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Kampa Limpet Fix System ......anybody?


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HI; I'm looking to use the above kit on my existing awning.

I imagine that it's some sort of suction/vacuum system similar to the sort of thing that one would use to attach a satnav to the windscreen; is that right? Does it work reliably more than once?


Alan b

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There are a couple of threads on the caravanclub.co.uk site.


If you go to the site, find a tab marked "Discussions" and open, there is a search box enter "limpets" and it will show a couple of threads.


General comment seems to be limpets may cause damage to aluminium sides, graphics and gel coats if over tighten. That seems obvious !!!


However, it does seem there is no way of determining the right amount of twist (knob on top) to amount of holding power needed, you keep twisting until the side has a small raised dent, or the knob breaks off.


i think its "pays yer money, and take a chance"



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Thanks Tony I'll have a look: our panelvan's pretty hard wearing!

They just might enable me to get rid of the poles that don't follow the curvature of the van (because they're intended for a caravan or a coach built).

If I can get rid of the webbing straps I'll have solved the problems and saved £500+ !


Alan b

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In my experience, trying to attach a skirt to lower part of van,


Absolutely useless. Twisted it too far, and bolt mechanism sheared. Alledged vacuum seal didnt last more than 30 seconds, even on cleaned surface..


Proper screws and press studs would be more successful. If at all possibe, but needs more than ali skin to screw into, and proper mastic sealing to prevent damp. Not a good idea , nothing for screw to bite into on my van, so skirt abandoned, in favour of cut down windbreak.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been out on my drive , on my own and got awning up in about 90mins, including attaching "limpets, making holes etc"

I'll post some photo's later

I'm impressed so far, but if they all unstick during the period that I'm watching Belgian GP quali' I'll not be very impressed


Alan b

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cleddytanhouse - 2017-08-26 4:57 PM


I fitted them to my Kampa Air Ace awning get a couple of weeks ago. You do need to use the kampa hole punch, which at £10 works out at £1.25 per hole!!!!

However, they are a really good addition and work well, without having to tighten too hard.

I can recommend them.

Hi Chris, I had an eyelet punch that I thought was worth a try, and it worked!

I've been out and made some adjustments, including removing the foam rubber from inside the buffer strips, which gives lots more material in which to make holes, and makes it possible to accommodate the curvature of the van sides.

I bought the awning on ebay, so when I've finished with it it will go in a skip.

Ideally I'll find a slightly smaller replacement , and any modifications I make will teach me what to look out for in a replacement.

It's all good fun, as long as it doesn't rain!o


Alan b

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I bought some they would not stick on clean aluminum sides or abs plastic the only thing they would stick to was the conservatory windows, so I sent them back for a refund, and bought some cheap suckers at a show that are designed to push through eyelets they did stick to the Aluminum and the abs.

Limpets just do not work as advertised.

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Hi Steve,

Well it's clearly a case of horses for courses.

Mine have been attached now for 36 hours, so I'm impressed. I think that as it's a panelvan it is significant, a good solid painted surface.

I'd be interested to know what make the suckers are?


Alan b

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As I mentioned above, mine worked first time on my Autotrail Tracker.

I did however, lick my finger and run it round the edge of the sucker, before attaching to the side of the MH.

They stayed in place for several days, before I had to detach, which again was easy.

I suspect that over tightening may either break the limpet, or, damage the MH panel.

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