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Ducato 290 first service confusesion.


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Hi all, I am not sure what the first service should include at 24 months should it need the fuel filter and the brake fluid changed? Or what should it include, I want to keep the warranty going. I had the oil and filter changed at 12months not necessary I know. Total mileage is 16000 and its on an autotrail ducato 290 2.3. 150bhp. As an aside I have notesed that the tyres seem to be wearing down a bit quick they are these agiles ones, what sort of mileage should I be able to get out of them? I do a fair bit of motorway milage. Thanks in anticipation. Regards Dave Tring.
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Your Ducato Owner Handbook contains a “SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE” section (starting on Page 223 of the Handbook for my 2015 Ducato X290-based Rapido).


This section includes a “SCHEDULED SERVICING PLAN” listing that defines the tasks that Fiat stipulates should be carried out during the 24-months/30k-miles service.


The tasks involve a number of checks/adjustments (eg. checking/adjusting handbrake-lever travel) and replacements at 24 months include the fuel-filter cartridge, oil-filter and oil, brake-fluid, pollen filter and air-filter. A ‘low mileage’ service may not involve air-filter replacement, but your vehicle’s mileage of 16000 might not be considered ‘low’.


Not sure what you mean by wanting to keep the warranty going as the Fiat Ducato warranty only has a 24-months duration (or at least my Ducato’s does!)


In principle, motorway driving should not produce unusually high tyre-wear as it’s hard cornering, accelerating and braking that does the damage. Having said that, your Auto-Trail Mohawk is a far from light vehicle and although it will have 225/75R16CP tyres, the forces placed on those tyres when starting, stopping and cornering will be considerable.


I assume it’s the front tyres that are wearing out. If the wear looks abnormal - like ‘feathering’ of the tread-blocks or wearing on one side of the tread’s surface - it would be wise to have the vehicle’s steering geometry (the ’tracking’) checked.

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Thanks Derek, as I suspected but I was not sure about the service that the wagon needed. The reason for this is that I am going to have it serviced in Spain so I wanted to be clear what I needed. Yes it is the fronts that are wearing faster than the back but they are even over the width, I just wondered what I could expect. Cheers Dave.
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Our last van was a 2.3 150 I had a light service at just over 2 years after the warranty had run out (not going to pay Fiat prices), I had only done 16k so didn't bother with fuel filter, pollen filter or brake fluid change. Only need to worry about the fuel filter if you have done over 50k unlikely in a Motorhome.
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lennyhb - 2017-04-15 5:32 PM


Derek Uzzell - 2017-04-15 1:31 PM


lennyhb - 2017-04-15 9:26 AM


...Only need to worry about the fuel filter if you have done over 50k unlikely in a Motorhome.


Says who?


Nick Euroserve I think he recomends 75k.


Yes, Nick Euroserve did mention 75k for his vans with Euro 5 engines. An earlier post by Nick mentioned 45 to 50k with reference to Euro 4 (I think). I now just carry a spare fuel filter incase of probs on tour. Easy to replace, so I'm told :-D

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One point that hasn't been mentioned yet is that of the operating environment. If you're a motorhomer who only travels within the UK mainland then you're not likely to have any challenges with poor quality fuels or dusty environments. If you are someone who ventures to certain parts of Europe and beyond then I would certainly be paying extra attention to when my air and fuel filters needed changing - not to mention more frequent oil & filters changes.
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