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Speed Camera POIs - TomTom v Pocketgpsworld

David B

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Hi, I have just purchased a TomTom ONE Europe GPS. TomTom offer Speed Camera POIs for all the countries in the Western Europe map that came with my ONE. I intend to tour France, Spain, Portugal etc. Several contributors to this Forum have recommended Pocketgpsworld.com, which does have some European data. The subscription costs are similar for both.


Does anyone have comparative experience of these or other speed camera databases and any recommendations?


I am also interested in sourcing CC, CLs, C&CC, CSs, and Aires sites as POIs for TomTom ONE. Is there a recommended site for these?


Thanks, David

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For a very modest fee this site will give you access to most countries in Europe http://www.scdb.info/en . Just hold down the CTRL key and pick the countries you want. I've got the files but haven't tried them out abroad yet.

http://tinyurl.com/ycar2x  is definatly worth the modest fee for the UK and is updated on a monthly basis.

http://tinyurl.com/yj9joc  will give you a link and explanation to the French speed cameras etc

http://www.poihandler.com/default.aspx  will also give you access to tons of POIs (including CC, CC-CL, C&CC and C&CC-CS) for FREE and speed cameras etc for a subscription.

Hope this helps?

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Whoops forgot the Aires part of your question.

http://www.eurocampingcar.com/index2.php3?lg=uk&cat_id=0  will give you the info of Aires and http://www.campingcar-infos.com/Francais/aide_anglaise.htm  explains how to navigate the web site works (in English).

You might also want to consider http://www.campingcard.co.uk/  as an alternative to Aires at a very good price.

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I have a recomendation........... dont be a TomTom be a good citizen, have a thought for the others users on all the roads in europe and stay under the speed limits......... I`m sure you think you know best when it come to the right speed, but limits are ther to protect all of us, so dont speed, or maybe you dont break the speed limit? .. but then why would you want a device to warn you of speed cameras ??
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Guest Frank Wilkinson
Chris Swift - 2007-01-07 7:54 PM I have a recomendation........... dont be a TomTom be a good citizen, have a thought for the others users on all the roads in europe and stay under the speed limits......... I`m sure you think you know best when it come to the right speed, but limits are ther to protect all of us, so dont speed, or maybe you dont break the speed limit? .. but then why would you want a device to warn you of speed cameras ??

Right, here we go. I've just about had enough of the likes of St. Christopher here, who never once drift over the speed limit.

If someone starts a thread like this, which is regarding the best type of speed camera detector, or software for it, if you've nothing to contribute, stay away and keep your holier than thou opinions to yourself.

Some of us aren't as perfect as you Mr. Goody Two Shoes. Occasionally, especially when driving in strange places and concentrating on navigating and actually on being a good driver, we occasionally speed. Sometimes we're not certain of the limit because of the proliferation of rapidly-changing signs.

There's one thing worse than drivers who speed and it's those selfish idiots who drive at what they think is 28mph, but because the speedo on their crapmobile is usually 15% over, as many are, they're actually crawling along at about 24mph.

So do us all a favour will you? Stop assuming that self-important morons like you are the only ones who know that it's wrong to speed and let us lesser mortals find a way of protecting ourselves against our own frailties. We're not perfect like you unfortunately.

There, I've got if off my chest and I make no apologies. I'm sick to death of twits like this!

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Frank ,

We all know what you think re this subject ........BIT STRONG? ..................NO?


Could of put it a little kinder ? Speaking to people like this just cause nasty bad feeling's ..Leaves a bad taste for day's ....



Everyones not the same otherwise the world wound'nt go round


;-) This person is a new user you might of put them right off now ?

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
michele - 2007-01-07 9:21 PM Frank , We all know what you think re this subject ........BIT STRONG? ..................NO? Could of put it a little kinder ? Speaking to people like this just cause nasty bad feeling's ..Leaves a bad taste for day's .... Everyones not the same otherwise the world wound'nt go round ;-) This person is a new user you might of put them right off now ?

