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An Autotrail Safari Room

The Doc 57

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Hello again,


Recently purchased an Autotrail Mohican which came with a safari room....with no instructions why would it have them!!!!! and lots of poles that bear no resemblance to any of the "safari room erection" video guides available on line. The unit came from Towsure and thay have informed me that the company that supplied them has gone out of business and they have no instructions....so before I spend a day (or so) in a field swearing and jumping around (no more hair to tear out ) trying to work out what goes where and in which order, I thought I would ask the Forum if anyone has instructions for such a pretty basic safari room.


Many Thanks


Micky T

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We have the Fiammi Safari room. Ours attaches to the awning, which has zip sides to it. Does not take long to erect!

Perhaps you could layout all the bits on the lawn and try to work out where every thing goes?

Failing that, maybe some one withe knowledge of erecting tents , may have a clue?


The poles on ours, go at the side closest to the van, if that helps.(4 sections make up two poles )



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