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Heki 3 on the roof.

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When turning on the handle which can make 360 turns a crack happened in the handle when opening. At that point it requires the most torque. Next tuesday i am heading to the the UK That. handle is fixed by a small screw, what happens if it comes off. Can i still close it in some way? Have had a look of the explode diagram of heki 3 but not sure what to do. Any tricks welcome.
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You maybe ok but Heki roof lights (in my opinion) are notoriously flimsy and easily damaged. Mine is a Heki 2 and got damaged from road works in Lithuania. Two of the three hinges have snapped so the vent was only being held in place by one hinge and the internal fasteners.I was relieved the damn thing didn't fly off as during my travels i met a couple from Nederland who had exactly that happen on their van only a few weeks ago which was not a pleasant experience.


Plenty of places here who will repair it for you......but it won't be cheap unless it's only a screw.

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