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Spain and Portugal, Places not to be missed.


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When visiting Spain and Portugal where are the places not to be missed. I am going across in a couple of weeks for a month and will be driving down on the west of Spain so I can pop into Portugal and would like to know where are the places to be visited, where do you recommend?

Thank you


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St eve

Where are you coming from? Santander/Bilbao , or coming through France?

Next question, what are your interests? museums , towns . ?? Walking, cycling ?

A bit more info may help others to give places.

Personaly not been that way for a while, but northern Spain is lovely, as long as the weather is fine, not as hot as the Costas. We use the ACSI book for sites, but plenty of places to stay, best to google the areas

Hoping to get to Portugal later in May ourselves.



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Hi P Jay,

Thanks, looking to see local sights and sounds to see the real Spain before hitting the touristy bits. We land at Santander and depart via Bilbao. Will be walking or using the van, which is 7.4 mtr long. We love history and scenery and walking, but not too far.

We have the books and maps but the number of times I've returned from somewhere and you talk to somebody they say 'didn’t you go to............' so I was hoping to avoid that this time. Hope to find those hidden jems.


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We have just stayed at an ACSI campsite near Comillas near Santander, 2 or 3 nice small towns nearby, Camping El Helgueo.

Going down the border by Portugal There are lovely fortified towns, Monseraz, Marvao Evoramonte to name a few. Enjoy yourselves!

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You should go via the " Pico de Europa " beautiful then call in at Playa de Catedrals " Ribadeo " aire on the door step they have huge tides once its out you can walk the beach .

"Santiago de Compostel" final stop for the Pilgrims interesting

May want to try this route its in Spanish so Chrome translate will help "Rute de Los Faros. Coste da Morte "




The Northern Spanish coast has many beautiful nooks and crannies really interesting a bit tight in places for a large motorhome but manageable.


Its called the Costa Verde (Green Coast) so hope you are lucky with the weather it can be like the UK sometimes.


PS... Faros is lighthouses

Brian K


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If you are in the Picos de Europa and like walking, I would recommend the Cares Gorge.


.....and if you visit the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela try to arrange to visit when the Botafumeiro Incense Burning Ceremony is on. It used to be Friday evenings as far as I remember, but Google will give any other dates and times.

Video clips of the ceremony are also available on Youtube.


Have a good trip.



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stevec176 - 2017-04-11 11:08 AM


I can't believe nobody has been down the west side of Spain and into Portugal and didn't find anywhere to recommend. Please, there must be somewhere that's worrh a visit.

Thanks in hopeful anticipation.

No-one will know you, or your interests/preferences, so any advice will be what they liked, which may not be what you like. Why not do this the easy way? Borrow (library?), or buy, a guide book - possibly one for each country - and then go through it/them for things that take your fancy, and then plan your trip around that. That way you'll get to see what you think interesting, rather than visiting places others recommended, that leave you cold.

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We did Spain west coast into Portugal last year. Our facourite place in Portugal was in it's only national park called Geres in the Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês. At the centre is a beautiful lake which spreads out in different directions like the tentacles of an octopus. There are several campsites in the area, mainly around the lake, but we stayed at one up in the hills and is easily accessible in a Motorhome of your size (ours is 7m) called Ermida - https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Ermida+Ger%C3%AAs+Camping/@41.7011528,-8.1323169,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xd2521e333e13325:0xd8f3767d3925aa30!8m2!3d41.7011528!4d-8.1301282?hl=en

It's way up in the hills and has waymarked walks from the campsite, some short, some long. There's also horse riding and other leisure/sports activities, e.g. kayaking and horse riding. close by. Word of caution though - make sure you stock up on provisions before arriving as there are no big supermarkets in the area.

The north west corner of Spain (Galicia) has some fabulous beaches, water sports and good walking if you travel inland a bit. Likewise the northern coast of Spain from Santiago to San Sebastien (worth a visit) has some very beautiful beaches and villages with lots of historical interest. As someone else has mentioned a visit to the Picos de Europa is well worthwhile, especially in summer (it can be cool in spring) and there is a fabulous aire at Posada de Valdeon with electricity, water, toilets and free WiFi - https://goo.gl/maps/AdD9451bNcv. . From here there are a couple of easy walks and some harder ones if you take the bus to the next village.