No Michele, I can't I'm afraid. I'm just fed up with people like this who insult our intelligence and tell us how naughty it is to speed. Do they think that we're children or morons?

There's a lot of this on this site. Someone will post an enquiry about the best kind of satellite receiver and some clever so and so will then chirp in with the comment that you shouldn't be watching televison when you're on holday and how they prefer a good book.

Well bully for them, but what's it got to do with the original post? If they've nothing to contribute they should keep out of it.

I'm annoyed because exactly the same thing happened in an earlier thread. A perfectly sensible discussion about speed camera detectors was hi-jacked by the 'holier than thou' brigade who insisted on telling us what naughty boys we all are for even considering buying such a thing.

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Guest Frank Wilkinson

Yea - you're right really Michelle. I've calmed down a bit now and I've been in a foul mood all day for reasons I won't bore you with.

I promise to be good from now on!

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Chris-Swift ,Your name isn't a 'wind -up' is it ? it certainly got Frank going..

anyway,Tom-tom's actually tell you the Speed limit,and flash red if you go over by more than 5or6 mph, even when going 'Swiftly' a very useful tool.

POI 's for speed cameras useful as well, However the ones that catch most people are the mobile Van laser ones. no database can give you those (for certain). Don't drive so Swiftly just Wisely. :D

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Got my Tomtom one GB, for christmas,i have done some minor tinkering, with prefererances but the speed flashing red happened automatically ( i think) i have tried downloading POI 's from websites quoted on this forum (cc sites,supermarkets,motorhome parking etc., without much luck though).

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Ray ,

What's the problem with the down loads.>? :-(


Carioca, Sod off stop stiring things people are supposed to get on act like adults friendly forum . If you have nothing nice to say ... Then don't bother

If Frank didn't want to apologise believe you me he would'nt of .


But he did so there don't stir it up again .

If the shoes was on the other foot and it was your first posting you wouldn't of been so brave then (^)

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Rayjsj - 2007-01-09 9:59 PM Roy, Got my Tomtom one GB, for christmas,i have done some minor tinkering, with prefererances but the speed flashing red happened automatically ( i think) i have tried downloading POI 's from websites quoted on this forum (cc sites,supermarkets,motorhome parking etc., without much luck though).

You may find it beneficial to vote in my poll?

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michele what right have you got to tell anybody to "sod off" the idea of a forum is free speech is it not? if i agree with somebodys point of view what is wrong with that prehaps you shouldnt be so judgemental in future in accusing people of "stiring things up"
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I don't think it's acceptable to be told to "sod off" on a so called adult, friendly forum either. I'm surprised no one else has noticed this or have even bothered to comment on it let alone, defend your right to voice your opinion.



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michele - 2007-01-10 1:02 AM

If Frank didn't want to apologise believe you me he would'nt of .


But he did so there don't stir it up again .



I think you'll actually find that Frank didn't apologise, he just agreed with you Michele and said he'd be good - it would be nice if he actually apologised to Chris Swift who was the target for his comments in the first place.8-)


IMHO: We all have our opinions and are all entitled to them, however, I would prefer, and I'm sure others would also, if they were aired bearing in mind the effect they may have on others so that they are not taken as personal insults or just being offensive for the sake of it - have your say but please try to keep it civil. *-)


We are supposed to be a friendly lot on here, lets show the new-comers that we indeed deserve the compliment. >:-(

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michele - 2007-01-10 1:02 AM


Ray ,

What's the problem with the down loads.>? :-(



Managed to sort it out now (shows i've got time on my hands,wet and very windy outside) Waytogo was helpful with his Site Links.

What a great site, good information,friendly chat PLUS Gladitorial Combat !

Still say Roll on Summer Though ! Up to the Western Isles this year as the main break,with a Cal-Mac 'Hopscotch' when is the best time to avoid the worst of the midges ? i'm OK (they bite me and Die) but my Missus

comes out in large lumps and Bumps. I'm thinking on early June ? it's no good asking the Scottish Tourist Board,they just deny they exist.


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