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Motorhomer again!

Tony Jones

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Well done Tony. Hope your new life in retirement is going well. Know it's early days yet Put a Union Flag in the window, then if any of us come your way, we will know it's you It's always a nice surprise to speak to an english man, when you expect a French one, in s frech plated van. We have 2 lot's of friends with vans living in France


PS hope to see more of you on THIS forum again

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry so long replying - been a bit hectic with one thing or another.

Thanks everyone for the good wishes. We're well settled in now, but I suspect some of the locals still see us as the Crazy English Couple!

We've got the van now, but need to get Gaslow or equivalent installed, which we're seeing about next week.


I've gone completely native, after years of Ford fanaticism - our runabout is a battered old Renault Scenic, and our motorhome is (wait for it) a CITROËN! Not an X250 or one of the current "Decepticons" though, it's a 2005 job, but with minimal mileage. I see the link disappeared - probably because the advert was taken down once we'd agreed the deal. I'll try to add a picture.


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I'll have a look what we've got. First floor flats tend not to look exciting though!


Nope, the pics I've got are way over the size limit, and for some reason this computer doesn't seem to have that Microsoft thing that lets you compress them.

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Pauline, there's a coach park just across the road which motorhomerd use freely (in both senses), abd an official Aire a five minute walk away.

Will, yes, we've joined a local French Baptist Church, and I'll preach there once a month when we're in town - but they undersrand we often won't be! Absolutely no admin or management responsibilities.

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