to be on the larger boat.


Like a millpond on the return leg to the UK a month later.


I admit we haven't been on the Economies ferry, and really don't plan to across the Bay.

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Pont Aven to Santander in mid Feb, large ship and a millpond crossing.

Decent catering options.

Cap Finister return last Wednesday, smaller ship, a bit of a swell, not quite as comfortable.

Less catering options.

Can't comment on other options.

Better than driving down and back


Alan b

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fesspark - 2017-04-03 11:06 AM


Allways cross to Spain on Pont avan,last weds Crossing to Plymouth,slight swell ,no problems,good food selection,would reccommend this ferry to anyone,if you need the 10% member Discount,tel me 01626 865759,


I wouldn't put your telephone number on any forum. Beware also that one member on here had his BF membership suspended as a result of him offering his membership number to people he did not know. As I understand it this site is/was monitored by BF.

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I have only been on the economy in Pet friendly cabins and they are much better than any normal cabins on the other boats,the beds are larger and no carpet is a bonus for me as I hate putting my feet on used carpets. The big downside of the economy, for me, is that it takes 3/4 hours longer, you can see the coast of the UK and then you wait....and wait. It disembarks at 9p.m.ish which is a bit depressing. To Uk mid December and backmid Jan both crossings were smooth.
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