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Poole Ferry MH & a dog?


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Hi Have not used the Poole ferry, but we use the Portsmouth/Cherbourg Route. We have to back on the Portsmouth one., but I think that you drive on the Poole one. You do have to back on at Cherbourg though

Dogs have to stay in vehicle . The crossing is only 3 hours, so as long as it has water , should be OK, you can not go down to car decks, while in motion

No different than loading onto the normal ferry. Snacks and drinks available, but suggest you take your snack, and just buy coffee etc. . Small shop for books/papers/sweets/booze

We find it a much better journey than the normal ferry, and always use when possible, as it does not run in winter.

Enjoy your trip


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we use this ferry regularly. you can park on the dock the night before, so that you are ready for the off.

the incoming boat arrives at around 10:30 pm and they like you not to arrive until after the dock clears, we usually leve home (somerset) late evening or, if already in the area, park in Poole park untim we are ready to go...

nice, easy, pleasant crossing, suits our preference for the western side of France and the cross country jaunt into spain...

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Good morning,

We are also new to owning a Motorhome and are about to pick up our first one, a Hymer Exsis i588 today.

However, in answer to your question re Poole Ferry + dog, traveling to France.

We have a place in The Algarve and last year for the first time, decided to drive down with our Hungarian Vizsla.

As this would be her first trip to sea we decided to cross the channel in two stages, Poole to Guernsey with a 3 hour break before boarding a different ferry to Roscoff. On the Sunday, the day before departure we received an email from Condor Ferries informing us that due to a steering problem our ferry would be delayed 24hrs.

This was of little concern as we were going to Portugal for a month, we checked in at Poole at 0730 hrs on the Tuesday morning and asked if everything remained the same with our two stage ferry booking. Yes we were told, nothing had changed just a 24 hr delay from a Monday crossing to Tuesday.

We arrived in Guernsey on schedule after a 3 hour crossing, during which time Rubi had remained in the Range Rover, she was fine. After a short drive we found a park for some dog squatting and ball throwing followed by an excellent lunch, after which we returned to the Ferry terminal in good time for stage two of our channel crossing to France.

Guernsey Ferry port is quite small so you notice quite quickly if there is no ferry at the terminal !! on checking at the Condor offices we were told the Guernsey link to Roscoff only runs on Mondays and Fridays !!!! We were definitely stranded on the Island and up a creek without a paddle.

The manager confirmed it was their error and presented us with two options. We could check into a hotel for 3 nights at their expense or take the same ferry we had arrived on, back to Poole, which fortunately was just returning from Jersey, they would then book us on a night ferry (with cabin) out of Portsmouth to St Malo, with Brittany Ferries, departing that evening at 2300hrs.

So thats what we did, Poole to Guernsey for lunch and a dog walk, and back to Poole, a two hour drive to Portsmouth followed by a trouble free night crossing to France with Brittany Ferries.

So to summarise, Rubi had spent a total of 16 out of 24hrs in the car, followed by the longest squirt on record once she found some French grass, after which she was just fine, she had truly found her sea legs.

Condor Ferries refunded all our booking costs plus two cancelled hotels in France and Spain.

We have just returned from a repeat 4 week trip to The Algarve, however, this time we went on the Plymouth/ Roscoff night crossing with Brittany Ferries, after the previous marathon channel crossing, the 9 hrs spent in the car was literally, ' A walk in the Park' ...........

For those that are contemplating taking their dog overseas for the first time, it really is very straight forward, just remember your dog must remain in the car for the duration of the crossing and you are not permitted to visit the car deck whilst at sea. Just obtain a dog passport from your local vet, who will explain the simple (but MEGA important worming tablet routine), and you are ready to go, get this bit wrong and you could end up leaving your dog in France !!!

Not sure what happens after Brexit though !!!!!!


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Ronnie&us - 2017-04-20 10:44 PM


Thanks everyone. We are catching the normal ferry by the way. We live in North Somerset Bolero Boy.



My Mistake. I assumed you where catching the fast cat service. Much quicker at 3 hours



PS just looked on BF routes, I see they no longer run the fast cat from Poole, only from Portsmouth now

Shame they have stopped it, the fast cat is so much quicker , and much better for animals, at only 3 hours !!

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