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Poor pressure on Smev Grill

John Th

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Since purchasing our motorhome new in 2004 we have always been very disappointed with the poor pressure of the smev grill, the food, mainly meats took forever and a day to cook properly

We were told by the dealer that all the pressures were tested and is what we have to expect from that type of grill.

Now that we are using our m/home more and doing more cooking we would want to try to get this problem sorted, we find we have to raise the grill pan higher to get even a slightly better result, only about a third of the grill element gets red hot.

the grill in our old motorhome was far better and cooked food perfectly.


Any help please would be very welcome.

John Th.

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Many thanks H.

I have just been reading on another site where a frustrated owner drilled out a jet and got better results, bit to extreme for me but as you say, I think it has to be down the jet line first.

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Don't mess around drilling out jets. They are a prescribed size for the particular application to give the correct air/gas mixture for the flame to burn efficiently without giving off deadly fumes.


If you manage to retrieve the jet - blow it out using a compressed air canister (available at computer stores and elsewhere).


Suggest you try and obtain an exploded diagram of the oven showing part numbers. Leisureshopdirect usually has helpful information in this respect.



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