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David Cain

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David Cain - 2017-04-05 3:05 PM


Having just bought a Mercedes autotrail scout ( deisel of course ) , I'm worried it will now have plunged in value due to new proposed taxes ,tariffs proposed by the government . Any thoughts on this matter would be appreciated.


You didn't state the year of your vehicle as all those that are euro 6 compliant are unaffected. There is bound to be a drop in value for all diesel vehicles that are affected as gradually the cost of tariffs and taxes will rise to force such vehicles off the road. If a scrappage scheme is introduced as Theresa May is hinting at we will all probably get a fraction of the vehicle's value.

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Its done. Don't worry about it. Get out and use the van as much as you can. They don't last forever.

Yes it'll be belching out diesel particulate at that age, as does my 2003 Ducato. But on the plus side it won't have complicated EGR and DPF devices going wrong.

I'm sure vehicle tax will increase to penalise us eventually. Just got to pay for your pleasures.

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The whole subject of diesel pollution really seems to be buzzing in the press at the moment. It appears to be the new hot topic until something else comes to the fore next month.


My take: There may be a slight change in the diesel taxation system over the coming years but with the majority of the UK infrastructure dependent on diesel-derived motors then I'm not certain that things will change massively, or any time soon.


We are fortunate that motorhomes are just poshed-up transits and I for one can't see any current/future Govt ripping the heart out of the white van man brigade without them being deliberatly intent on causing a catastrophic effect on UK business.


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I am more concerned about the degree to which our freedom to roam will be affected. In France we have this CritAir thing to cope with, and whilst our car is OK, the 1997 motorhome is too old for the scheme. AS a consequence we now will need to avoid Paris, Lyon, and I can;t recall the third one, because I have serious reservations about being able to interpret the signs defining the areas to be avoided. I have enough to do finding my way around, making sure all the other vehicles miss me and I miss them, making sure that I'm not speeding or committing any other traffic offence, and enjoying the moment. The penalties that will be imposed are sure to be eye watering if the LEZ is anything to go by, and I'm sure that won't improve, so as more and more towns decide to sign up to these schemes the less places we'll be able to go to.


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Archiesgrandad - 2017-04-05 9:12 PM


I am more concerned about the degree to which our freedom to roam will be affected. In France we have this CritAir thing to cope with, and whilst our car is OK, the 1997 motorhome is too old for the scheme. AS a consequence we now will need to avoid Paris, Lyon, and I can;t recall the third one, because I have serious reservations about being able to interpret the signs defining the areas to be avoided. I have enough to do finding my way around, making sure all the other vehicles miss me and I miss them, making sure that I'm not speeding or committing any other traffic offence, and enjoying the moment. The penalties that will be imposed are sure to be eye watering if the LEZ is anything to go by, and I'm sure that won't improve, so as more and more towns decide to sign up to these schemes the less places we'll be able to go to.



That's a fair point indeed, AGD.


I have no intention of ever visiting the central parts of London/Manchester/Newcastle in the van but the European travel restrictions may pose to be a challenge.


Very best,



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With all these new window stickers, being made and posted, road signs warning of pollution zones and road marking, the extra paperwork and administration, cameras monitors police time, the scrapping of old diesel vans, cars, coaches, buses and lorries ( not sure if old diesel trains and ships will have to go as well) the manufacture of new replacement units ie cars etc, the pollution caused will be horrendous..... Er, I've forgotten, why are we doing this? Oh yes, to cut pollution. :D that's it I've had enough! I'm leaving :-D
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Since I live in an area where we, children and grandchildren are affected by the pollution I think the controls are an excellent idea and should have been applied earlier, but Boris Johnson ducked the issue. This has been coming for 10 years and anyone who bought a diesel car for use in London since then only has themselves to blame if they get caught out.
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Muswell - 2017-04-06 11:21 AM


Since I live in an area where we, children and grandchildren are affected by the pollution I think the controls are an excellent idea and should have been applied earlier, but Boris Johnson ducked the issue. This has been coming for 10 years and anyone who bought a diesel car for use in London since then only has themselves to blame if they get caught out.

absolutely well said sir! ... Err I take it you will not be driving a diesel vehicle anywhere near anybody else's town or village where there are people and children, here or around Europe wether there is legislation or not for that town, village etc. What's good for the goose
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