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Motor home burnt out whit two dogs in side on a camping place in the Netherlands.

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Whatever the cause it should deliver a valuable lesson to 'all' dog owners.......do NOT leave them in the MH or caravan when you go out.  That resolves two issues:

1:  If your MH or caravan bursts into flames your pooch won't be roasted.

2:  Most pooches don't like to be left alone and bark, yap, howl to the annoyance of people wanting peace and quiet.

Therefore be responsible to your pet and considerate of your fellow site residents and everyone will be happy.........except of course if it's your MH/caravan that is now a smouldering pile of ashes but you'll still have your pooch to love and care for.
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keninpalamos - 2017-05-01 9:16 PM


I'm confused, who said what and who moderated who or should we guess what was said? I Googled it and came up with an RV fire at Holland RV park is North America.


I removed mikejkay’s original comment. It began on the lines of “I know this is going to cause offence...” and the follow-up ‘joke’ was so obvious that you should have absolutely no difficulty guessing what it was.


Perhaps we could now just let the matter rest?

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Derek Uzzell - 2017-05-02 6:58 AM


keninpalamos - 2017-05-01 9:16 PM


I'm confused, who said what and who moderated who or should we guess what was said? I Googled it and came up with an RV fire at Holland RV park is North America.


I removed mikejkay’s original comment. It began on the lines of “I know this is going to cause offence...” and the follow-up ‘joke’ was so obvious that you should have absolutely no difficulty guessing what it was.


Perhaps we could now just let the matter rest?

thanks Derek , yes I guessed, I thought it was an out of character comment from you at first. Matter rested
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RogerC - 2017-05-01 10:58 PMWhatever the cause it should deliver a valuable lesson to 'all' dog owners.......do NOT leave them in the MH or caravan when you go out.  That resolves two issues:

1:  If your MH or caravan bursts into flames your pooch won't be roasted.

2:  Most pooches don't like to be left alone and bark, yap, howl to the annoyance of people wanting peace and quiet.

Therefore be responsible to your pet and considerate of your fellow site residents and everyone will be happy.........except of course if it's your MH/caravan that is now a smouldering pile of ashes but you'll still have your pooch to love and care for.
Whilst I agree one should ensure your dog is safe and comfortable and that it is imperative not to annoy your neighbours on a campsite I wouldn’t go as far as to say that dogs should never be left alone in motorhomes. Most people have to leave their dogs at home alone taking care that they are not exposed to hazards such as a fire so why should we not do the same in the MH? I agree that if it is going to bark or yap like mad in your absence then you should not do it. Most dog owners would be fully aware of how likely they are to behave and should act accordingly. There may be a selfish few that don't consider their neighbours but I wouldn't think they wouldn't get away with leaving a dog that was causing a nuisance and would be warned that they cannot leave it or are no longer welcome by the camp staff. Well exercised, well fed and watered, of the right temperament and not left for too long should ensure that many dogs would not be a pest to anyone and are not caused any distress. Are motorhome fires so prevalent that we need to have your hard and fast rule Roger? Veronica
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Nice said Veronica. We are attending dog agility sport festivals in Belgium almost every week end. And Abroad. It is competition in a Scala of about 350 dogs. That site is includes all kinds of mobile for the dog transport and site arrangements to keep the dogs save. It is not the same as a camping place. We are aware what we are doing. And the dogs sleep at night. It is a matter of discipline. The same as the UK festivals or even better.


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monique.hubrechts@gm - 2017-05-02 4:40 PM


Nice said Veronica. We are attending dog agility sport festivals in Belgium almost every week end. And Abroad. It is competition in a Scala of about 350 dogs. That site is includes all kinds of mobile for the dog transport and site arrangements to keep the dogs save. It is not the same as a camping place. We are aware what we are doing. And the dogs sleep at night. It is a matter of discipline. The same as the UK festivals or even better.


Sounds fabulous Monique. Our dog would love to do some agility training but we haven't managed to arrange it for her yet. I read somewhere that around 50% of people who have motorhomes have dogs. Thankfully most of those dogs do not suffer the terrible ordeal of a fire. Man's (and woman's) best friends deserve the best we can give them and our dog loves travelling with us in our motorhome. If we go out to do any work on it she jumps in and won't budge until it is clear we are not moving off on another trip.




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Violet1956 - 2017-05-02 11:40 AM
RogerC - 2017-05-01 10:58 PMWhatever the cause it should deliver a valuable lesson to 'all' dog owners.......do NOT leave them in the MH or caravan when you go out.  That resolves two issues:

1:  If your MH or caravan bursts into flames your pooch won't be roasted.

2:  Most pooches don't like to be left alone and bark, yap, howl to the annoyance of people wanting peace and quiet.

