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Navman iCN 550 v Tom Tom 710


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We have just been to our local car radio and sat nav shop. they only stock Garmin as they say that Tom Tom after sales is rubbish. They recommended the latest Garmin Nuvo 660. Very small and easy to slip into pocket. Has Europe loaded and lots of other whistles and bells including the ability to find by map ref.

We were impressed and are now searching for the best deal on these.


Any feed back gratefully received.



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Roy - 2007-01-02 6:26 PM
Way2Go - 2007-01-02 5:46 PM

3. The GO710 would now show a screen saying "Would you like to attach to a PC - [Yes] or [No]" and I would select [Yes] on the screen.  What does the GO700 say?

4. With the GO700 working, when the USB is plugged in you 'should' be able to see the GO by double-clicking on My Computer on the PC desktop.  What does yours show?

Thanks for your help Way2Go.That is what I would have expected. When I attach my card reader/photo disc to USB on PC and go to 'My computer' there is an icon showing 'Removable disc', which opens up OK. This is not happening when I attach Tom Tom - nothing happens at all. My Go700 is 18 months old (bought at Halfords) and I did in fact download an update in August 2006 when the connection must have worked, which is why I reckon there must be a fault. I think I will have to consult Halfords and or my computer man.Roy.
At last I have had a response from TomTom and have now managed to connect TT to PC. Their advice may be of use to other users - 1. Make sure TT fully charged. 2. Leave TT connected to mains electric. 3. Press re-set button with paperclip and hold for at least 20 seconds. 4. Connect device to PC before switching back on. It worked! Now I have to work out how to transfer POI's onto TT. Can anybody give me an idiots guide please?Roy.
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I'm glad its working again Roy.

When you connect your GO it 'should' show as an extra drive maybe F:\ or G:\ (something like that) depending on how many drives or devices you currently have attached/installed.

Each POI usually come as a pair (xxx.BMP and xxx.OV2) i.e. Tesco.BMP and Tesco.OV2.  All these need to be copied and pasted from the download folder (where ever you saved them) to the map folder on your GO (probably something like Great_Britain ?

There are a few ways to do this but if you are unsure it may be better to go into My Computer then double-click on the C:\ drive and 'drill down until you see the download folder.

Now shade all the files to be copied and select Copy.

Now find the map folder on your GO and select Paste.

Jobs a good 'un.

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Way2Go - 2007-01-09 5:30 PM

I'm glad its working again Roy.

When you connect your GO it 'should' show as an extra drive maybe F:\ or G:\ (something like that) depending on how many drives or devices you currently have attached/installed.

Each POI usually come as a pair (xxx.BMP and xxx.OV2) i.e. Tesco.BMP and Tesco.OV2.  All these need to be copied and pasted from the download folder (where ever you saved them) to the map folder on your GO (probably something like Great_Britain ?

There are a few ways to do this but if you are unsure it may be better to go into My Computer then double-click on the C:\ drive and 'drill down until you see the download folder.

Now shade all the files to be copied and select Copy.

Now find the map folder on your GO and select Paste.

Jobs a good 'un.

Many thanks for your expertise. We will get there eventually I am sure.Hope your 'sticky' will materialize - I am looking forward to seeing all info on one thread.Best wishes,Roy.
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TomTom Reading other threads on GPS, I have the feeling that Tom Tom will only show a cetain number of seperate types of POI. The POIs are shown as layers and the number of layers is limited to 90 or so

Tesco would be one layer, Sainsbury one layer Halfords one layer, You get the picture ?


Ie if you switch on all the POIs the unit could freeze.


The camera database from GPS has about (guestimate) about 24 camera types. 4 camera types X 5 speed settings + other poi information.


Willing to be corrected on that, if I am wrong

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Yeah that's almost correct Tony.  There is in fact a maximum of 100 POIs if you've downloaded the latest version of the software.  You could add more than that but it won't show them as being available unless you delete some of the older ones.

As for displaying them, I agree that most people shouldn't want more than a handful of important POIs being displayed at a time otherwise it might effect the performance.

After all, would people really want every B&Q, Tesco, Shell Garage, TGIF, Starbucks and Waterstones being displayed all over their maps?

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As a new comer to TomTom 5, how good are the parking POIs ?


In my local town where I expected to see at least 3 covered parking and 4 open parking ( and have been so for some years) There is nothing shownon the map, Nearest parking seems to be at Gatwick or Brighton !


(at leat I know the POIs are being displayed !)



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Roy - 2007-01-02 6:26 PM
Way2Go - 2007-01-02 5:46 PM

3. The GO710 would now show a screen saying "Would you like to attach to a PC - [Yes] or [No]" and I would select [Yes] on the screen.  What does the GO700 say?

4. With the GO700 working, when the USB is plugged in you 'should' be able to see the GO by double-clicking on My Computer on the PC desktop.  What does yours show?

Thanks for your help Way2Go.That is what I would have expected. When I attach my card reader/photo disc to USB on PC and go to 'My computer' there is an icon showing 'Removable disc', which opens up OK. This is not happening when I attach Tom Tom - nothing happens at all. My Go700 is 18 months old (bought at Halfords) and I did in fact download an update in August 2006 when the connection must have worked, which is why I reckon there must be a fault. I think I will have to consult Halfords and or my computer man.Roy.
Hi, I had a few poblems getting my Tomtom one recognised by my PC,I bought up 'TomTom Home' on the screen then re-booted the Nav unit using a plastic 'toothpick' into the re-boot slot (next to the SD card) this worked, linked with the PC. and the tom tom software. It now works and links OK, I was trying to put in the 4 digit 'Startup code'so that if it did get stolen it wouldn't be any good to them. You must shut down and disconnect in the order that they stipulate otherwise the nav-unit can 'lock-up' and need 're-booting' again. regards Rayjsj
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