Finally I'd recommend a visit to Tarifa in the South but still om the Atlantic coast. It's got a lovely old town and it;s different from all the other places you'll probably visit in that most of the people are young. It's a surfers (wind/board/kite) haven and attracts young adults and young families alike. There are some great campsites close to the beach just out of town, heading north. We stayed at one called Torre de la Pena which is a terraced site with great views across the ocean to Morocco from the higher pitches.

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I'd agree with Brian: and I particularly like the DK Eyewitness series, and on the basis that the main places to see in any country don't change over a 10yr period, and old one will be just as useful as a brand new one.

I've just looked on Amazon and there are guides available for 1p: plus £2.80 postage. Got a lot of good books this way!

We were in Santiago da Com' in February, and if you are really keen to see the incense being swung around (personally not) then beware, it seems to be by special arrangement and payment as it cost too much to do on a regular basis; also, the cathedral is being refurbished at the moment (or was in Feb)

Monsaraz worth a look



Alan b

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Charles - 2017-04-11 9:42 PM


Don't miss out on Benidorm, there are a lot of haters that have never been but it's the highlight of our trip. We're In Portugal at the minute, yeah it's good but roll on Beni :)

you obviously enjoy the big tourist areas. Nothing wrong in that. Just different. Not really to my taste so I would go along with Brian's suggestion. I'm in the Cabo de Gata natural park Andalucia been coming here for over 15 years and I'm so pleased it's not to everyone's taste. Where ever you are I hope you are enjoying your chosen destination.
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keninpalamos - 2017-04-12 7:35 AM


Charles - 2017-04-11 9:42 PM


Don't miss out on Benidorm, there are a lot of haters that have never been but it's the highlight of our trip. We're In Portugal at the minute, yeah it's good but roll on Beni :)

you obviously enjoy the big tourist areas. Nothing wrong in that. Just different. Not really to my taste so I would go along with Brian's suggestion. I'm in the Cabo de Gata natural park Andalucia been coming here for over 15 years and I'm so pleased it's not to everyone's taste. Where ever you are I hope you are enjoying your chosen destination.


As you say, we all like different places. Cabo de Gata, not for us, you need transport. Benidorm Ok for a couple of nights.We prefer places like Calpe, as not too touristy, as it is a "working" town

It is always a good idea to research where you want to go. Because we have no other transport, we like places that you can reach a village/sea, or at a pinch has bus close by the site. We don't plan too much, just take it as it comes. If you find somewhere you like stay a while, if not move on


Have good trip what ever


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Thanks for your suggestions and comments, all gratefully received. I also agree with what Brian has said but I was hoping to hear about those places not shown in the books, which as I said we do have. I wasn't trying to do away with prior planning but trying to enhance where we go and what we see. There are places out there that aren't in books that people have found for themselves which they would recommend and that's what I was hoping to hear about, after all isn't that why people write their Blogs?


Thanks all,

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Depends where and when you want to cross into Portugal and how long for - but a couple of our highlights in Portugal


Sintra - palaces, cathedrals, medieval town - park outside and its worth the visit

Mafra - you can park the motorhome literally outside the door of the palace and its minutes to the Atlantic coast

Buddha Eden - amazing sculpture garden attached to a vineyard

Obidos - touristy but stunning

Fatima - incredible place to visit whether you believe in the miracles or not

Convento do Cristo Tomar - one of the most beautiful convents we have ever visited

Minas Sao Domingos - just over the border and worth seeing / walking around


Sure what we like is very different to others, but a few ideas to Google and see if they take your fancy.




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Depends where and when you want to cross into Portugal and how long for - but a couple of our highlights in Portugal


Sintra - palaces, cathedrals, medieval town - park outside and its worth the visit

Mafra - you can park the motorhome literally outside the door of the palace and its minutes to the Atlantic coast

Buddha Eden - amazing sculpture garden attached to a vineyard

Obidos - touristy but stunning

Fatima - incredible place to visit whether you believe in the miracles or not

Convento do Cristo Tomar - one of the most beautiful convents we have ever visited

Minas Sao Domingos - just over the border and worth seeing / walking around


Sure what we like is very different to others, but a few ideas to Google and see if they take your fancy.




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dora_ex - 2017-04-12 2:26 PM...what we like is very different to others, put a few ideas to Google and see if they take your fancy.

I find it difficult enough to decide what we like (but I'm married so I don't often have to make a choice) let alone choosing things for everyone else.


But this is an interesting thread and some of the things people mention certainly sound worth seeing.  We're going there in September so thank to all for making suggestions.


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