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Motorhome fire - Burnt Fuseboard


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Earlier this week we replaced a Fuseboard on a Motorhome that we think had been overloaded by the addition of a second battery.

The Fuseboard in the photo is not the one we replaced, that got binned by mistake, but the photo is of a Fuseboard in similar state.


The Fuseboard is not designed to handle the passing of the extra Alternator current to a second battery, resulting in burnt connectors/boards.


A new page has been created on the website to cover why upgrading a battery bank isn't always a good idea on all Motorhomes, see :



Burnt connectors on these Fuseboards is not uncommon, but this is the third really bad one.

Once again may we point out the importance of a good fire extinguisher, especially if any electrical changes have been made?

The CO2 extinguisher used in this case prevented a lot of damage as the Fuseboard sits behind and below the Drivers seat which was badly scorched but nothing else.




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