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Eye bolt anchor clamps in the rear garage.

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I have four of them running thru alu rails over the full with of the garage. The eyes are 8 mm thick.. I span elastic spanners between them and put luggage underneath. Be sure the clamp is fastened very tight because they can be easely unscrewed by the elastic tension hook. Than they can come out of the rail and act like a bullet and can hit your head or eyes whit very severe consequences like loosing your eye. be very carefull whit these bolts and check twice if you put tension on them. It happens last weekend. and i will spare you the details.
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Anything involving strong elastic ‘straps’ carries the potential for a serious accident. For example




It’s certainly worth keeping the straps danger in mind, though I’ve had accidents where I’ve been well aware of potential risks, reminded myself of those risks and still had the accident that I’d reminded myself to take care to avoid.

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