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Rear overhang damage.

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For the second time i had rear damage last weekend. On the sub chassis bolted on to the main chassis on the rear who carry the main garage floor in a AL-Ko high frame lay out. Entering a festival site from the main road into a farmer grass cheep ground into a down sleep and covered by wooden plates i lost my waste tank drain piping and one plate whipped up to bend the traverse rear alko rail. The entrance was guided by three attendees. But of course they have not a clue what sits under a motor- home Be sure you do And not any manufacturer will provide you a picture of under body and ground clearance dimensions of the different under body parts. You have to find out yourselves when you hit the under body parts either flexible or stiff.
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Although we never suffered enough damage to warrant having to repair or replace anything, having the rear underside of our MH bottom out or get hit by pivoting track-way sheets, was pretty much a normal occurrence when entering & exiting festival sites... :-S


Although our last proper MH(Chausson Allegro on a Renault) was quite low and had a 4mtr wheel base, the fact it only had a short overhang and a flush-fitting "shutter" type drain tap, *was in it's favour..

(*however, the fact it was 3850kg gross and front wheel drive, was not... :-S )



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