Therefore be responsible to your pet and considerate of your fellow site residents and everyone will be happy.........except of course if it's your MH/caravan that is now a smouldering pile of ashes but you'll still have your pooch to love and care for.
Whilst I agree one should ensure your dog is safe and comfortable and that it is imperative not to annoy your neighbours on a campsite I wouldn’t go as far as to say that dogs should never be left alone in motorhomes. Most people have to leave their dogs at home alone taking care that they are not exposed to hazards such as a fire so why should we not do the same in the MH? I agree that if it is going to bark or yap like mad in your absence then you should not do it. Most dog owners would be fully aware of how likely they are to behave and should act accordingly. There may be a selfish few that don't consider their neighbours but I wouldn't think they wouldn't get away with leaving a dog that was causing a nuisance and would be warned that they cannot leave it or are no longer welcome by the camp staff. Well exercised, well fed and watered, of the right temperament and not left for too long should ensure that many dogs would not be a pest to anyone and are not caused any distress. Are motorhome fires so prevalent that we need to have your hard and fast rule Roger? Veronica

In regard to the 'bold' above I would agree.  However it is not always the case that the dog is 'of the right temperament' or indeed not left too long.  We have had occasion to notify a few site wardens over the years about dogs left unattended and barking from the moment they realise their owners have gone until they get back which has usually been a number of hours.  The 'common' response when owners get back and are told their dog has been barking from the time they left to when they got back is 'Sorry....he/she is normally so quiet'.  How do they know if they are not around to hear it?

As for prevalence of fires.....I would suggest that it forms part of a whole list of reasons not to leave dogs unattended in caravans/motorhomes for any length of time.  Regardless of the number of or the chances of a fire there are I would hazard a guess that it only takes one.......yours......with the disastrous results of not only a burnt out MH or caravan to contend with but the emotional devastation of losing a loved pet and in such a horrendous way.
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RogerC - 2017-05-03 1:40 PM
Violet1956 - 2017-05-02 11:40 AM
RogerC - 2017-05-01 10:58 PMWhatever the cause it should deliver a valuable lesson to 'all' dog owners.......do NOT leave them in the MH or caravan when you go out.  That resolves two issues:

1:  If your MH or caravan bursts into flames your pooch won't be roasted.

2:  Most pooches don't like to be left alone and bark, yap, howl to the annoyance of people wanting peace and quiet.

Therefore be responsible to your pet and considerate of your fellow site residents and everyone will be happy.........except of course if it's your MH/caravan that is now a smouldering pile of ashes but you'll still have your pooch to love and care for.
Whilst I agree one should ensure your dog is safe and comfortable and that it is imperative not to annoy your neighbours on a campsite I wouldn’t go as far as to say that dogs should never be left alone in motorhomes. Most people have to leave their dogs at home alone taking care that they are not exposed to hazards such as a fire so why should we not do the same in the MH? I agree that if it is going to bark or yap like mad in your absence then you should not do it. Most dog owners would be fully aware of how likely they are to behave and should act accordingly. There may be a selfish few that don't consider their neighbours but I wouldn't think they wouldn't get away with leaving a dog that was causing a nuisance and would be warned that they cannot leave it or are no longer welcome by the camp staff. Well exercised, well fed and watered, of the right temperament and not left for too long should ensure that many dogs would not be a pest to anyone and are not caused any distress. Are motorhome fires so prevalent that we need to have your hard and fast rule Roger? Veronica

In regard to the 'bold' above I would agree.  However it is not always the case that the dog is 'of the right temperament' or indeed not left too long.  We have had occasion to notify a few site wardens over the years about dogs left unattended and barking from the moment they realise their owners have gone until they get back which has usually been a number of hours.  The 'common' response when owners get back and are told their dog has been barking from the time they left to when they got back is 'Sorry....he/she is normally so quiet'.  How do they know if they are not around to hear it?

As for prevalence of fires.....I would suggest that it forms part of a whole list of reasons not to leave dogs unattended in caravans/motorhomes for any length of time.  Regardless of the number of or the chances of a fire there are I would hazard a guess that it only takes one.......yours......with the disastrous results of not only a burnt out MH or caravan to contend with but the emotional devastation of losing a loved pet and in such a horrendous way.
I agree Roger there may be may be owners who are inconsiderate both towards their animals and their neighbours. I suggest that anyone who when told their dog has been barking from the time they left it says that this is out of character is a fibber unless this is the first time they have left it. Most concerned neighbours would have reported this to them before if it was not the first time and they are just being selfish and cruel knowing that this was likely to happen.There are some activities that one simply can't undertake with an animal. Here in the UK dogs are generally not welcome in restaurants, shops and some parts of tourist attractions unless they are an assistance dog. I doubt there are many dog owning motorhomers who don't leave their dogs alone in them for a couple of hours now and then. And yes I would be mortified if my dog died in a fire in my motorhome. I would blame myself not because I had left her but because I hadn't made sure there was no fire hazard. The only info I can find on the prevalence of motorhome fires is from caravanguard. They say they are rare and that only 10 % of those that occur take place when people are on holiday. I was glad I looked though because their advice provided me with a timely reminder of all the precautions that should be taken to guard against them. Haven't had a habitation check since February 2016 and as me and the OH lack the technical knowledge and skills to perform one I think it is overdue. https://www.caravanguard.co.uk/news/how-to-protect-your-motorhome-from-fire-4273/https://www.caravanguard.co.uk/news/fire-risks-when-storing-your-motorhome-5650/Veronica
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I really do think that leaving your pet in your motorhome really depends on the owners knowing their pet very well.

We have a U shaped lounge where the pooch is not allowed (when we are there) She goes everywhere with us and is especially welcome everywhere in France but occasionally when we have had a long day and the pooch has been dashing in and out of the water all day, once fed and watered (and cleaned) she just loves to chill, there always seems to be a very warm patch on the U shaped lounge, even though she is always on her bed when we get back?
I agree with making sure the motorhome is safe but personally I won't be depriving the pooch of her comfy U shaped lounge bed just yet.

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