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best way to sell our motorhome


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We've thought long and hard about this and have decided to sell our motorhome and I'm looking for advice from other motorhomers on the best way of selling iit.


We have a 2010 burstner solano in very good condition


Do we take it to a dealer or advertise it privately???

Any advice I very welcome ????

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You have two choices in life.


1. Just get rid of it and accept the dealers offer plus a thousand.


2. Advertise everywhere, take lots of time and haggle with everyone.


If a dealer is interested he may call you and increase his offer.




Not really answered your question has it but those are the basic choices depending whether you just want to move on and take a different interest in the years ahead or enjoy the fun side or a good argument to see if you can win.


I usually choose the first. Money has never been of interest to me, its the research and decision making when first deciding to go in a particular direction. Then when a particular hobby has run its course I turn to something new that takes my fancy.


And ... there's little else left now that hasn't been tried and tested and I miss none of them !

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Almost always a dealer will get a better price for a given motorhome that it will be possible for a private sale to realise, because the dealer offers better facilities and will usually also include a warranty which a private seller will not.  Under modern consumer law a purchase from a dealer provides better assurances for the buyer than buying privately too.  And of course dealers are professional sellers and negotiators and they can offer financial deals too.  So private sellers of large capital items like motorhomes will almost always have to settle for a lower price to attract a buyer.


But it costs dealer capital investment to hold stock and in the case of motorhomes this means quite a lot of capital being tied up - and they may be borrowing this capital and therefore paying interest on it.  So many dealers will sell "on commission" for you.  They agree a target selling price with you and a charge for their services - your motorhome then moves to the dealer's premises and they keep it until it sells, which both you and they hope it will do quickly.


Because dealers get a better price, you should find that an arrangement like this yield at least as much if not more than you could have got selling privately.


Ownership stays with you until you get paid (and you should insist on that) in order to protect you against the deler going bust.  Choose a trustworthy family firm with a good turnover of stock if you can and it probably doesn't matter much how far away from your home the dealer is based.


I can recommend Todds in Lostock Hall near Preston, Lancs as trustworthy.


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Thanks Randonneur and Willi86 I think you're both right.

There's quite a few dealers in our area of the East Midlands that we will contact, and as regards putting it on this site I see that most of the adverts for burstners are from traders but we'll give it a try

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