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Le Village du Lac Bordeaux


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We have stayed at the above on a few occasions, as is convenient stop over , to/from Spain.


Having just spent some time marking sites open in October in France, in the ACSI book, for our proposed trip back from Spain in October . I could not find the above site listed. Looked on google , at there site, and I cannot see that they are still taking campers/tents now. It appears to have gone over to mobile homes entirely. Does any one know if they are still open for tourers? it is/was handy for the M way, (though we did once spend over 1 hour trying to get there, on M Way. Was as bad as the M25!!)


P Jay

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We have also stayed on this site in the winter. Last January they were spending money renovating various parts of the site and making a better motorhome service point.

The website is fully active at:



Looks to me like it is still offer camping pitches.


Why not drop them an email enquiry?



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It doesn't show on my ACSI app or in the 2017 book.


The website seems to still indicate that camping is available. 42 euro for 2 nights on their booking system. Expect you can still stop for one night if you just turn up unannounced.

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Thanks Matrix. The google site I got was a different one to yours!

Looks Ok still then.

Does not appear in the ACSI book now,. Was not cheap before, as they had a shorter period on ACSI


Some nice looking new sites near by,which will be open in October

From The ACSI book, I see several more French sites open well in to October and beyond.

Looks like they have finally caught on that they can get bookings later!! OIR the increased cost of living in France.

Thanks again Guys for your replies

We don't book sites, just take a chance, as we do not have set itinerary when travelling . Just go where the mood takes us! That's what MH travel is all about, IMO


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Robbo - 2017-08-20 11:12 PM


It doesn't show on my ACSI app or in the 2017 book.


The website seems to still indicate that camping is available. 42 euro for 2 nights on their booking system. Expect you can still stop for one night if you just turn up unannounced.


That's strange. Since this post, I've updated my ACSI App in case I was looking at an older version and I can still see it there. Is it me?

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crocs - 2017-08-21 10:49 AM


Robbo - 2017-08-20 11:12 PM


It doesn't show on my ACSI app or in the 2017 book.


The website seems to still indicate that camping is available. 42 euro for 2 nights on their booking system. Expect you can still stop for one night if you just turn up unannounced.


That's strange. Since this post, I've updated my ACSI App in case I was looking at an older version and I can still see it there. Is it me?


Robert it's not in 2017 book. Maybe an " approved sites " but no longer in the ACSI scheme. i thought the apps where no longer available? So what date is your update? No sure it's worth 42 euros, as we would only want 1 night. As I said previously, it can be a pain on M way to get to anyway, in rush hour!

Last time we where there 2015, there was a Mh parked outside in a car park. Not sure if it was maybe staff , they where doing a lot of upgrades then, so not surprised it no longer ACSI, as they always seem to get plenty of tourers anyway.

P Jay

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My App has a validity until May 2018 and I updated it this morning. But, I'm just wondering if we are referring to the same App. There are two, one which holds c8500 campsites in Europe and one which holds half that number but which all allow ACSI discounts.


I've got the former, so this site may well not offer discounts (and I agree it's expensive!).

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On the The Village du Lac website they don't show the cost of a camping pitch ( in the main pages). So, I went into the booking section and that's where I got the 42euro total cost for 2 nights. They don't appear to do a single night if you use the booking service - too much hastle for them I suppose.


We have always just turn up on spec in previous years and got a pitch. The last time we visited in 2016 they weren't on ACSI but showed our ACSI card and got a small discount, but the single night fee was around 25euro, if I remember correctly. However, they are probably still on the ACSI (non discount) recommended campsite listings.

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Another couple of points about this site from our experience:

1. The roads in the area have been altered to accommodate the sparkling new conference centre - amazing building

2. The restaurant is open all year but we found the menu very regional and not to our taste - so it's pizza and chips in the van next winter :-D


Oh yes and the pitches can get quite muddy when it's wet.


We'll be there in January 2018.



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