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Intermittent stalling for no reason


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Hello all- our 2004 Fiat Ducato has started to cut out intermittently whilst on tick over - if you turn the ignition off when this happens and then turn it over again for a few times it will then start and be ok for 100's of miles- someone said it could be battery terminals so we've checked they are ok- ithe fault is annoying more than life changing! But stressful when it happens! Many thanks for any ideas
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...I would add, that if someone is going to scramble about checking an earth strap (*removing it and cleaning both it and where it contacts), I'd recommend that they may as well go armed with a new one..at least you'll know it's been done then...


(...because from previous posts where earth straps have been mentioned, it seems that even ones that appear to be in good condition, can have "broken down" internally...) ?





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Lorraine stated that her vehicle was a 2004 Ducato, i.e an X244 series vehicle, as is our 2006 2.8JTD.


The engine block earthing differs from that in X250 and later series vehicles.


The cable from the battery negative drops to a main earth point below and slightly inboard of the front end of the battery. A flag terminal is attached to the cable at this point. The same cable continues to the bell housing end of a starter motor stud.


The earthing point is visible, and accessible from above using a 13mm socket and extension bars. It is worth checking and if OK applying a small amount of vaseline round the cable ends and between the lug and chassis. (Check and if necessary clean chassis first.)


Has the EMC given any alarms? Given the described symptoms it could be a problem with the ignition switch, but then only at tick over?



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Thanks so much everyone- your thoughts and advice are much appreciated and wel'll certainly explore those possibilities- nothing shows up on the EMC when it cuts out - I'll report back once we've had a few runs out in it and seen how it behaves!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all


We followed the advice kindly given- went to Hampshire on Friday and Saturday and the fault occurred twice - it seems to me it happens as we either slow down for example lights or a roundabout - if you turn the ignition off and leave it for a couple of seco nds , we can restart straight away .


Slightly worried as we have a long trip planned at end of June through Spain -


Any other thoughts gratefully received!


Really appreciate everyone's help so far





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Has the fuel filter been changed recently. Normally recommended every 30k miles.


Also, check for any fuel leakage around the fuel filter. I think the fuel pump on the X244 is of the mechanical lift type so is probably dependent on engine speed. Your problems seem to occur at low engine speed so could possibly be a contributing factor.


At the end of the day it's likely to be either an electrical or fuel supply problem.


Perhaps Nick of Euroserv will be along soon to shed some light on the likely cause :-D

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Fuel pressure not what it should be at low RPM to suit ECU parameters. Either Fuel Rail bypass valve or Injector leak-off too great. Can get hoses to check this by fitting them on the spill pipes and running fuel into small jars. Across the 4 injectors I'm sure you'll notice which one is bypassing too much when viewing the see through jars.
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Probably something very simple, as is intermittent


Not your problem, But last year when in France our van just died as we where driving along. Restarted straight away turning the key on again.! This happened a 2 or three times on that journey, OH then realised that the key was actually coming out of the ignition. As there where a lot of keys on the ring, it was very heavy. We took all the secondary keys off, and did not have the problem again, Was worrying at the time.

but as I said, simple answer!!

Hope you get yours sorted, sad that you are having problems with your first MH, but hopefully will come right in the end. Don't give up!!


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